This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1410 I am not a professional, I am an authority!

Chapter 1410 I am not a professional, I am an authority!
Lin Cheng didn't care much when he found out that his broken mouth was being broadcast live.

Anyway, he was used to being scolded by Tan Zaza every day, and he didn't expect Tan Zaza to say good things about him at all.

It's not that he won't be scolded for a day and is covered in ants, but that he is ready to be blasted if he dares to explain the T1 game.

It's a big deal to play dead.

For Lin Cheng, there is no difference between a hundred people scolding him and 10,000 people scolding him.

They scolded them, anyway, Lin Cheng would not read the comments carefully.

Moreover, Chengza is not a vegetarian, so whoever can't bear it will not say when the time comes.

Now Cheng Za's fighting power is second to none in the LCK.

The last time Little Lu Bu provoked Lin Cheng because of his big mouth, Cheng Za rushed T1's official account to the point of almost paralysis.

Facing the menacing KT fans, the T1 official was overwhelmed and sent several statements without any effect, so they could only pretend to be dead.

In fact, this is also normal. In this case, most clubs can only pretend to be dead except for the warning letter from the lawyer.

After all, not every club can make a blitz attack on Poland, and EDG is the only club that has a stronger rhythm than fans.

The T1 club played dead at the time, which caused KT fans to be so arrogant that they occupied the enemy camp, and T1 officials were forced to close the comment area.

So, Lin Cheng, who is full of confidence in the strength of his fans, has never been very worried about being bullied by the Internet.

Brother Cheng doesn't cause trouble just because he is afraid of trouble, but there is no need to panic when things are imminent.

Lin Cheng even took out his phone and glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Oh! Sure enough, many people scolded me."

The tone is cheerful, and there is no self-consciousness of being scolded at all.

Seeing Lin Cheng's indifferent attitude, the two commentators were so envious that they were jealous.

This is the benefit of having many fans!

Now Korean commentators are treading on thin ice when facing T1 games, just for fear that if they are not careful, they will be blasted if they don't conform to their mixed intentions. How can they dare to be as unscrupulous as Lin Cheng?
In fact, what Lin Cheng said may not be the intention of the two commentators.

3:1 send T1 away!

Unless it's a particularly exciting game, or you have a favorite team, of course the commentator hopes to get off work as soon as possible.

This is human nature, and the average person would not like to work crazy overtime without extra compensation.

Lin Cheng didn't know why the eyes of the two older brothers were so envious, and took advantage of a few minutes of rest between rounds to leisurely play with their mobile phones in the commentary booth.

At this time, not only was it the live broadcast of the game, but some T1 fans had already gone to Lin Cheng's social networking site to start blasting operations.

The scolding was not pleasant, Lin Cheng pretended not to see it.

After all, he is already a mature professional player, and Lin Cheng's psychological quality is still very good. Although he does not have the abnormal self-reflection ability like Brother Shuizi, he is still very good at pretending to be dead as a fan of the factory manager.

There was no need for Lin Cheng to line up, Cheng Za had already torn up with Tan Za below.

Interestingly, Kim Ji Hyun posted an INS update before: Cheng is so cute (laughs), I also hope that 3:1 will get off work early, I am really tired today.

This little sister's move was undoubtedly to stand up to help Lin Cheng share the firepower, and the vendors came over after smelling the smell.

Kim Ji Hyun is a very special existence among the commentators of the LCK. She is often rushed by T1 fans, but her status as a KT fan is protected by many KT fans.

And this young lady has a big heart, so if she scolds her, she pretends not to see it.

At first everyone thought that she really didn't check her social accounts, and didn't respond to the overwhelming scolding.

As a result, it was later discovered that every time someone praised Lin Cheng, Jin Zhixian would immediately reply. At this time, everyone realized that Jin Zhixian's psychological quality is really excellent.

She may have read every bad review, but she can be indifferent.

It's almost like putting an automatic filter on your head.

Knowing what Jin Zhixian will face after this INS post, Lin Cheng replied with a hugging emoji in the comment area.

Jin Zhixian didn't reply either, and he should have been preparing for the inter-game commentary for the live broadcast in the commentary booth.

Soon, the fourth game began.

After entering the match point game of AFS, T1 suddenly seemed to wake up, showing the consistent early offensive in the second half of the summer split, and gained a huge advantage in the early stage.

Little Lu Bu's small cannon ate up two defensive towers with coatings 14 minutes ago, and they were so fat.

But what's a little tricky is that the development beyond the timeline has brought a new idea to Lu Bu's scientific research equipment, and Xiaopao has adopted the special effect outflow equipment of shield bow + wisdom end blade + sheep knife.

Lin Cheng felt something was wrong when he found out that little Lu Bu bought a Furnace Binding Ax after the shield bow was released.

"What do you mean? Gumayusi's second piece won't produce Wisdom Edge, right? This is too scary! Can't even a shield and bow give you a sense of security?"

"Ha! It's really the End of Wisdom! The third piece is going to be a sheep knife, and Tristana has something."

Lin Cheng's tone can't be said to be yin and yang, it can only be said that something is not quite right.

CT: "After all, the advantage is already great. Player Gumayusi used this outfit in RANK before, and he has killed more than ten super gods."

Tangun: "Player Cheng doesn't seem to like Tristana's outfit very much?"

Lin Cheng: "Well~~~ I'm not a professional AD player, I'm an authority! This outfit is a piece of shit... Believe me, Tristana wins faster with normal outfits."

Lin Cheng's irritable speech made both commentators laugh out loud.

"The firepower of the commentary seat is too fierce, KKKKK"

"It seems that this game is Cheng's commentary career retirement battle, he really doesn't plan to come back in the future"

"I am not a professional in playing AD, I am an authority!"This sentence almost made me faint from laughter.”

"He is indeed an authority, the top laner AD is really fierce"

"There is no problem in pretending to win, don't pretend to understand when explaining"

"Indeed, why should a stinky commentator teach professional players how to make outfits... Oh!His career Tristana win rate is 100%?That's all right"

In fact, as Lin Cheng said, little Lu Bu’s outfit was good in the early stage, but in the mid-term, facing the cheap two-piece suit of Ice Fist + Anti-Armor Aoun, the three-piece half-day fat cannon team battle had a scraping effect, which really made Lin I sincerely laughed.

Fortunately, except for Xiaopao, the rest of T1 is also very fat. When the early advantage is large enough, T1 won the fourth game without any risk, and tied the score to 2:2.

Entering the decisive game, T1 once again showed a rapid offensive rhythm, with waves of offensives in the early stage.

In this round, Lu Bu didn't play tricks anymore, and Jinx carried the game strongly.

Although everyone did not expect the process, in the end T1 reversed and defeated the opponent 3:2.

Tangun: "GG! Congratulations to T1! They locked up the last ticket to the LCK World Championship. It's really a surprise!"

CT: "It's been six years since the last two news agency duo went to the World Championship together. As the representative of KT, does Cheng have any blessings to say to the T1 players?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "There's nothing to wish for. Anyway, I can't wish T1 good results. After all, we are competitors."

"Just hit whatever you want, don't be too embarrassing."

(End of this chapter)

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