This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1398 Success!i am your fan

Chapter 1398 Success!i am your fan
Lin Cheng was very satisfied with the finished photo stickers.

From top to bottom, the first photo shows sister Shuyan's eyes widened in surprise due to Lin Cheng's surprise attack, and the next three photos of her slightly closing her eyes and kissing Lin Cheng are all kinds of sweetness.

Although the posture is slightly different, Han Shuyan's half-closed eyes are really beautiful, and of course Lin Cheng is also very handsome.

Properly beautiful kissing photos of handsome men and beautiful women.

It's just that the DK team logo under the photo is a bit out of place, and the theme of such a beautiful moment between the two turned out to be the logo of another team. Lin Cheng began to plan to find an opportunity to cut off the DK team logo with scissors.

"Let's go! No more watching."

Han Shuyan shyly snatched the photo, preventing Lin Cheng from looking at herself in the photo.

Lin Cheng snickered.

I have seen Sister Shuyan when she was more shy.

When I opened the door and came out, I found that the two girls had disappeared, probably because they also went into KT's photo booth and started taking photos.

The two continued to visit the venue.

Han Shuyan had probably seen it before, but she was more serious this time around Lin Cheng.

In the center of the model exhibition area of ​​the experience center is a model of Lin Cheng, facing a model of the LCK trophy with his arms crossed.

"Hey! There was a model opposite here before, but now it's just you."

Han Shuyan pointed to the vacant space in front of the model, "Maybe because you won the championship, someone removed the other model."

Lin Cheng asked casually: "Really? Who was standing opposite me before?"

"I don't know him, but he is your opponent today."

"What does it look like?"

"I didn't pay attention, it's just a very short contestant anyway."

Lin Cheng understood.

100% Xu Xiu, this characteristic is too obvious.

If he knew that other people's first impression of him was that he was short, Xu Xiu would probably want to cry.

Next to it is the fan e-sports area, where some computers are placed for fans to use. At this time, many people became addicted to gaming after watching the game and started playing on the spot.

There is a very special area where the computers are located. Two computer screens are placed back to back. Lin Cheng saw a girl in a KT team uniform and a fat guy in a DK team uniform customizing their solo.

Four or five spectators were watching, and beside him was a handsome guy with a middle-parted hairstyle holding up his mobile phone to take pictures.

what is this?Face to face SOLO, right?

It can only be said that the organizer is very foresighted, and has already anticipated that the fans of the two teams off the field may be unhappy with each other, and even provided the venue for the solo scene.

The duel didn't last long, the KT fans lost their solo, and the surrounding audience booed.

The fat guy on the opposite side proudly stood up, shook his fingers, and clicked his tongue, then he pulled up his collar to light up the DK team logo on his chest.

The behavior was a bit arrogant, and got cheers from the two DK fans.

The girl who lost her solo sat down on the sofa next to her without saying a word.

Lin Cheng originally thought they were a couple, but the teams they supported were different after watching the game, but it doesn't look like it now.

The middle-point handsome guy holding his mobile phone shouted: "Nai! This DK fan has won five games in a row! The prize money has accumulated to [-] won. Is there any KT fan to challenge?"

"If you find it interesting, you can also pay attention to my live broadcast room. The host's room number in Afreeca TV is XXXX"

It was only then that Lin Cheng realized that this handsome guy in the center was broadcasting live.

It is indeed an attractive idea to deliberately set up a SOLO challenge to let the fans of both sides fight one-on-one in the final.

DK just lost the game, it's good for fans to vent their anger offline, and the prize money is the icing on the cake.

As for KT fans, they think that the home team has won. As a fan, they can't be cowardly. As long as the anchor shouts, there is basically a challenge.

But the problem is that I didn't expect that there were high-end players among the DK fans at the scene.

The fat man on the opposite side is actually a master of Hanbok, and he has won five games in a row.

Every time he wins, he has to sneer at him. After the previous few KT fans lost, the momentum of the KT camp has gone down, and the female fans just came forward when they saw no one to fight.

As a result, the guy didn't forget to show his face when he won the girl.

As a result, there has been a situation where no one is fighting.

"Is there no one else? Then I'll settle the big brother's bonus first."

The anchor tried to continue to stir up KT fans, but no one came forward.

Lin Cheng felt a little itchy, and whispered in Han Shuyan's ear, "Sister Shuyan, how about I go play?"

Han Shuyan squeezed his hand, "Then you are not allowed to lose."

"Don't be kidding me! How could I lose? But I have to be ready when I finish beating Sister Shuyan."


Han Shuyan was a little puzzled, Lin Cheng had already led her to the front.

"Is there no one to challenge? Then can I have a hand?"

"Of course! Anyone who is a KT fan can join the battle."

The anchor was also very excited when he saw someone taking up the challenge, and was about to show his face to the camera and ask Lin Cheng to speak cruel words before the match. Lin Cheng had already lowered his head and quickly sat down in front of the computer.

"Give me the name of the room."

Lin Cheng logged into his account, found the built custom room and joined it.

The fat guy on the opposite side suddenly widened his eyes.

KT Cheng joined the team chat.

What are you teasing me?

With a stabbing sound, the fat man pushed away the chair and stood up, and looked at Lin Cheng's face fiercely at the top of the screen.

"Cheng! I'm your fan! Can you sign me?"

Lin Cheng: "???"

Are you worthy of the DK uniform you are wearing?
The people around reacted immediately and gathered around one after another.

"Really Cheng? Oh mo!"

"Cheng! Can you take a photo with me?"

"Is this your girlfriend? Whoa!"

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Everyone wait a moment, wait until I finish this game."

It was okay that there were only a few people around, but some cutie suddenly yelled out.

"Cheng is here! With his girlfriend!"

Immediately, fans around the e-sports area leaned over one after another.

I am!

Lin Cheng saw that the situation was not right, how many years would it take for so many people to take a photo with him.

Without further ado, Lin Cheng got up, grabbed Han Shuyan and ran away.

"Sister Shuyan, let's go!"

Facing Lin Cheng's escape, the fans around were stunned.

"Hurry up! Cheng ran away with his girlfriend!"

The mid-point anchor was the first to react, and he didn't care about the solo challenge he was hosting. He raised his phone and chased after him to shoot.

That fat guy can't even look at it!
You didn't even pay me the bonus!don't run!

There were also fans trotting and chasing after him, raising their phones to turn on the camera mode.

So, such a weird scene happened in the experience center.

Lin Cheng took Han Shuyan and trotted in front, and several KT fans chased after him while filming and shouting.

"Cheng! I'm your fan."

The chase happens inexplicably.

People's herd mentality is very strange. Many people don't know what happened, but there are more people chasing after trotting.

Lin Cheng turned around and asked with a smile: "Sister Shuyan, isn't this scene very romantic?"

Han Shuyan gave her boyfriend a blank look and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

In fact, the two ran very slowly, and the fans were very rational and just chased around and shouted "I am your fan", but no one really rushed to stop the two.

Finally, Lin Cheng stopped at the door.

The fans behind stopped immediately and did not come forward.

"That! My girlfriend is a little tired, can I stop playing?"

Lin Cheng took it for granted, as if he was deliberately playing with the fans just now.

The surrounding KT fans burst into laughter.

"Cheng! I will always support you!"

"come on! Come on!"

"Come on for the World Championship!"

Lin Cheng smiled and waved his hands, leading Han Shuyan to turn around and leave the gate.

The fans didn't chase after him for a group photo, and uploaded the videos they took to SNS one after another.

INS, Youtube, and domestic forums all got news soon.

"Look!The legendary Mrs. Cheng appeared! "

"Pinch Mom!The camera shakes so fiercely and I can't see clearly even wearing a mask! "

"Absolutely Big Beauty!This body is so perfect"

"It's normal for Brother Cheng to be dizzy with such long legs"

"The scene is too messed up, Brother Cheng elopes with Mrs. Cheng, right? "

"It just made the feeling of a zombie coming out of the cage, haha! "

(End of this chapter)

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