After a short intermission, players from both sides took the stage again.

Zeyuan: "Come on! T1 has come to the edge of the cliff and it's time to give it a go. They have lost nine games in a row against KT in the past two years! If they lose this game, they will lose ten games in a row. Let's see what's next Can you sound the clarion call for a counterattack?"

Wan Wan is very straightforward: "I think it is more likely to be carried away 3-0."

Zeyuan didn't hold back, and the laughter that burst out of his nose almost turned into a pig's cry.

"Ha ha!Wan Wan is really not afraid of being washed away, Tan Zaza is getting angry right now"

"Everyone in the commentary booth plays yin and yang, only Wanwan Steel Straight Girl"

"Wan Wan she really, I cried to death!" "

"The colonel can't hold back his wild laughter, and the identity of Kehei who has been hidden for many years is about to be exposed"

"After all, it is because of Feike Crown that it is so miserable. It is normal for the colonel not to like T1"

"Don't be embarrassing!The colonel still respects Feike, as long as the commentary does not involve GEN·G, it is very fair"

BP has already started, and T1 chose the blue side in this round.

Having been beaten on the red side twice in a row and being helpless to fight back, even if it is a change of feng shui, it is time to choose the blue side.

The top three BAN players in this round of T1 were given to Daomei, Qinggangying, and Jess respectively.

KT here is to press the blind monk, the card, and the crocodile.

The blue side grabs Seti.

Zeyuan: "It's still here! Brother Li is one of the most used heroes in the mid-lane fighters, but Sett is not necessarily a hit in this round."

Wan Wan: "This hero is mainly popular because of its three-way swing. T1 can watch a few moves first before deciding on Sett's split line."

The first two hands of the red square KT locked the female tank + czar.

On the second and third floors of T1, Yasuo + Haoyue's strong mid-field combination appeared.

The barrage has become lively.

T1 fans were already wailing when they first saw Sett.

Don't mention it to Li Geser!This hero is poisonous.

Now Yasuo Haoyue locks, T1 fans are still not happy.

The good news is that Faker does not play Sett.

The bad news is that Faker rewarded his teammates with a Yasuo.

In fact, Faker's Yasuo proficiency is not bad, but it is obviously not as good as his traditional mage.

Zeyuan: "It can be seen that T1 is still actively trying! They have never used Yasuo + Haoyue this season, and they still want to play the rhythm of the middle and wild."

Wanwan: "But the upper middle field is too short to hit the back. It is very difficult for Yasuo and Haoyue after the sixth level. I think it is still a bit difficult to break through KT from the upper half."

Seeing that the opponent showed a strong midfielder, KT decisively locked Olaf on the third floor.

Not only can Olaf chase the bright moon in the wild, but Ragnarok also prevents the combo of Yasuo + bright moon from taking effect.

In the second round, both BAN players chose to target the bottom lane.

The blue side T1 chooses BAN to drop Calista + Verus.

KT here is even BAN Thresh + Titan.

Start picking.

The red square grabbed EZ first on the fourth floor, obviously preparing to have a head-to-head confrontation with T1 in the upper half.

T1 took out the Xialuo duo.

The blue Fang Seti had made it clear that he was going up, and it all depended on what Lin Cheng would use to hit him in the end.

Emerald God suddenly appeared on the fifth floor of the red square.

There was an uproar.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Can't it? It won't be so outrageous that Ion will take the order?"

Wanwan: "Ivon's top laner is actually not weak, it's a bit similar to Karma, but Carry's ability is not strong, so this should just be a bright spot?"

Lin Cheng smiled in the camera, explaining something to his teammates.

The assistant was also laughing.

Finally, at the end of the time, the fifth floor of the red square replaced Cui Shen with Kenan and locked it.

The KT fans off the field sighed regretfully.

They really wanted to see Lin Cheng take the top lane of the Emerald God.

If Emerald God kills T1 violently in the top lane, then there is no need to say more about the gold content?

"Depend on!I was taken aback, I really thought Ivern was on the order"

"Why are these 78 heroes on the order?Evert is clearly teasing Brother Orange"

"Others dare not say it, Brother Chengzi definitely dares to take Ion on"

"Cold knowledge, he played Ivon top laner in RANK"

"Has Nobody Discovered Huadian?"Long hands beat short hands, Connor will go to jail"

Both teams are confirmed.

The blue square T1.

Top: Canna (Wrister, Sett)

Jungle: Oner (Goddess of the Bright Moon, Diana)
Mid lane: Faker (Winning Swordsman, Yasuo)

Bottom lane: Gumayusi (Ni Yu, Xia)

Support: Keria (Huan Ling, Luo)
Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Rageheart, Kennen)

Jungle: Peanut (Berserker, Olaf)

Mid lane: Chovy (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bot Lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)
Support: Effort (Dawn Goddess, Leona)
This T1 lineup is a bit of a struggle, and the tempo is obviously too slow for all face-to-face, while KT's side is relatively solid and has long hands.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng went straight to the triangle grass station on the top road.

The ultra-powerful Tsar stood in the grass behind his own blue BUFF to provide a view of the river, and the people of T1 suddenly huddled together and came out from the grass in the middle against the wall.

Seeing the enemy's figure, Chaowei turned around and retreated.

The blue square ornament eyes inserted into the grass, Luo W made a grand debut and shot.

Chaowei flashed decisively, temporarily not knowing how many people were behind, for fear that he would be detained.

In this way, the czar lost a flash in just 40 seconds at the beginning.

Zeyuan: "Hey! This flash fell too early, will it be a foreshadowing?"

Wanwan: "However, Yasuo and Haoyue didn't cooperate well in the early stage. They flashed early and CD early, and Tsar's Flash also turned better when it was almost level six."

Taking advantage of the opponent's capture of Tsar's Flash in the middle, Lin Cheng's Kenan went straight into the blue side's Ueno area, and placed a trinket ward outside the blue buff pit.

This eye just caught the movement of Haoyue Lankai, and Lin Cheng began to put pressure on Seti at the first level.

Serti's hands are too short, and facing Kenan online is basically beaten.

Unless Lin Cheng made a mistake and took the initiative to give Serti E the distance to start his hand, it would be difficult for the opponent to touch him.

Oner obviously knew that he couldn't catch it on the top road. After clearing the three wilds in the first half, he ran to the middle road and tried to attack the czar who hadn't flashed.

It's a pity that the Tsar just got promoted to the third grade, and he turned his head and drifted to easily avoid the bright moon.

GANK failed, and Haoyue wanted to turn around and control the river crab.

After all, Kenan was not too quick to clear the line on the road, so Seti took the initiative to sell a wave of W skills to withstand the line of soldiers, so that his teammates could fight with peace of mind.

Haoyue didn't have the means to break the shield, and Oner first handed over the punishment to He Xie.

It's better to come early than coincidentally, Olaf from Little Peanut happened to brush up, and the exposed punishment easily took the remaining blood crab.

Faker's Yasuo has already caught up, but these two have no ability to keep people at all, and can only watch Olaf run up the river.

On the road, Serti pushed a wave of lines and was chased by Kenan for a mess. At this time, only one-third of his health was on drugs, and he didn't dare to come out to help his teammates stop others.

Because GANK in the middle road wasted time shopping, and the river crab was robbed, at this time, Haoyue was already 12 dollars behind in the matchup.

Zeyuan: "Oh! The crab that reached the mouth was eaten! Just after opening the crab shell, someone came over and sucked the crab roe. Oner, this is too miserable!"

"And after Jiaoyue lost the river crab, the number of wilds began to lag behind obviously. 16 knives vs. 28 knives, the gap between the jungler and the jungler came out again."

Wan Wan: "Just because the Tsar lost Shining Moon at the first level and thought too much, wasting time ganking in the middle lane to make myself hurt the rhythm of the jungle."

"The key is that Brother Cheng's vision knows the spawn time of the wild monsters in the upper half of T1. What if Peanut comes up to invade later? Sett can't defend the wild area at all like this."

"And the most frightening thing is that even if the Ueno area is reversed, Bright Moon must go down there. How dare Sett take the lane? At this time, the pure laning Seti has been suppressed by more than ten knives. Once Olaf invades Seti It will only make it worse."

Wan Wan directly asserted: "As long as Olaf chooses to go up in the second wave of going out, Canna will definitely be completely blown up by Brother Orange! No matter whether he dies or not, his development will definitely rot."

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