Chapter 1495 3:0!top four

Wan Wan whispered in the commentary booth so that everyone was not tense.

The two onmyoji laughed loudly.

The main reason is that every time Wan Wan talks to Lin Cheng, it is too programmatic. Compared with the yin and yang of other commentators, everyone knows that she speaks sincerely.

But the more sincere you are, the more difficult it is for you.

Lin Cheng also didn't know that his little fan girl would show up at the commentary seat, and she was in a mood to tease Chaowei when she saw Chaowei was arrested.

"How did Zhixun die?"

"This is what will happen if you don't use Li Shiheng's skin in this game!"

"Please God failed?"

All the fools were happy.

Compared with Syndra in the first round, Chaowei used Faker's champion skin in this round, and the result was a little bit of a fly in the ointment.

The situation on the field soon changed again.

In six and a half minutes, Effort's Pike River Road lined up and pretended to lean towards the middle.

Kaiser's Luo followed closely from his wild area to the middle.

But Pike shot back.

Just as Luo leaned towards the middle lane to check his vision, the water ghost groped back to the bottom lane, and the pawn line happened to be slightly closer to the red side.

Pike emerged from stealth, and E flash tried to stick the female gun to his face.

It's embarrassing that the distance was close, and Everett E missed.

But Pike followed closely to charge Q at close range, making the opponent a little flustered.

Seeing Pike's hook, the female gun hurriedly backed away.

As a result, Evert hooked the position of the pre-judgment flash, and the female gun flash was also hooked back.

Verus flashed directly to make up for the damage.

The female gun failed to move, and the three layers of withering effect on her body were killed by the Q skill of W activated by Verus.

Killed the female gun on the bottom road, and KT blossomed on the road at the same time.

The two sides handed in TP to make up the equipment and came back to exchange a wave of blood. After the wine barrel circled, they wanted to catch Kenan.

At the moment when the meatball impact was launched, Kenan turned into a ball of thunder and turned around.

The barrel E is empty, and Elyoya backhand throws Q to roll the barrel and detonate it in seconds.

He gave a pre-judgment position, but Kennen suddenly turned back and pressed when the opponent made a Q.

Elyoya's Q is also empty.

The wine barrel had no choice but to take a sip of the old wine, picked up the wooden barrel in his arms and threw it at it.

Male gun E face and output.

Kenan made a backhanded move.

Wan Lei Tianlao induced madness to give electrotherapy to the two of them.

With the barrel empty, the damage of the two skills was already not enough to kill Kenan. When Lin Cheng counterattacked with his ult, Peanut's blind boy came to the scene.

The wine barrel E skill is on CD, and it is impossible to prevent the blind monk from entering the field at this time.

Already half-blooded by Kenan, the wine barrel had no chance to operate and was quickly beheaded by the blind monk's second-stage Q.

The male gun wanted to run away, but Lin Cheng deliberately left a W to follow the position ahead of time.

When the male gun's big move + flash back, Kenan and flash W happened to stun the male gun again.

The blind monk W touched Kenan to follow up.

The head was finally given to Kennen.

Zeyuan: "Hey! MAD's upper and lower lanes had accidents at the same time. This wave of bottom lanes was found by Evert. The top lane 2V2 was purely manipulated by Kenan."

Remember: "Brother Chengzi, Kenan's position is so handsome. The barrel didn't choose E to dodge at the first time, but Kenan moved to avoid the meatball impact and then Q was empty. In fact, the damage was not enough. The male gun E went up and forced The damage is just fully charged by Kenan."

"They don't seem to have considered the possibility of the blind monk being nearby, so they caught Kenan and were squatted down to explode."

Wanwan: "It has to be Brother Chengzi! There should be no MAD in this round."

Ze Yuan: "Huh? Is that all? You opened the champagne too early, right?"

Wanwan: "Because Chengzi brother Kenan won the first place, KT has a great advantage, and he said 3:0 before the game."

Zeyuan teased: "It's just harsh words before the game, what if it really turns over?"

Wanwan hesitated for a while: "Let's talk about it when the time comes, anyway, we can get it back."

The two onmyojis laughed.

There was an accident on the upper and lower roads, and Luo pretended to leave after lining up his vision in the middle road and the river, but also imitated Evert's return to the carbine just now.

At this time, the middle pawn line is a little closer to the blue side.

Chaowei carefully threw Q from a long distance, trying to push the pawn line over.

Although he was very careful in standing against the upper river, Syndra did not dodge after all.

Luo rushed out from the lower river, E Yasuo adjusted his body and flashed directly to W's grand debut.

The super powerful and weak retreated and failed to push Luo away in time, and was knocked into the air.

Yasuo took over.

Syndra fell again.

"Ah~~~What a pity!"

Chaowei sighed.

broken!Have I made a breakthrough?
Teammates comforted each other.

"It doesn't matter! This is a great advantage."

"Worshiping the sky in the middle, it seems that 3:0 is very stable."

MAD raised the tempo very quickly. Luo finished the middle lane and followed Yasuo to the top lane.

The resurrected male gun exchanged blood with Kenan again. Seeing Yasuo and Luo appearing in the river, Lin Cheng went to the alcove to delay time.

MAD Zhongsuke directly blocked the toilet.

But their movements are too obvious.

Little Peanut's blind monk is already squatting behind.

Evert Pike was leaning up in advance when he was attacked in the middle, and he was already on the road at this time.

The three surrounded the toilet door, and Luo W made his grand debut.

Lin Cheng's Kenan activated the E skill Thunder Armor, and moved between the border grass to avoid Luo's W.

For MAD, only Luo has the upper hand in the middle support. Due to the frequent running of the line, Luo is only level 4. After Shanda's debut was empty, he chose to press forward and try to use damage to keep Kenan.

But at this moment, there was a gurgling sound.

While sneaking, Pike hooked the male spear to the side, and E Phantom Wave returned to stun the two of them.

The blind monk W approached with his eyes.

Little Peanut has reached six, the Q skill is hung on the male gun decisively flashes to adjust the angle, and kicks the male gun towards Yasuo and Luo.

As soon as the male gun hit the ground, he was beheaded by the second-stage Q of the blind monk.

Although Yasuo tried hard to skate, he was stunned by Kenan's shuriken at the beginning.

All three of MAD were left behind.

Zeyuan: "Oh! This is really an explosion! MAD's support in the middle lane has tasted the sweetness and wants to attack Brother Chengzi, but this wave is too obvious, and the opponent cannot be unprepared."

Remember: "It can be seen that MAD is trying to rely on frequent collisions to gain an advantage, but KT coped well. Evert's sudden appearance on the top road opponent should be completely unexpected."

After this wave, the MAD situation was obviously broken, and it was difficult for them to take over the next vanguard group.

Kenan's big move is ready, Luo and the barrel are not at level six.

Pioneer was easily won by KT.

When Lin Cheng has a huge advantage on the road, it doesn't matter where the pioneer is placed, but when Lin Cheng doesn't get the plating, Peanut must give priority to putting the pioneer on the road.

Because the male gun pushed the thread too fast, Lin Cheng really didn't get the coating in front.

In 9 minutes, teammates bagged.

In order to protect Lin Cheng's development, all teammates except Verus came.

The male gun died under the tower.

After the teammate crossed the tower, he decisively left, making Kenan eat the tape happily.

Next, the ADs of both sides became orders, and Luo and Pike wandered wildly looking for opportunities.

The collision in the middle is okay, the strength of the barrel and Yasuo is still there.

But KT always wins in the upper half.

Lin Cheng's Kenan is getting fatter and fatter.

The AD gap between the two sides is reflected in the mid-term team play.

No matter whether Mr. Dai is protected or not, and no matter how much output he can play, he always has a stable control of his ultimate move.

On the contrary, the female gun's big move has never been comfortable, either it was interrupted as soon as it was swept out, or the whole wave did not find a chance to amplify it until it died.

Not to mention the threats from others, Lin Cheng's Kenan can always find the back row with the help of his teammates' vision, and the opponent's C position has no chance to output at all.

However, in small-scale collisions, Yasuo + barrel is still very powerful in the mid-term.

In 20 minutes, Pike and the blind monk were accidentally caught doing vision, and Yasuo took the big move when the barrel E flashed two times.

Many people on the other side set fire, and the blind monk and Pike were killed.

MAD chose to fight the dragon.

The three of KT forcibly came to pick up the group.

MAD chose to play a team instead of RUSH Baron.

When Syndra and Verus approached, Luo hid at the corner of the Dragon Pit, opened the gap and prepared to start a group.

But KT's vision layout is too good.

Just as Luo was about to start, Verus's corrupt chains had already been shot.

Luo was charged in situ, and the chains of corruption began to spread.

At this time, Kenan suddenly entered the field from the side and rear.

MAD's field of vision was suppressed. After suddenly capturing the opportunity to kill Pike and the blind monk, they had few real eyes and just failed to scan them. The rush to force the dragon just gave Lin Cheng a chance to circle behind.

Kenan flashed into the field after going around and shocked five.

The opponent's reaction was quick, but Luo backhanded weakly.

But Lin Cheng replaced the purification with the unsealed cheats ahead of time.

Second solution is weak, and immediately press the stopwatch to avoid the big move of the wine barrel.

Lin Cheng was almost three-piece suit at this time, and the damage was very high, and the MAD personnel on the field lost their blood.

The female guns flashed and pulled out of the range of Wan Lei Tian Prison.

But that also meant breaking away from the protection of Yasuo's Wind Wall.

The super-powerful Syndra directly flashed a big move to kill the female gun.

We must know that Verus' chain of corruption spread to two people just now, and Lin Cheng pushed the push stick and adjusted it, and a big move shocked four residual blood.

Verus flashed around the wind wall and hit a Q double kill.

MAD was destroyed by 3 hits and 5 groups.

A wave of explosions.

This wave of KT group wiped out the opponent, and the resurrected teammates came over and directly took down the dragon.

The next operation KT is too familiar.

The steady line of dragon soldiers went to the high ground, waiting for key skills and gold bodies. At 24 minutes, KT once again launched a difficult group to destroy the opponent.

Flattened the base in a wave and advanced to the semi-finals with their heads held high.

 There are nearly 5000 words today, so don't scold me.

  Thank you for helping to catch a bug.

  I haven't had dinner yet, I'm getting hungry

(End of this chapter)

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