This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1388 Join if you can't beat it?

In the end, Brother Khan in the spring was killed by Lin Cheng again.

Qinggangying got 20 kills.

In order to get to this point with K, Lin Cheng saved a real injury of [-]nd Q in the opponent's main base with AQ ahead of time. Brother Khan got the yellow card to be fixed, and he was kicked to death by Qinggang Ying who rushed in with E skill without any response.

In fact, Brother Khan didn't want to die.

He had already bought a stopwatch on him.

It's a pity that Qinggang Shadow's damage is too high, and he can't even open the watch with more than half of his blood.

When Gwen was killed, the troll was also killed by the spring, and the ice standing outside exploded the enemy's remnant blood base with his backhand.

Zeyuan: "Despair! Brother Khan didn't want to die. He even sold the canyon maker to buy a stopwatch, but the watch never got a chance to open."

I remember: "Actually, it's my fault that Brother Chengzi is too ruthless to destroy Gwen's economy. If the economy allows, Brother Hanzi can also play the operation of resurrecting the armor and changing the inscription knife like Xiao Lu Bu, who was killed by the Spring Water Five, but he changed the equipment Even if he sells it, he can't afford the resurrection armor, and the economy doesn't allow him to play like this."

Zeyuan: "It still won't work! Qing Gang Ying BAN, this Qing Gang Ying killed 22 in 20 minutes. It really doesn't make sense for the subordinate to not BAN. Brother Chengzi's signboard must be respected."

After a pause, Zeyuan continued: "If I remember correctly, 20 kills in a single game have already set the record for the highest single-game kill in the four major divisions this year. DK never thought of letting him go during the BP before the game. something come out"

"Turtle!Is this Brother Orange's signature blue steel shadow? 》

"Arema!Is this hitting a man machine? 》

"report!Someone fried fish at the game

"I like to play blue steel shadows!Next, I suggest DK to release the sword girl too"

"hateful!Still not working? 》

"Khan is really miserable, inexplicably a little distressed, 23333"

"Brother Khan's dreams at night are all the flying kicks of Qinggang Ying"

"The second half of my life, Brother Khan, I am afraid that I will often wake up from my dreams (dog head)"

A massacre ignited the enthusiasm of KT fans at the scene. Lin Cheng took off his headphones and was slightly shocked by the tsunami in the stadium with nearly [-] people.

As the creator of the last bloody massacre, Lin Cheng was naturally the focus of the audience.

Lin Cheng followed his teammates to get up and left the game booth, and he did not forget to show the heart-shaped pattern drawn with a signature pen on the back of his hand towards the camera again.

He smiled brilliantly.

Han Shuyan in the audience also laughed, she smiled very subtly and tenderly.

Back in the lounge, Kang Dongxun praised the performance of his disciples on the field.

KT's lineup in the last game is really hard to win if they can't get up to the rhythm.

Cards and Frost's double-C teamfight output ability is very poor. Yesuke's two toolmen, even Qinggangying is not the kind of sword demon that can create a lot of AOE in teamfights.

The reason why we can win so easily is because the team's early rhythm is too good.

Not only Lin Cheng played perfectly, but also his teammates performed very well. Kang Dongxun is very satisfied with the current state of the team.

"Lin Cheng, why are you so awkward today?"

Although Little Peanut said before the game that he wanted to be a dog for Lin Cheng, he didn't expect Lin Cheng to be in such a good state today.

"I said I can, Han Wanghao, just follow me and do the right thing at the right time."

Lin Cheng patted Little Peanut on the shoulder, deliberately using the words to accentuate the 'right thing'.

It's mainly a lesson from the past, and Little Peanut has done a lot of wrong things at the right time.

For example, before blindly kidnapping Lin Chengyueta to send double BUFF to the other party's top order.

Peanut butter is just like that, and it's crazy.

Even though he and Lin Cheng are now called the strongest Ueno in the world, Lin Cheng always has to beware of his sudden start.

Of course, if you want to say the real bully jungler, it has to be Mr. Ming Kai, the idol of Little Peanut.

In the game that created 4396 stalks, the factory manager perfectly deduced what it means to do the wrong thing at the right time, and played the most cerebral hemorrhage operation at the perfect time.

Little Peanut couldn't hear the outside voice in Lin Cheng's tone, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Go ahead and continue C! Let's win the game 3:0."

"Come on! Get off work at 3:0."

The KT lounge has a peaceful atmosphere, while the DK lounge has a more solemn atmosphere.

After Danny was kicked out by T1, he rejoined the DK coaching staff. Today, the horse is still under the supervision of DK, but the tactical arrangement in the team is still dominated by Danny.

Although he got the liquidated damages from T1, but seeing that the T1 summer game that kicked him out has a new look, Danny naturally wants to re-prove himself in DK and make those mocking T1 fans regret it.

Danny seized the time to conduct inter-court review. In addition to the inexplicable personnel rotation in T1, he was indeed a coach with strong tactical layout ability.

Even though it seems that T1 took off after kicking Danny this year, in fact, T1's tactical thinking is still the same as Danny's. The only thing the new coaching staff does better than Danny is the relationship within the team.

"We switch to the blue side in the next game, BP side..."

Danny quickly said his pre-set tactical ideas in the last sentence, but Kuma was a little hesitant to say anything.

The faces of the players are not good-looking, he feels that at this time, it is more necessary to appease the emotions of the players than tactics.

But since he has decided to delegate power to the tactical arrangement, it is not easy for him to interject at this time.

Seeing Danny ignoring the team's emotions and arranging tactics for himself, Kuma sighed silently.

He has always believed that players and coaches achieve each other, just like SKT in the past, and KT now.

After a short break, the second game began.

This time, the DK switch to the blue side will be BAN first.

Interestingly, DK gave Daomei, Crocodile and Gwen the first three BAN positions on the blue side.

They still released the blue steel shadow.

The commentator called DK crazy.

The audience cheered again.

No!The coach opposite is our undercover agent?

Zeyuan: "Tie Tie! Let's just open the game, right? Coach Danny may think that the last Qinggang Shadow killing was not a problem with his lineup, but that the players did not play well. Are you going to try it again with Qinggang Shadow? "

Remember: "Could it be that Coach Danny has prepared some special tricks for Qinggangying? But don't prepare! Brother Chengzi specializes in bells and whistles."

The first three bans of the red side KT were given to Xin Zhao, Jiaoyue and Blind Monk.

Begin to select people, the blue square locks the blue steel shadow on the first floor in seconds.

In the camera, Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile.

Zeyuan: "The misunderstanding is cleared up, DK has already planned to snatch it when they release Qinggangying, but if you can't beat it, join it, right?"

"But is this choice really good? I really can't think of anyone other than Brother Chengzi who would rob Qinggangying on the first floor of the blue square."

"Look! Brother Chengzi laughed. The last one who grabbed Brother Chengzi, Qinggangying, was already cold, so why bother to tease him?"

"Brother Chengzi will smile brightly, I can't even imagine how brutal it will be."

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