This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1502 News Agency Friendship

Chapter 1502 News Agency Friendship

Fake wine hurts people, Lin Cheng didn't dare to dance in front of his aunt after recalling what he did last night.

Lower your profile and accept transformation.

Ju Li was not as relentless as Xiao Min, and she didn't hold on to Lin Cheng's good attitude when he admitted his mistakes.

But there is already black information, according to her words, Lin Cheng had better be careful in the future.

You don't want Zhiyan to know that you asked your sister-in-law for black silk photos in the middle of the night, right?
After being teased by his sister-in-law, Lin Cheng found himself drowsy again, and after begging Ju Li for forgiveness, he went back to sleep again.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the whole KT team set off to shoot the promotional video for the semi-finals.

The studio is quite warm, and everyone can withstand shooting in short-sleeved team uniforms, but today's on-site director seems to be a little more demanding than before.

KT's group of simple-minded people have a good long-range view, but when the high-definition camera captures them at close range, each one becomes stiffer than the other.

Full of zombies.

In other words, Lin Cheng is better because of his experience in filming TV commercials.

And after finally taking several shots, Zhonghanhan encountered difficulties in a group appearance scene.

"The two players stand here, and Peanut will stand here."

"Deft stand here and surround Cheng."

The on-site director kept instructing the team members to adjust their positions, and a group of idiots surrounded Lin Cheng in a circle, which made Lin Cheng feel quite uncomfortable.

"Isn't this too close? It feels weird to have four men close to your body."

"Don't move! Look at each other like this for ten seconds."

The director danced beside him, "That's the action. We will keep this state in the last scene, but the action should be more dynamic."

"Now everyone is back to the starting position, ready to retake the shot just now."

"Remember to be energetic!"

"Do you know the vitality?"


Lin Cheng gestured, "OK! Director, don't worry!"


As a result, the team members were obviously too shy. The scene of Lin Cheng coming from all sides to encircle Lin Cheng was relatively smooth at first, but after closing up, each of them seemed a little stiff.

"Energy! Energy! A little more energy!"

"The body and expression should be more dynamic."

The director waved his hands to splash water on the side of the host seat, shaking back and forth like a monkey.

Lin Cheng also followed the director's example and splashed water, "Energy!"

"That's right! Just like him! A little more life."

Seeing Lin Cheng's movements, the teammates imitated it coyly, and the staff next to him were also inexplicably excited.


"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

"Let's go! KT!"

"We KT are invincible!"

The mood was mobilized, the surrounding staff cheered one after another, and the big Europeans danced and danced, and all the idiots couldn't hold back.

What are these people?

What's even more irritating is that in the shed next to it, the players from T1 just finished shooting a scene, and Keria and Teddy also ran over when they saw the excitement here.

"Let's go! KT!"

"Brother Deft! Come on!"

The crowd laughed.

Lin Cheng beckoned, Keria ran over and got between Lin Cheng and Deft, facing the Vlog camera next to Biye, smiling very happily.

He had a bad relationship with Mr. Dai and Chaowei as last year's DRX teammates. On Deft's birthday, he insisted on celebrating Mr. Dai's birthday. Even though Deft insisted on not having a birthday party, Keria still ate with all KT members that day.

If T1 fans knew about it, they would probably accuse Keria of being an undercover agent.

But there is no way, as the leader of Keria's career, Mr. Dai himself is a warm big brother who loves his younger brother, so it is normal for Little K to rely on him.

Although focusing too much on emotions caused Deft to make many seemingly inappropriate decisions in his previous career, but if you want to talk about who is the most respected among all the players in the LCK, it must be Deft.

Although Faker had a more successful career, he was not good at dealing with relationships.

Although Deft has a very shy personality, unlike Faker who only focuses on his own world, Deft is very caring about people, and belongs to the kind of character that will be loved by his teammates wherever he goes.

Deft's ability to lead the team is very strong. Like Peanut, he is very good at regulating the emotions of the players.

The teammates he has brought may be very good, but there is absolutely no one who is directly open, and they are willing to go all out to compete with Mr. Dai.

KT can have such an excellent competitive state this year, apart from the absolute core of Lin Cheng in the team, it is also inseparable from the two big brothers.

Some people have a cheerful personality that can enliven the atmosphere, while others are warm and caring. Of course, the atmosphere in the KT team is not bad.

In fact, many teams lack the team atmosphere of KT. Obviously, the individual abilities of the players are not bad, but the team atmosphere is a mess due to various reasons.

Some people even pretended not to win on the court, so what kind of game is this?
And Teddy has a good relationship with KT players, so he will come over and hug his support partner Effort from last year.

Mr. Dai and Little K get together, Teddy and Evert get together, the current ex and the former incumbent... What kind of tauren plot is this?

An indescribable thought flashed through Lin Cheng's mind.

Little Lu Bu yelled over there, "What's the matter with you two? They are opponents in the semi-finals, what are you going to do?"

"Brother! You should teach them a lesson."

Faker just laughed, although he is very familiar, but he is not that close to the KT players.

"Wow~~~ Our team has two traitors."

Cuzz cupped his hands into a trumpet and yelled loudly.

The other T1 players were all laughing, and the atmosphere on the set burst into joy.

After finally settling down, the generals of T1, who were temporarily resting, watched the KT players shoot the promotional video.

At first, everyone was reluctant to let go, but now there is more pressure and it has been a long time.

Finally, the day of filming was over, and the two teams had a meal together.

The team members exchanged feelings at the dinner table without any scheming.

Don't look at Lin Cheng and Xiao Lu Bu's fierce confrontation during the interview. At the dinner table, Xiao Lu Bu also talked to each other, and Lin Cheng also behaved politely.

This is actually quite normal, who doesn't have two faces online and offline?
The Taobao jungler Karsa has a great say in this regard.

Offline is called coffee brother, online is called pizza, the fans are so real.

If you order pizza in person, you can hardly think about it online.

The coaches of the two teams were also very enthusiastic at the dinner table, but each had their own agendas.

Mr. Moment took advantage of the opportunity of toasting, "Brother! You are all training with DK recently, right? How are the team members doing? I think your Nosuke RANK seems to be in a bit of ups and downs."

It seems unintentional, but he has exposed his small actions of privately querying KT player RANK records.

"It's okay! RANK status doesn't count. Recently we are practicing the Yuumi system, and it's normal for the players to feel a little uncomfortable.

Kang Dongxun just opened his mouth to talk nonsense.

KT will specifically practice the Yuumi system?

Even fools don't believe it!

Mr. Moment sneered silently.

"By the way! How are you playing with EDG recently? Is there any difference between the LPL team and our understanding?"

Mr. Kang Dongxun also patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "Jihwan, you also know how hard it was for me to lose to RNG in 18. Since then, I have paid special attention to the LPL team."

Even ordinary viewers can tell from the previous games that after the group stage, EDG will definitely play a training match against T1.

The understanding of the two versions is too similar.

Kang Dongxun's words seem to be asking EDG, but they are actually referring to T1.

"Ouch~~~Brother, you know, how can there be so many things in the LPL team, don't mention it! Come on, cheers!"


The faces of the two old cunts were full of spring breeze, and their smiles were more kind than the other.

(End of this chapter)

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