This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 147 I'll Shake After You Finished Shaking

Chapter 147 I'll Shake After You Finished Shaking

After a brief break, the second game officially began.

DWG went to the blue side to BAN first, and KT came to the red side.

The blue team lost Zoe, Spider and Olaf in the first round of BAN.

Since today is the first game of the second round, all the heroes banned by DWG are the more popular heroes in the recent training games.

I don't know if I look down on Bono, even if he has been winning streak with Prince, no one bans Prince when facing KT.

But it is also true that the priority of the prince in this version is not high, but KT is a bit of an exception.

KT gave Aphelios, Calista and Silas the first round of BAN positions on the red side.

There is nothing to say about Aphelios being the son of version.

Kalista played Aiming very aggrieved last time. She didn't plan to use this one, but she didn't want to give the opponent the combination of Kalista Gatarik in the blue side in the first round. I am in the red square BAN.

However, the red side's third hand, BAN Silas, is still a bit unexpected. It seems to be telling the opponent that this KT will take Ornn.

The blue DWG chose to grab Senna, KT took Verus backhand, and then the second hero locked the prince.

KT's obsession with the prince is also understandable. Since they can always win, why not always choose?

There is no problem with Verus. In this version, AD is usually the first to go out in the first round, and it will be very uncomfortable to enter the second round.

Senna was weak in the early stage. After winning the first round, Aiming really wanted to carry in this round. He decisively took out Verus, who performed very well in the previous training match, and wanted to crush Senna with Verus.

In the previous period, the LCK teams played training games with each other every day. Everyone has tried various lineups, and the poke flow Varus has once again entered the field of vision of professional players.

This hero is a lane bully in itself, and his poke outfit maximizes his laning ability. He often hits the AD with two arrows and has to go home, and he can't laning against Verus at all.

The same is true for team fights in the mid-term. Once Verus uses his super long range to shoot an arrow at the opposing C position, the opponent's team battle will be difficult to fight.

In addition, in the current version, the battle broke out early, the dragons compete fiercely, the poke flow Verus has cheap equipment, the early stage is formed quickly, and all aspects are very suitable for the version.

In the LPL game a few days ago, some players have brought poke flow Verus to the arena, but so far there has been no particularly outstanding performance.

After all, this thing depends on the accuracy of skills, and it is not necessarily strong without proficiency.

Seeing the opponent's choice, the second and third floors of the blue square directly locked Setigaon.

Corgi: "I want all of Setion, the BP of DWG is very greedy, since you let it go, I want all of it."

Eleven: "KT's own BAN, Silas, probably put DWG on guard, and Aoun Seti snatched them all for you, so it's not easy to determine the line. Seti's third line swings, and DWG Aoun can also be in the middle. shake."

The red square KT locked Karma in the third hand without any hesitation.

Corgi: "Karma? This feeling is that Aiming wants to take Tusin to directly penetrate Ghost. In this combination line, either you explode or I have a problem."

Eleven: "The online duo of Verus and Karma is very powerful. Aiming needs to vent his anger."

In the second round of BAN, KT connected with BAN Dashu and Tamm on the red side.

These two guys are really disgusting when they are in the support position and paired with Senna. They are completely the second top laner.

Eleven: "What is the most embarrassing thing for KT right now? Press these two hands to support, and if Serti really goes to support, KT will feel as uncomfortable as eating shit."

Corgi: "But if KT doesn't press it, it will be uncomfortable for DWG to choose randomly. This way, at least Serti can be forced to the support position, reducing a little bit of variables."

Eleven: "Well~~~ Fortunately, unless this Senna goes to the support position, no matter what support DWG chooses, it is impossible to beat Verus and Karma online."

The blue party DWG lost the Czar and the Enchantress in the second round of BAN.

Senna is very afraid of heroes like Enchantress stealing damage, and DWG doesn't want the only long-handed Ghost to play horror games.

As for Czar, LCK's understanding of this hero is really different from other competition regions. Even in the current version that emphasizes the early rhythm, Czar's appearance rate is still not low.

Even if this late-stage big-core hero with great Carry ability is shaved and shaved, it still fits the LCK team's style of play very well. Even players like Li Ge often pull out the czar with one hand when they are in desperate situations.

It seems to carry the last glory of the last era of the LCK. The old mid laners of the LCK include players like Faker, BDD, Kuro and even Ucal. They can always pull out a czar at any time.

Although everyone knows that the times have changed, the one they seem to trust in the final desperate situation is this hero who has changed their lives against the sky several times.

In the second round of selection, the fourth floor of KT locked Kenan first.

No matter how the opponent shakes, Lin Cheng will not suffer a loss when he uses Kenan to face Aoun and Seti.

The last two heroes of the blue side finally showed up, Lambo and Pig Girl.

KT chose Syndra as the last hero.

Corgi: "DWG still wants to fight a 5V5 team battle with the opponent. This lineup is too fleshy, and it is very strong in two-piece suits."

Eleven: "That's right, but when the game comes to the late stage, DWG will face the problem of insufficient output. Rambo is very good in the mid-term, but it seems that no one in the DWG lineup has output in the late stage. If you have to wait for Senna, it will be too late. , unless this Senna is the kind that makes up the knife."

Corgi: "But in this way, Verus probably won't be able to use the poke style. He still needs to use the attack speed special effect. If he uses the poke style, he won't be able to beat the DWG lineup."

After the heroes of both sides have been selected, the exchange of heroes begins.

KT is quite satisfactory, and DWG is very coquettish because he moved Rambo to the support position.

The hero Senna's current style of play is still too special. The profit of not making up the knife is higher than that of making up the knife, which leads to strange auxiliary heroes.

And Niu Bao did not use Aoun, who was beaten by Lin Cheng in the previous game, but got Seti, and Aoun was used by ShowMaker to face Syndra in the middle.

Corgi: "The last KT was swaying wildly, and this time DWG is also swaying. Anyway, it is going to be a hard shake. Do you think I am going to get the Rambo? I don't."

Eleven: "Swing one by one. In fact, KT's swing did not bring any advantages. I feel that DWG's move is not very meaningful. After Rambo reaches six, if Senna hits W first, there may be a chance to produce a hit. kill."

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue Square DWG:

Top Road: Nuguri (Wu Hao, Seti)

Jungler: Canyon (Fury of the North, Sejuani)
Mid lane: ShowMaker (Shan Yin Zhi Yan, Aoun)

Bot lane: Ghost (Soul Cleansing Holy Lance, Senna)

Support: Beryl (Mecha Enemy, Rambo)

Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Rageheart, Kennen)

Jungle: Bono (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Mid lane: Kuro (Darkhead, Syndra)
Bot Lane: Aiming (Arrow of Retribution, Varus)
Support: Tusin (Apocalypse, Karma)
(End of this chapter)

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