This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1387 Massacre!Hard to see in the future

Lin Cheng was pulled down in the face of the limit of the five-person siege, which made the DK people dizzy. In the player's camera, the faces of the five DK brothers were uglier than each other.


Siba!Siba! "

Brother Khan covered his face with his hands and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and finally couldn't help but swear.

The one next to him, like Xiao Shou, shrank his neck and did not speak, honest and pitiful.

Xu Xiu collapsed on the chair, his eyes were dull, and his demeanor was exactly the same as when Lin Cheng broke down in the finals last year.

This is five catch one!
As long as their first wave of control is given, Qinggangying will be cold.

As a result, Qinggangying turned around and pulled the show in various positions. After emptying a lot of key skills, DK's second wave of control was already insufficient for follow-up damage. The support of KT teammates allowed Qinggangying to finally complete the escape show. .

Don't worry, the annual highlights are up.

They are the background boards again.


"Ah~~~ Don't you want to win even once? Can't you just win once?"

Brother Khan wailed in frustration, "The brat on the opposite side is too much! I really want to retire with regrets, and the hope of the World Championship feels even slimmer."

Hearing Brother Khan's words, Xu Xiu straightened his head and sighed:
"Brother Donghe, cheer up! The game is still going on, just try your best. After all, failure is always the melody throughout life."

"But I'm just so angry! That little brat Lin Cheng has been ruthless again and again. I'm really angry! Ah~~~ But I'm even more angry that I can't beat him."

"I can't beat it, what can I do?"

The topic was a little dignified, and Xu Xiu made a joke: "Do you want to ask Lin Cheng out next time, and Brother Donghe beat him offline?"

The Ghost Emperor immediately retorted: "But Lin Cheng's physical fitness is very good. I think there is a high probability that Brother Donghe will be beaten into the hospital."

"Ha ha!"

Brother Khan refused to accept: "Yeah! Is it funny? Wait for me to go to the army to train for two years, and then come out and fight with that little brat of Lin Cheng."

I have to say that the atmosphere in the DK team is still good. Just now, I looked like a gloomy cloud, but in a blink of an eye, I became relaxed because of the little jokes of the players.

Of course, the atmosphere is relaxed and relaxed, and the beatings that should be taken are still not less.

Lin Cheng took four more kills in this wave, and went straight back to take out the greedy hydra plus a storm sword.

In the early 14 minutes, two and a half pieces of Qingsteel Shadow were already gone, and Gwen had not even produced the canyon maker. Brother Khan almost burst into tears when he saw the equipment panel.

Who dares to watch this green steel shadow?

After Lin Cheng took out his strategic weapons, he went out and rushed to the lower half to help his teammates take down the first tower in the bottom lane, and then went back to deal with the top lane troops pushed by Gwen.

Brother Hanzi honestly shrank to the back of the second tower and waited for the troops to come over.

Lin Cheng's discipline is very strong. In this situation, he does not pretend to have a bounty of 1000 yuan. After Qinggang Yingqing finishes the line, he frequently wanders in the wild area to put pressure on him.

Beryl's female tank originally wanted to follow the blind monk to do the vision of the upper half, but Lin Cheng grabbed the position of the two and kicked him with his E skill.

The blind monk kicked away the blue steel shadow, and wanted to run with his assistant.

But Ashe's magic crystal arrow kept the female tank at a distance, and the output of Qinggang Ying was incomprehensible. The second-stage AQ with real damage directly kicked the female tank halfway.

Lin Cheng added another kill.

In this way, the existence of Lin Cheng made the red side completely afraid to enter the upper half of the jungle, DK could only choose to bypass Qinggangying and focus on the lower half of the field of vision.

Lin Cheng returned to the line and began to give Gwen strength.

Another wave of troops came, this time Qinggangying followed into the tower.

Gwen, who was under the second tower, quickly backed away.

Lin Cheng's lead is too big, as long as he is sure that there are not too many people in the upper half of his opponent, he can talk about it at will.

Brother Hanzi watched helplessly from behind as his second tower on the road lost his blood, and he didn't dare to guard it alone.

DK really can't deal with Qinggang Ying now. If there are too few people, they can't fight, and if they come too much, they can't catch it.

The red side can only choose to let go of the second tower on the road.

However, the second tower on the road was broken, and the activity space of Qinggangying was further expanded.

Lin Cheng sent the line of troops to the high ground and turned to put pressure on the middle lane, and went around from the side of the high ground to scare the ghost emperor away.

The second tower of DK itself was bumped by a generation of pioneers. Lin Cheng switched lanes and cooperated with Mr. Dai to easily remove the second tower.

There is only one outer tower left on the red side.

It is still a good line transfer operation. After the middle road grabbed the line, all KT members were transferred from the wild area.

Although DK has the vision of the lower jungle area, they don't dare to attack from the jungle area when there are few people, and can only try to defend frontally.

But KT has a way to open a group remotely.

Ashe's big move CD was very fast, the magic crystal arrow hit the Japanese girl behind the tower, and KT decisively rushed to the tower under the leadership of the troll.

After paying the heads of the blind monk and the female tank, DK double C retreated in a hurry.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying got a double kill again,

At 18 and a half minutes, all the outer towers of the red side fell.

At this time, the second generation Pioneer is still alive.

Originally, I planned to use Pioneer fishing to lead the opponent out to fight. Since the opponent couldn't shrink the little peanut, I simply raised Pioneer. Anyway, this kind of advantage KT doesn't really need Pioneer to take the outer tower.

Soon, the third dragon was also accepted by KT.

The neglected second-generation Pioneer is about to return to the void, and Little Peanut finally remembered that he ate the Eye of the Pioneer at the last moment.

The KT lineup was not ready to force Dalong either. They started a one-three-one-point lead. After running a wave of soldiers, their teammates gathered in the bottom lane to release the vanguard and grind the high ground. Lin Cheng's Qinggangying led the top lane in advance. on the high ground.

The teammates attracted enough attention. Seeing that the bot lane pioneer twisted his butt and started to charge his head, AQ touched the highland tower, and Lin Cheng suddenly kicked Gwen behind the tower with his E skill.

Gwen's E is actually very good at hiding the second stage E of the blue steel shadow, but the green steel shadow sticking to the wall E is very concealed, even if Brother Khan subconsciously handed the E back, he was kicked and stunned in place.

The second-stage AQ with true damage and the effect of the curse blade kicked down, and Gwen's blood volume was suddenly kicked out by nearly two-thirds.

The equipment was crushed so hard that Brother Khan's big move to get up couldn't recover his HP at all. Gwen was chased by Qinggang Ying and quickly kicked to death without flashing.

Lin Cheng's attack was too sudden, DK's teammates' attention was attracted by Pioneer, and the one who didn't pay attention was killed again.

As the vanguard hit the tower, the bottom KT players also launched an attack.

Ashe's big move first shot at Ryze.

Xu Xiu reacted very quickly, and the one unlucky Ryze flashed was EZ behind.

The ghost emperor was set in place.

Braum flashed to the big.

The card throws a yellow card.

The economic gap is too big. Even if the KT brothers are not good at output, they still lose their little yellow hair easily.

The remnants of the red party fled in a panic.

But Lin Cheng's Qing Gang Ying had already approached.

Lin Cheng improperly used the opponent's incisor tower as a springboard, E flashed WE into the field from a long distance, and his big move covered Ryze behind.

Qinggang Shadow's Hex ultimatum not only left Ryze, but also bounced the blind monk in front of Ryze to his teammates.

DK was crushed and destroyed.

Lin Cheng took two more heads, and he didn't even lose the resurrection armor this time around.

After breaking the high ground just now, Pioneer was conscientiously dismantling the crystal, just in time to destroy the opponent KT and took the Pioneer to remove two front teeth in a row.

Brother Khan didn't come out after he was resurrected, and lay flat in the spring.

Zeyuan: "That's it! We want to congratulate KT for the first game, a complete crush... Hey! It's too much! Is this going to be a spring?"

The five KT people have already blocked the gate of the spring, and they seem to be ready to charge Gwen in the spring.

"Let's stay on the line! Brother Chengzi, you have already killed 19 people! Stop it!"

"Brother Khan is already very miserable, are you not planning to see you again in the future?"

"Oh~~~ Khan will retire next year, that's fine!"

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