This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1494 The lion on the edge of the cliff, a desperate counterattack?

Chapter 1494 The lion on the edge of the cliff, a desperate counterattack?
Zeyuan: "2:0! The gap is too big! Mr. Dai and Lucian had a great time in this round. He played all kinds of tricks, and every time he played the output with a strong wind."

Remember: "It turns out that it wasn't Luna who couldn't do it. MAD let the previous few days of the game be cheated. Other teams gave up Luna because the fault tolerance rate of this combination is a bit low and the offensive pressure is high, but KT's offensive ability is too strong. They Not worrying about the advantage not ending the game at all."

Zeyuan: "To be honest, the European brothers are really messed up. In the first round, they insisted on grabbing Nami in order to dismantle Luna. In the end, they killed [-] enemies and lost [-]. The orange brother, Lucian, still played very well. .”

"I found out that KT's top laner Lu Xian is very good, so I put Luna together in the second round of MAD, but it turned out that Luna and the others couldn't deal with it."

"In this way, MAD's BP in the third round will be even more difficult. Chengzi's brother Daomei Qinggangying dare not let it go, and Luna can't solve it. There are not enough BAN slots!"

Wan Wan: "No way! When you have to pay for a fixed BAN position for the opponent's player, it means that BP will be restricted. Brother Orange is a very difficult point for all teams to deal with, and he is not only Daomei and Qinggangying is top-notch."

After getting the match point, the KT players took off their headphones and got up and left the stage through the entrance channel.

The mentality of the MAD players walking on the other side is also really good. They all have relaxed expressions on their faces, as if they were the ones who won just now.

Probably because the atmosphere of public opinion in Europe and the United States is very good, and the players rarely feel pressured to blame, so they don't lose the game and all of them have a dark face and shut themselves up.

This is both good and bad.

The good thing is that European and American players seldom have their operations completely deformed under high pressure.

The most notable feature is that there are a lot of BO5s in Europe and the United States, which can be said to have happened every year in recent years.

In the history of the LPL and LCK, there are only a handful of times in the history of the two competitions, and the teams that have been led 2:0 are rarely able to hold back.

Of course, it does not mean that the European and American brothers operate well, but that their outrageous operations have nothing to do with the pressure.

The bad influence of loose public opinion on European and American teams is also very intuitive.

Hee hee haha ​​always gives people the feeling of lack of fighting spirit.

If the LPL team is 0:2, the players are laughing and joking, it’s okay. If you can come back, everyone will praise you for your good attitude.

But if it's 0:2 and then loses 0:3, how do you see the netizen settle it?

After a brief rest, the third game started BP.

The loser chooses a side. In this round, MAD still chooses first on the blue side.

The three BAN positions on the blue side are given to Daomei + Qinggangying + Lu Xian.

Lucian really couldn't handle it, and MAD finally stopped his headache.

And the three BAN positions on the red side are given to Yuumi + card + enchantress.

Blue Fangyi snatched the female gun.

"Female gun! Oops!"

Zeyuan’s voice changed when he saw the female gun hero, “The hero’s lower limit is indeed stable enough, but the female gun’s upper limit is really difficult to hit. It’s impossible for professional players to squeeze together and let you sweep full of big moves.”

Remember to answer: "I think it's really a pity for Carzzy, this version is not Kai'Sa's version, he is LEC's Kai'Sa King."

Wan Wan: "Ka'Sa really can't play anymore in this version. There were still some in the play-in stage, but the bottom lane in the main match stage is full of heroes like female guns, Aphelios and Lucian. Kai'Sa came out from You will start going to jail if you are on the line.”

After a pause, Wanwan added: "The players who used Kai'Sa in the group stage have all gone home now."

As soon as these words came out, the two onmyojis laughed without restraint.

"Ha ha!Wanwan is so brave! "

"Let go of Brother Xiangzi!Everyone has swam across the Atlantic Ocean and is still driving him"

"The main reason is that FPX hasn't figured out the version in the opening game, otherwise Kai'Sa will never be chosen"

"It's as if they figured out the version later, didn't they go home on 2-5? "

"Even Gala doesn't use Kai'Sa in this World Championship, Xiangzi's Kai'Sa in the opening game is really stiff"

"The voice of the female gun changed when the colonel saw it, haha"

"It probably touched a sad memory, after all Chidi's three female guns sent GEN G away"

MAD snatched the female gun, and directly gave the jungler blind monk of version T0 to KT.

The red side locks on the blind monk + Syndra with both hands.

On the second and third floors of MAD, they took Luo + male guns, copying the duo of KT in the first game.

KT directly locked Kenan on the third floor.

Kenan is not the counter choice of the male gun. When the two sides talk about the lane, the male gun has an advantage because of the fast line pushing speed, but the role of Kenan is more obvious in the team.

The second round of BANs begins.

KT double-clicks the prince + Xin Zhao.

MAD disabled the female tank + Aphelios for the duo.

The jungler didn't have many choices, and the blue team finally took out the happy combination of wine barrel + Yasuo.

KT's duo is determined to be Verus + Parker.

Zeyuan: "Verus + Pike! To be honest, this combination is a bit abstract. Due to the lack of movement, Verus often needs to be played with a protective support."

Wanwan: "But this is KT's style of play! Let's all swim! Let Deft play this game by himself again."

In this round, the two sides played relatively peacefully in the early stage.

There was no spark between Lin Cheng and the opponent's male gun on the road, and Armut didn't want to fight with Lin Cheng now, so he just pushed the line and refused to communicate.

It is difficult for Kenan to hit the Q when there are minions, and the male gun has quick footwork. At this time, it is meaningless to steal a point or two with A, and it will attract the hatred of the minions.

So Lin Cheng also chose to make up the knife peacefully.

Chaowei suffered a small loss in the middle this time.

Although Humaniod rarely uses Yasuo in games, his proficiency in RANK is very high.

Syndra's first Q tried to break Yasuo's shield, but Humanoid directly avoided the dark magic ball with a backhand, and then E Syndra continued to slash.

Any mage at the first level can only retreat when facing Yasuo with a protruding face.

Yasuo slashed twice, and turned back to the E soldier to pull away.

Chaowei has already tapped off the opponent's shield, and wants to play Q later.

As a result, Yasuo turned back and the soldier in front of E touched Syndra again.

Chaowei's first-level blood volume was knocked out by one-third.

In fact, Chaowei has a lot of experience facing Yasuo, but probably because the first two rounds were too easy and he didn't take his opponent seriously.

But the problem is not big. After correcting his mentality, Chaowei began to stabilize the middle line.

At the beginning of the bottom lane, Nvqiang and Luo also had the right to line, and MAD finally had a small advantage in the early stage of this round.

But even if there is a bit of line power in the early stage, MAD does not have the ability to use line power to do things like KT in the early stage, and the two sides only maintain a peaceful development situation.

Just after Yasuo rose to six, Elyoya's barrel found a chance to hit Syndra with E flash.

Yasuo received the Gale of Last Breath.

Chaowei landed RE and wanted to run.

But Humaniod reacted quickly at this moment, Wind Wall confiscated Syndra's ult, and took a blood directly with Dodge.

Zeyuan: "First blood! MAD got first blood! This is the third kill that MAD has won in three rounds. It's not easy! Their mid laner Yasuo gained a miraculous effect in this round."

Remember: "Excellent! What we want to see is a close contest. The Madrid Lions, who were forced to the edge of the cliff, finally came up with something. They played well in all lanes. The horn of attack sounded."

"Will this be the beginning of a desperate counterattack?"

I remember that after the words fell, Wanwan answered in a very low voice: "I don't think so!"

The barrage exploded.

"a ha ha ha!What is this at night? "

"The whispering voice is really unstoppable"

"She really, I cried to death"

"Smash the scene, right (funny)"

(End of this chapter)

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