This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1409 The Aggressiveness of the World's No. 1 Top Laner

Chapter 1409 The aggressiveness of the world's number one top laner

Lin Cheng's teasing of Xiao Lu Bu has already aroused the dissatisfaction of T1 fans in the live broadcast room, saying that they want to attack Lin Cheng.

KT fans are brushing protection one after another.

After this wave of Kai'Sa's departure, the T1 players began to fall ill as if they were infected.

Keria Rui Er does vision continuous loss.

For no apparent reason, the two Ueno brothers took turns looking at the bushes for nothing.

In the small dragon team battle, Faker drove a hearse around and was caught alone, and the big dragon and the small dragon fell together.

AFS won the second game to tie the score.

CT: "Hey! There was a big problem with T1's mid-term decision-making. Their bad situation in the early stage had been stabilized for a while, but the series of mistakes by their own players ruined the game again."

Tangun: "The T1 players played a bit too relaxed in this round. After Gumayusi's wave, it feels like the whole team is not right."

Lin Cheng sees the needles, and once he starts making sharp comments, he can't stop.

"Good brother! T1 teammates saw Gumayusi send a wave and felt that he couldn't let him face the post-match public opinion alone, so all the members took turns to send!"

After a pause, Lin Cheng summed up brilliantly: "When the five people are all shortcomings, the shortcomings will no longer exist!"

"Laugh!As expected of you! "

"KT King's Quotations: When the five people are all short boards, the short boards will not exist"

"He knows the barrel effect too well"

What about the Fairness of Interpretation?People who are yin and yang are also worthy of commentary? "

"This kind of person is not worthy of commentary, apply for ban"

"Anxious!The stalls are in a hurry! "

"Didn't you look like this at the end of the last game?It's fast enough to turn around"

"I remember someone said that such a T1 would not be afraid even if KT came"

"Without KT coming over, Cheng crushed them all by himself in the commentary booth"

"Someone is crazy at the commentary booth (funny)"

At this moment, Xiao Tong, who was watching the game in the apartment, was already laughing so hard.

"This guy, tell him not to talk nonsense on the stage, but it turned out to be good, every sentence is pulling hatred."

A pair of fair and slender beautiful legs were resting on the table. Xiao Tong put the tablet on the lap while watching the live broadcast while posting barrage. When she found a T1 fan scolding Lin Cheng in the live broadcast room, she immediately turned back.

Although Lin Cheng's concubine's game skills are eye-catching, her typing speed is hardly inferior to Lin Cheng's.

Seeing that the people who scolded Lin Cheng in the live broadcast room were embarrassed by the cooperation between himself and KT fans, Xiao Tong squinted his eyes with joy.

Although he usually punched Lin Cheng hard and always flirted with Lin Cheng, but Xiao Tong was often angrier when he saw others scolding Lin Cheng than the person concerned.

This guy Lin Cheng, only sister Tong can Mua!

Outsiders can't.

The scene has cut to the commentary seat, Lin Cheng is dressed in a handsome suit, he is clearly replaying the content of the game very seriously, but he always inadvertently says some embarrassing words.

CT: "Sure enough, there is no easy game at this stage. AFS's counterattack also let us see their strength. After all, they are also a team that has made it to the last hurdle step by step."

Lin Cheng nodded: "The 3:0 I predicted has no chance. I'm a little sad."

He said he was sad, but Lin Cheng's flying corners of his mouth and cheerful tone made T1 fans break their defenses again.

You feel sorry for your mother!

You laughed out loud on stage, are you ashamed to say you are sad?

rush!Give him a hard punch!

The first round was okay, but after losing the second round at T1, the tempo took off, directly maximizing the intensity of the confrontation in the live broadcast room.

Soon, the third game began.

In this round, AFS unexpectedly chose a black technology lineup that is almost four guarantees and one nar.

The African team has always had a tradition of engaging in black technology. When the LCK teams were all bot lanes as the core, they made a top laner Vayne and a bot lane double support lineup. This time the four guarantees and one Gnar are obviously prepared. Come.

To be honest, Lin Cheng originally thought that the AFS lineup of four guarantees and one Gnar was not very good, but in this game, the African team implemented the tactical idea very well. Not only did they raise a well-developed Gnar, but also the team's super control It gave Gnar a chance to play in team battles.

In the end, after a fierce battle, AFS made another victory and won the match point 2:1.

CT: "Wow! The unconventional lineup suddenly selected by AFS in this game caused a lot of trouble for T1, and now they have been pushed to the edge of the cliff."

Tangun: "It can be seen that T1 is still using the set of tools they are most familiar with in the summer split, but that set of play has been studied by the opponent too much on the surface. If the strength is not crushed, try as much as possible It is wise to prepare more tactics."

"You must keep your spirits up! If you lose to T1 in the next game, this year's journey will be over."

Lin Cheng nodded: "Yes! They were eliminated by us early in the semi-finals of the playoffs. I thought T1 would prepare for the qualifying rounds after such a long time, but I didn't expect them to be preparing for a vacation."

As soon as these words came out, the audience didn't hold back immediately.

"They're getting ready for vacation, KKKKKK"

"He is braver than Gumayusi!He is just the face of an AD at level 11 flying to a top laner at level 14, but he is the face of flying all by himself"

"CT is afraid to answer his words"

"After all, the city only comes once, how dare people talk nonsense because they are eating?" "

"Too sharp!Is this the aggressiveness of the world's number one top laner? "

The screen in the studio has a real-time live broadcast. After the first two rounds, Lin Cheng has already figured out the process carefully. When the director inserts the advertisement, it is the break time for the commentators, and he can use this time to solve personal hygiene.

Seeing the advertisement appearing on the screen, Lin Cheng stretched subconsciously.

"Ouch! The commentary game is so tiring. AFS should hurry up and take T3 away 1:1. I'm going out for dinner."

Although the live broadcast screen has already cut to the advertisement, but at this time the director in the background has not turned off the microphone.

Lin Cheng's words were heard by the audience in the live broadcast room.

The two commentators were already shocked.

"Microphone! The microphone is still on."

"Director! Turn off the microphone quickly, director."

"Oh? Is the microphone on?"

Lin Cheng subconsciously blew into the microphone next to his mouth, "Hey hey hey! Can you hear me? Aloha!"

Is this the time for you to test the mic?
What a big deal!

The two elder brothers looked at Lin Cheng's eyes and revealed a meaning:
You are going to be flushed!
Although the director quickly turned off the microphone, the official live broadcast room had exploded.

"? ? ? ? "

"Little Heizi isn't hiding anymore, is he? "

"This kind of person who openly hopes that T1 will lose can also explain T1 games? "

"Please respect Faker, the players are still working hard to explain but make such remarks openly? "

"KT and Cheng must give an explanation, otherwise we T1 fans will never give up! "

"Worthy of being the king of KT, I wish T1 would die"

"He even tested the mic, it's a big heart KKKKKK"

"He is so brave!Whispers of Betting Your Career

"Manually increase the intensity of Internet violence, this time I will never let him go"

(End of this chapter)

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