Chapter 1389

DK chose to grab Qinggangying first on the first floor of the blue square, everyone was surprised.

This is a very confident pick. This season, apart from KT in the last game, no team has ever tried to grab Qinggangying from the blue side.

Because the current priority of Qinggangying on the road is really not high.

Before Canna snatched Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying, it was also because KT's blue side didn't take it on the first floor.

Little Peanut: "Yo ho! Camille was robbed, what does Lin Cheng say?"

Mr. Dai: "Can you bear this? Lin Cheng, won't you kill Jin Donghe to 0-10 in this round?"

Lin Cheng: "Don't say that, everyone is a professional player, who is better than whom?"

As soon as these words came out, the voice in the team suddenly fell silent for two seconds.

Little Peanut: "Did you take the wrong medicine? Is this something Lin Cheng would say?"

Lin Cheng asked back, "I'm usually a humble and polite young man?"

The teammates were all amused.

Do you believe this?
While talking and laughing, KT's first two picks were also confirmed.

Ryze + Viego.

After continuous weakening, Fiego is currently mainly in the jungle position. It is very comfortable for Little Peanut to play Fiego in the jungle without the blind monk and Xin Zhao.

The second and third floors of the blue square DK chain female tank + bomber.

Zeyuan: "DK has come up with its own Bomberman system, and KT's release of Bomberman should be ready to test the water."

Remember: "The first three hands of the DK blue team set up a fixed-point blasting system. After Qinggangying's big move is framed, the bomber's big move must be hit. It seems that they did not simply want to disgust Brother Orange when they snatched Qinggangying .”

The red square locks Wei En on the third floor in seconds.

Remember: "Vayne! Here we come! We have seen a lot of Vayne appearing in the LPL in the summer split. Before the LPL record of 5-1, Vayne was all used to fight Bomberman. The effect looks pretty good."

Zeyuan: "This is so good! The last time Mr. Dai took Wei En was three years ago. He was also in KT at that time. I wondered how good Dai Xian Wei En was back then?"

The barrage is very lively.

"VN? Big guts!Who allowed you to use Wei En's? "

"Have you written the application yet?"Has it been approved by God? "

"Priests Still Need to Write Application Letters?Have you ever seen a father who needs to ask his own son for advice? "

"WE recently won all the victories, this hero is very strong now"

"With all due respect, LCK's Vayne doesn't taste like that"

"I'm afraid you don't know that Mr. Dai killed Wei En five times when he was in EDG"

"Have you ever thought that this VN is on the road? "

"Fuck!It’s not that top laner Wei Encheng has never used it before, he can really do it”

In the second round of BAN, the red side KT chose to press the troll and the card.

The troll and Qinggangying's combo was only shown once by KT in the last round, and the troll's pillar is too powerful to restrict the terrain, which will make the Bomberman's skills very easy to hit in team battles.

The second two-handed BAN position of the blue square DK is given to Kenan + Jess, which is the top lane choice for Lin Cheng.

Start picking.

On the fourth floor of the red square, lock the Titan first.

Titan's stable lock can easily create opportunities for Fiego to transform, and Fiego, who can cut up in team battles, is very threatening.

The last two roles of the backhand blue DK are determined, Olaf + Zoe.

The counter on the fifth floor of KT showed Teemo.

Remember: "Teemo? This can't be locked, right? It should just light up... But it's hard to say, after all, it's Brother Chengzi."

Zeyuan: "Actually, Teemo is very easy to fight against Qinggangying. It belongs to the top level of torture, but Teemo must press the line when playing Qinggangying. It is a bit easy to get caught."

As soon as the words fell, the fifth floor of the red square replaced Teemo with Syndra and locked it.

"Sure enough, Teemo still didn't choose... No! Syndra? Is this Wei En's top laner?"

Ze Yuan came to his senses, "Syndra went down to hit the bomber, Wei En went up to fight Qinggang Ying, this move was something we hadn't thought of before, because Wayne in the LPL always took out the bomber, and KT beat Wei It was a surprise that En Yao got on the road."

Remember: "But the common problem of AD top laners is that they are afraid of being caught. Qinggangying is also a hero who cooperates very well with the jungler. Orange brother Wei En feels a bit hard to go up."

Zeyuan: "To be honest, any top laner who is caught twice will be bombed. Brother Cheng's hero pool has a lot of strange ADs, but in my impression he has never been caught and cracked, and Wei En Facing Olaf and Qing Gangying, Ueno has room to maneuver, and these two people are not very good at catching Wei En."

"Pinch Mom!It's really Wei En's top order"

"Praise me quickly!I predicted it"

"AD on the road station, parents look at the sky (dog head)"

"Is the order so cumbersome now?The hero comes out first, you never know what the opponent will choose"

"Brother Hanzi is going to jail again, miserable! "

"It's too miserable to play against Brother Cheng. He first used signs to torture you, and then he pulled out a bunch of weird things to torture you"

"Disgusting people, huh?Brother Orange is too bad"

"I think the BAN player mode suggested before the big and small games is very necessary, otherwise Cheng's top laner mentality will be bad."

After confirming Syndra, the audience was already buzzing.

Lin Cheng always surprises people in the choice of heroes, and the audience is also willing to give encouragement to novelty things on the field.

It just so happened that the big screen on the scene was given to the KT player seats.

In the camera, Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai looked at each other and smiled across the two teammates from left to right. It seemed that they also knew that this wobbling had stunned their opponents.

In the second round of DK, even BAN Jess and Kenan obviously didn't consider the issue of Wei En going.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue party DK:

Top Road: Khan (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Canyon (Berserker, Olaf)

Mid Lane: Showmaker (Twilight Protoss, Zoe)

Bottom lane: Ghost
Support: Beryl (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)
Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Night Hunter, Vayne)
Jungle: Peanut (The Ruined King, Viego)

Mid Lane: Chovy (Rune Mage, Ryze)

Bot lane: Deft (Dark Head, Syndra)
Support: Effort (Deep Sea Titan, Nautilus)
In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Vayne chose the main line Precision: Assault, Triumph, Joy, Cut Down, and the sub-line Master: Greedy Hunter, Taste of Blood.

Entering the game, seeing Wei En going out and choosing to extract, the commentator couldn't hold back anymore.

Zeyuan: "When you go out with a classic mine knife, you really don't treat Brother Hanzi as a human being, do you? Brother Chengzi is a bit too much."

Remember: "This is really feeling that there is no pressure in the laning. If it is an ordinary person who uses extraction, he may want to develop peacefully with the opponent, but Brother Chengzi is not the kind of person who has the advantage in laning and develops peacefully with the opponent. He uses extraction. There is only one explanation: he wants to both suppress his opponent and ensure his own development."

Lin Cheng's extraction is not really inflated, the main reason is that the talent is cut down, and the extraction does not increase the blood volume to ensure that Wei En can enjoy a good cut down benefit when facing Qinggang Ying at the first level.

Of course, he did not treat Brother Hanzi as a human being.

Wei En fought Qinggangying, he didn't know why he was wearing the Dolan series of equipment, anyway, the opponent basically couldn't touch him.

(End of this chapter)

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