This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 148 Chapter is here, all chapters are here

Chapter 148 I'm back, I'm back (reward plus more)
As far as the lineups of both sides are concerned, DWG's big meat is still relatively strong in the early stage, but their offensive pressure is also relatively high. Once there is not enough advantage in the early and mid-term, KT's three-core lineup in the late stage will do much more damage.

And DWG obviously had their own ideas, and when they got stuck for more than 20 minute and [-] seconds, Zhumei invaded the red Fangye area with Seti.

Seeing that the pig girl swept away the ornament eyes on the back of her red BUFF, Lin Cheng quickly ran over from the triangle grass to help defend.

The red buff will be refreshed soon, Lin Cheng wants to go up and put an eye in the grass to warn his opponent.

As a result, when Seti rushed out of the grass, a strong hand split his head and pulled Kenan over. Lin Cheng was so scared that he quickly learned the E skill and ran away.

"Don't be popular, you can't keep it."

Bono's prince didn't dare to touch the red BUFF anymore, and turned directly to the lower half.

At this time, the mid-lane line has arrived, and it is impossible for Syndra to come up to help defend the red buff when Aoun is watching. If KT really wants to be the leader, the upper middle and field level [-] can't beat the three big meats on the opposite side.

Reluctantly returning to the line, Lin Cheng could only focus on the triangular grass for the jewelry.

Corgi: "The DWG invasion was fierce, and the prince was chased away. Bono wasted a certain amount of time in this wave, but fortunately, Bono can directly choose to enter the red zone of DWG when the middle and bottom push lanes."

Eleven: "DWG didn't want to grab a BUFF and leave. You see, they set up vision at their F6 position and they are obviously rushing to exchange wild areas. This is to keep Nuguri's Seti, so Kenan dare not Press the line."

Knowing that Miss Zhu was in his wild area, Lin Cheng was very careful up there, and didn't try to suppress Seti's blood too viciously.

But after Nuguri reached the third level, he suddenly turned in the flash E skill and pulled Kenan over and collided with the melee minions.

Sett slammed down with two punches, and Kenan ran back with his E skill, flashing lightning all the way.

Pig girl has already come around from above the triangle grass.

Although Lin Cheng was very careful not to press the line, Zhumei still managed to block Kainan's back path after beating the stone man and touched the wall above. By the time the triangular grass saw Zhumei, it was too late.

Seeing that Miss Zhu who was blocking the back way waved a whip and made a general attack, Lin Cheng directly crossed over and entered the tower.

But DWG didn't intend to give up. The pig girl W Winter's Wrath waved a pig whip, and then smashed into the defense tower with a pig's head.

It is impossible for Lin Cheng to dodge this distance. Zhumei hit Kenan with a whip and pushed him up at the same time. Cayon made a flat A and froze Kenan.

Taking advantage of Zhumei's flat A triggering the icebreaker effect again, Seti W deliberately punched and scored a blood.

Corgi: "Bocheng was not careful this time. She was caught and killed knowing that the pig girl was nearby, and the bot line was not sent to the tower. There was no way to put pressure on DWG's bot lane."

Eleven: "I can't help it. It's like this before being forced to switch wild areas. It's even more uncomfortable if he doesn't go out and get stuck there. The more he gets caught under the tower later, the more he will lose."

If I had known the flash, I wouldn't have handed it in.

Every time after handing in Flash of Death, Lin Cheng would routinely regret it.

Lin Cheng was very melancholy, this was the first time he had surrendered first blood in the arena.

He has no choice but to dodge when Seti flashes over E, otherwise he will die anyway.

Kenan above was killed, and the duo below finally pushed the pawn line over, and Aiming just shot Rambo to half blood with one arrow.

Seeing an opportunity, Bono's prince had already left and then came back.

The prince got out from the stone man grass and copied the butt of the DWG duo, but before the prince could go up, Verus, who crossed the line and pressed the position, was persuaded to retreat by Senna with a W endlessly.

In this case, the tower jump must not continue.

The disadvantages of soft assistants have emerged. At this point in time, the prince has to go over the tower first, so he can only go up to level A and then pull the EQ to let the teammates output. If the opponent has a flash, the EQ is basically free.

After Bono wasted time below, his own F6 was about to be refreshed. Under Lin Cheng's gentle request for help, Bono rushed to his own F6 immediately after returning.

Lin Cheng's Kenan would be in a state of fear again if she was brushed by the pig girl in the upper half again.

Bono didn't even brush his three wolves and toads in the first round. He was afraid that his opponent would be stuck with wild monsters to refresh the time, so he hurried over to brush F6 first.

This is why the current version has a low error tolerance rate for junglers.

Unlike before, after clearing the two jungle areas, there is still a gap for the jungler to help the teammates on the line. Now the wild monsters in the jungle area are simply endless. You need to immerse yourself in the field to gradually grasp the advantage.

Canyon really sneaked in and stole F6 at the right time, but Bono had the advantage of vision when he came from the bushes of F6, so he rushed out to hand in punishment and successfully saved his second round of F6.

After getting [-]st blood by Seti, Lin Cheng could only grow with peace of mind because he was hit as a TP. He didn't have much interest in fighting with his opponents. Even when Seti had E skills, Lin Cheng didn't bother to go to A. he.

The opponent still has TP, even if Lin Cheng trades blood and wins, it may not necessarily make a profit. At this time, if he has no brains to be violent, it is very likely that he will disconnect himself.

Lin Cheng became peaceful, but Nuguri was about to vent his anger when he was angry last time, looking for a chance to exchange blood with Kenan.

Although Lin Cheng was already very careful, Kenan was seized by Seti and grabbed the opportunity to crack his skull with his strong hand, and he lost nearly half of his HP after two punches and a W.

After Niu Bao finished his military boxing, Lin Cheng chased Seti wildly with his backhand, and Seti's blood volume also dropped a lot.

But after all, Seti has a passive existence, and Kenan's line-clearing speed is not as fast as Seti's when he can't press the line without thinking. Lin Cheng can only watch Seti push the line.

When Lin Cheng can only guarantee his own development in the top lane, Bono has a hard time in the wild.

At 7 minutes, the third wave of F6 was refreshed, and Canyon came again.

This time Canyon also came with ShowMaker in the middle to prepare for the robbery.

Seeing that the opponent is so arrogant, Prince EQ provokes Zhumei to fight.

Syndra of Kuro originally wanted to cooperate with the prince to go to the second pig girl, but was stopped by Ornn at the passage next to F6.

In such a narrow terrain, Syndra couldn't avoid Ornn's head hammer at all, and Kuro lost a lot of blood when he was hammered.

By the time Syndra wanted to find the position of the 5th-level pig girl, Canyon had already run through the wall of the red BUFF with the Q skill in time, and Kuro could only smash a set of skills at Ornn.

When ShowMaker was beaten by the two, he dragged the pig girl back around, and hit the two with a big move.

Seeing the pig head of the pig girl coming over, Kuro's residual blood Syndra used flash to dodge the Q flash of the pig girl.

The two sides pulled apart, and the mid laner turned into residual blood but there were no casualties.

Just now, the pig girl just stole two birds and started a fight with the prince. Bono thought that he had defended F6, and turned around from the first tower to the F6 bushes to continue to clear the wild.

As a result, the prince had just walked into the grass when Seti suddenly appeared.

Without any precautions, Bono saw Nuguri's Seti stepping around behind the prince as soon as he was exploring the grass, picked up the prince and smashed into the F6 pit.

Pig girl is already ready to go.

Bono's reaction was very fast, and he dodged directly when he landed, dodging Sett's E skill to crack his head with a strong hand, and he was not stunned by the opponent's birdie.

At this moment, Bono has only one feeling:
came back!are back!

The old feeling of being invaded wildly by the opponent is back.

 Thanks to the brilliant Taeyeon AD006Uzi, the leader of the group, Grandpa Lu, the leader of the rudder, who gave a reward of 5000 book coins for a strand of sand in the city.
  Zhuanjiao would also like to thank every reward and subscription from its book friends, thank you.

  It's three shifts today, and it's three shifts tomorrow

  Also, I would like to ask everyone for a monthly pass. The subscription of this book is very exaggerated. The current order is even less than [-] when it is pushed to the shelves. If you have trouble with the monthly pass, please support it. Thank you
(End of this chapter)

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