This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1397 Impossible!Absolutely impossible!

Chapter 1397 Impossible!Absolutely impossible!
Saying goodbye to his teammates, Lin Cheng put on a mask and left the venue from the side passage.

On the wide square outside the main stadium, Lin Cheng recognized his girlfriend from a distance, even though she was wearing a mask.

Han Shuyan was wearing a simple white T-shirt, light blue skinny jeans that tightly wrapped her slender and well-proportioned legs, paired with a pair of white sneakers, she stood there exuding a clean and gentle temperament.

Lin Cheng trotted up to her quickly, with a little complacency in his eyes.

"Sister Shuyan, how am I doing today?"

Han Shuyan smiled and pushed down the brim of Lin Cheng's baseball cap a little, deliberately blocking Lin Cheng's eyes.

"Our family Ah Cheng is great!"

Lin Cheng adjusted the brim of his hat with a smile on his face, and took his girlfriend's hand casually.

"Why didn't you wear your hat? I even wore the hat we bought together for the date."

"It's in the hotel."

"Hotel? Where is the hotel? I have been kicked out by the team, can my sister take me in tonight?"

"... I don't care about you."

"Ha ha!"

Lin Cheng led his girlfriend straight to the experience hall in front of the main stadium, and visited the fan experience center before leaving.

"Hey! There are a lot of people here, you are not afraid of being recognized?"

"Not afraid!"

Lin Cheng raised their clasped hands, "I didn't have a chance to announce on the stage just now, just let the whole world know that Han Shuyan is Lin Cheng's."

"whispering sound!"

Han Shuyan turned her head away, expressing her disgust at her boyfriend's words.

Of course, what Lin Cheng said was also a joke. He knew that Sister Shuyan didn't like to show off or be lively. Although he didn't deliberately cover it up, Lin Cheng didn't want to deliberately put Sister Shuyan in the eyes of others.

He couldn't bear to make Sister Shuyan sad, God knows how vicious netizens can be.

After all, such things as quality are really difficult to predict through the Internet and keyboards, just like some LPL players who do not perform well in the game and their families will be raped by the Internet.

Brother Shuizi just announced his girlfriend on the front foot this year, but his girlfriend was chased and scolded by the water ghost sisters on the back foot. It is true that he understands the tricks of the fan circle.

Since the 3:0 game ended very early, many fans also chose to visit the experience center after the game.

There is a free viewing area in the experience center. Some viewers who don’t like the experience of watching the game live can also watch the game in real time here. At this time, media interviews of KT players are being played on the large screen.

On the floor in front of the screen are many single-person sofas, which are a bit like legless chairs. Viewers in twos and threes sit on colorful sofas and watch interviews while playing with their mobile phones.

Lin Cheng curiously followed Han Shuyan for a while, probably because the KT fans around him never dreamed that the head player who was absent from the media interview was by his side.

The main reason is that people who visit the experience center don't stare at other people's faces, and it's nothing to see if everyone wears a mask.

There is a self-service photo machine with photo stickers next to it. Influenced by the protagonists of the popular Korean drama "Please Answer 1988", this kind of four-frame photo stickers has become very popular in Korea recently, and many people line up in front of the machine.

There are two machines in total, one with KT theme and one with DK theme. The photo stickers taken by the two machines will have the frame and team logo of their respective teams.

Due to the large number of KT fans at the scene, many people were queuing in front of the KT team's camera machine, but there was no one waiting in front of the DK machine next to it.

Lin Cheng stopped when he pulled Han Shuyan to pass by.

"Sister Shuyan, let's take a photoshoot?"

"No! I'll take pictures with Xiao Tong when I get back to Seoul."

"Ouch! Let's shoot first, and then I will find a chance to put Xiaotong on it."

"Don't talk nonsense, what's the matter with the big head stickers?"

Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng a reproachful look, and Lin Cheng chuckled and squeezed his girlfriend's palm.

Just in front of the two girls who were waiting in line to have their photo taken turned around.

Coincidentally!It was the two enthusiastic fans of Lin Cheng that Han Shuyan met before the game.

The two girls immediately greeted Han Shuyan.

Even if they don't even know their names, even if they haven't even seen what they look like under the masks, they still can't stop their enthusiasm.

"Hello! Thank you for taking care of our family earlier."

Lin Cheng waved his hands with a grin, and Han Shuyan couldn't stop laughing at the appearance of the head of the family away from home.

One girl chatted with the two generously, while the other looked at Lin Cheng's brows and eyes and felt very familiar.

While Lin Cheng was discussing with Han Shuyan, she poked her companion's arm quietly.

"Hey! Why do I think he looks like Cheng?"

"Really? It seems a bit like it? Oh Mo!!! It can't really be him, can it?"

"I look more and more like it, why don't we just ask?"

It happened that Lin Cheng had finished discussing with Han Shuyan.

"Um, is this contestant Cheng? It looks very similar."

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes, "Guess?"

"Yes? It must be!"

Lin Cheng didn't answer directly, but the girl became more and more sure of her guess, and her tone became extremely excited.

Just in time, someone came out of the photo booth of DK next door. The machine showed that it was idle, so Lin Cheng didn't think much about it. He smiled at the two girls and pulled Han Shuyan into the photo booth.

The two girls looked at each other and calmed down instantly.

I think too much!

It is impossible for Cheng to shoot DK's themed photo!

impossible!Absolutely impossible!
It's probably just the eyes that look a bit like that.

The photo booth was closed, and Lin Cheng studied the machine after closing the door.

"I want to take four photos in a row. There are themes to choose from here. How about we follow the prompts?"

Han Shuyan glanced at it, "No, just take pictures casually!"

"No! We have to be serious about shooting together."

Lin Cheng grinned and set the theme for the photo, Han Shuyan took off her mask and carefully checked her makeup for the camera.

While Sister Shuyan took off her mask, Lin Cheng quickly kissed his girlfriend's cheek with his head.

"Ah! Don't make trouble."

"It's started! Hurry up and pose, the first theme is cute."

Lin Cheng grinned at the camera and stretched out his right hand to bide.

"Sister Shuyan, hurry up and put on a cute expression."

Han Shuyan bit her lip, and leaned against Lin Cheng for the same comparison.

"No! You can't do the same moves as me. Sister Shuyan should change to a cute one."

Lin Cheng's disgusted tone made Han Shuyan wrinkle her nose angrily.

She simply took Lin Cheng's arm, pouted and imitated the pose of the model on the poster next to her.

Trying to be cute.

Lin Cheng held back his laughter, and Han Shuyan felt ashamed.

According to her temperament, where did she make such actions in front of Lin Cheng before?

I just hope that the photo shoot will be over soon.

"Don't stare at me! Be serious."


"You still look!"

"No! I just think Sister Shuyan is so cute."

"Ah! Don't stare at my sister."

Han Shuyan twisted her boyfriend's arm angrily, and looked at him angrily.

"The countdown is almost over! Sister Shuyan, please pay attention."

Han Shuyan quickly pursed her lips again trying to be cute.

In the end, Lin Cheng gave up the posture of Biye, and suddenly turned around and lowered his head to kiss his girlfriend's pouty pink lips.


The photo shoot started.


Han Shuyan's eyes widened, and she glared at Lin Cheng angrily.

Lin Cheng's eyes were full of smiles, and he was about to open his girlfriend's lips.


Han Shuyan made an angry gesture to bite Lin Cheng with her mouth, but unfortunately she couldn't bear it, but in the end it turned into a situation of letting the hungry tiger into the mountain.

Lin Cheng kissed his girlfriend softly, but Han Shuyan couldn't resist him, so she simply snorted and lowered her eyes and began to smirk.

This kind of photo will be automatically shot once every 10 seconds, and the four moments will be frozen four times in a row. As a result, the two just took four kiss photos.

Even one of them can faintly see the picture of the entanglement of lips and tongue.

"Ah! No, no, no! Reshoot!"

Han Shuyan was so ashamed that she wanted to hit someone, but Lin Cheng quickly clicked to confirm, and began to print the photo.

"I think it's very good. The four moments of my life are kissing sister Shuyan. Isn't this the most beautiful moment?"

Lin Cheng's nonsense was very sweet, Han Shuyan bit her lip, and finally turned her head away and snorted.

"Hate! Ignore you!"

(End of this chapter)

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