Chapter 1503 EDG Nice! ! !

There is a four-day offseason after the quarter-finals. In addition to spending one day shooting promotional videos, KT's training tasks are very full.

The past two days have been extremely lively online.

When it was confirmed that the three LCK teams had advanced to the semi-finals, the happy faces of the commentators on the Korean language commentary booth spread to China, which broke the defense of the LPL audience.

"Seeing KR people laughing so happily is more uncomfortable than killing me"

"Like to laugh!Do you understand the gold content of the first buyer competition area? "

"Buy these three commentators next year and make them laugh"

"It's better to buy the hostess of LCK"

"One thing to say, if there are three LPLs in the top four, I will laugh happier than them"

"UP Master thinks I can understand Bangziyu?"Raw meat will be moved here"

"Let me translate for you: Hahahahahahaha, no more"

In addition to being dissatisfied with the smug look of the Korean commentator, the LPL audience was even more annoyed by the performance of the LPL team in the World Championship.

"20 starters in the semifinals, 17 Koreans, too classic and spicy!" "

"Brother Cheng Zi's nationality was expelled again, right? "

"Work harder next time, strive for 20 Koreans"

"Laughing!It was agreed before the game to win the semi-finals, but the semi-finals were swept by the LCK"

"State Power:? ? ? "

"Hasn't EDG always been a Korean team?something wrong? "

"Our LPL team can only play two Koreans, why can LCK play five?It's not fair! "

"It is suggested that the LCK will start next year and only two Koreans will be allowed to play. We are sure to win"

"I just want to ask Riot: When will the RNG resurrection match start?" "

In addition, all kinds of memes and videos about the status of the top four are flying all over the sky.

The classic picture of Jim Carrey shaking his head trio in "Saturday Night Live" was turned into three LCK teams, and EDG became the object they molested in the nightclub.

There are also starches who substitute EDG into the puppies surrounded by three lions.

Anyway, get the job done first, pretend to be dead when you lose, and play tricks when you win.

August 10, the first match day of the semi-finals.

Today, DK and EDG will compete for the first final seat in the 2021 global finals.

The entire KT team gathered in the training room to watch the game.

It happened to be noon, and Zhonghanhan was watching the Korean stream live broadcast while eating takeaway.

"Who do you think will win today?"

"No matter who wins, it's best to play five rounds and play out everything that our final opponent has."

"That's right! Coach Danny likes to study routines after returning to DK. When we played training games with us, I always felt that DK was hiding something. I hope EDG will not let DK hide routines to deal with us in the finals."

"I have reached the semi-finals, so there should be no chance to hide things, unless DK wants to hide the plane ticket."

The idiots had a heated discussion. They had already assumed that the winner of DK and EDG would be their opponent in the final, and none of them seemed to regard T1 as a human being in the semifinal.

This is the self-confidence of the strong. Lin Cheng has already ordered the trophy and is short of opening champagne with his teammates.

It’s okay to despise the opponent tactically, as long as you don’t enter the game and pretend to be hard.

Like Laifu, it's too outrageous to show your expression before the group is opened after going around.

This is the advantage of having a veteran and absolute core in the team. Even if KT has been winning this year, it rarely wastes money in the game.

On the contrary, T1, the mortal enemy of the news agency, often wins in a row, and then a few young people drift away. Suddenly, a certain game is too messy. Faker can't hold back because of his personality.

Soon, the first game began.

The BP of both sides is very interesting.

Facing DK's Bomberman system, EDG took out the combination of Jhin + Time.

In order to deal with Holy Gun's top laner male gun, Khanzi took out top laner Yasuo.

"Haha! Brother Lin Cheng, your Yasuo has been stolen!"

"Damn! Why can this person take the top laner Yasuo? Jin Donghe is a thief! This DK will definitely lose!"

Lin Cheng was very upset and cursed viciously.

Yasuo's male shot was taken out by him in the training match against DK.

Lin Cheng was just trying to see the effect, but he didn't expect Brother Hanzi to steal it backhandedly.

Yasuo's male shooting is mainly based on his technique.

The male gun will be blocked by minions due to its basic attack. Facing the nimble Yasuo online may cause blood pressure to soar. If a set of bursts is eaten by Yasuo's wind wall, it will be very hurt.

However, the advantages of the male gun's early hand length and line push are real. In Lin Cheng's opinion, Yasuo is not a good choice.

Lin Cheng had a lot of fun playing online in the training game, and he exploded Brother Han’s mentality, but the result of the game was actually not very good. Lin Cheng was small in the early stage, but in the mid-term, he sent a wave of big teammates and directly knocked out GG .

Obviously, DK may not think that there is a problem with Yasuo's male gun after replaying the game. They think that there is a problem with Lin Cheng's Yasuo.

Then Brother Hanzi started practicing Yasuo secretly.

After all, EDG's top laner must take the male gun. If you prepare a strange move in advance, if you can hold down the male gun, it will have a great impact on the progress of the game.

Entering the game, Hanzi's Yasuo play style is much more stable than that of Lin Cheng, and he chose the strategy of laying the line to develop in the early stage.

Brother Khan bit the last knife, and Yasuo cooperated with the blind monk in the vanguard group to play a role. The two ults were brutally connected to kill the prince jiejie in seconds, allowing DK to take the vanguard.

DK's top single Yasuo seems to have a good early effect.

But following EDG's time, it also showed its power. In the second-generation vanguard team battle, the key move of time was to resurrect the prince to fight back, which made EDG play a wave of 0 for 3 team battles.

The combination of Yasuo + Blind Monk's ultimate move is really stable, and Bomberman and his ultimate move are a must-kill.

But the problem is that Shiguang can overcome this single-point spike routine.

Because of the existence of time, DK played timidly in the back, and did not dare to rush in to find the target to focus fire, which led to the situation being constantly pulled by EDG and gradually lost control.

In the end, EDG took the lead.

In this game, both sides were very exciting from BP to game content. There were fresh routines such as top laner Yasuo and time support at the beginning, which made the audience hooked.

This is the wonderful part of BO5. In addition to the personal strength of the players, it is also necessary to fight for the BP game and tactical reserves of both sides.

Of course, EDG won the first game, and the LPL audience enjoyed watching it, but the LCK audience didn't necessarily think so.

The barrage on is very lively.

"What the hell is Yasuo top order?Is it useful except for the pioneer wave? "

"Who Taught Khan to Use Yasuo to Beat Graves?"Simply a Genius"

"#Khan Status#"

"Khan's Yasuo proficiency is too low, not as good as Cheng's Yasuo"

"Don't be embarrassing! Cheng's Yasuo laning is world-class"

"really!It's a pity that Yasuo is a community-level player after passing the laning, and even the uncle in our community can't send him to the team"

"The previous one deleted the comment, Cheng will be pissed off when he sees it, KKKKK"

"The second seed of the LCK is actually T1, and the strength of DK's bot lane is too low"

"If it's Guma+Keria, you can definitely play EDG bottom lane"

"Can 1557 be quiet? DK's No. [-] seed was won by strength, not by you."

"EDG Nice! ! !come on! "

"Dog Han Rape! "

"Miscellaneous get out! "

(End of this chapter)

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