This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1564 Pain!too painful

Chapter 1564 Pain!too painful

Zeyuan: "EDG is very decisive in fighting the dragon! It's too late for Peanut to come back to life. KT wants Verus to fight the dragon."

"How to say? Today Deft has already robbed the dragon once, and Verus is the arrow of punishment! This hero has a trick to grab the dragon! The two LPL champions AD have used this hero to rob the dragon."

"Deft this position and use W to store an arrow... Ugh! I missed it."

Miller didn't hold back: "Although robbing the dragon is a small probability event, the probability of missing the shot seems to be even smaller. This wave of EDG... still has to fight! KT doesn't want to let people go!"

Just as the commentator made fun of Mr. Dai's clumsy shot, the scene suddenly changed again.

Jiejie punished the dragon steadily, and Foyego began to accumulate strength W Qianzaiyouyan through the wall.

"You can fight! Don't let them go! Old Dai!"

Mr. Dai dodged R first, and the corrupt chain on the partition wall hit the prince under the dragon pit.

At this time, everyone in EDG has not dispersed.

Lin Cheng directly w dodged down the dragon pit, and hit the prince with a thousand-year-old swallow.

No longer caring about the problem of controlling repetition, Lin Cheng destroyed the mark on the prince's body immediately, and immediately used the E skill.

The vast expanse of scorched earth spread against the walls of the Dragon Pit, and Fiego's backhand QA was stacked full of conquerors.

Karma gives RQ.

Varus rained ghost arrows on the partition wall.

Although it doesn't enhance Q, Verus' E skill can also detonate the withering layers, and the prince who originally carried the dragon's blood volume is not very good-looking directly left the blood.

Fiego slashed down with his sword, and the prince died suddenly.

Without waiting for Lin Cheng to pick up his soul, Seti relied on his E skill to pull Foyego out before being spread by the chain of corruption, bang bang was two punches.

Lucian E came up to pour damage.

At this time, Lin Cheng was broken + godly, and the third bloody hand hadn't come out yet, so he wasn't very resistant.

However, Scout's tsar immediately moved out to avoid the spread of the chain of corruption, and did not follow the focus on Fyego.

Relying on the vast scorched earth to accelerate, Viego successfully picked up the soul.

The blood volume began to recover.

Originally, Fyego's health bar was less than half, and it quickly recovered.

At the same time, the three of EDG were successively imprisoned by the spreading chain of corruption.

Verus has already accumulated Q again on the shore.

Viper purified and released the imprisonment. He knew that if he didn't move, he would be sure that Verus' next arrow would be aimed at him.

Lin Cheng, who transformed into a prince, waited for a while.

Fiego can't transform immediately at this time, and he can give himself more room to operate by pulling as much as possible without being focused on fire.

Of course, it didn't take too long. Half a second later, Lin Cheng's EQ shot Lucian accurately.

Verus shot an arrow and hit Lucian who was knocked into the air.

Since there is no W enhancement, only the damage of the wither is not very exaggerated.

But enough is enough.

Lin Cheng took the prince and shot down passively, and Lucian still had one-third of his health left.

Scout's Tsar E sand soldier moved, and his ultimate move wanted to push Lin Cheng away from Lucian.

Lin Cheng cut out the Painful Heavenly Spirit in time.

Using the big move to break the restriction of the wall of the Forbidden Army, Fiego came to the canyon again.

At this moment, Lucian has no means of evasion.

The damage of Lin Cheng's body is much higher than that of the prince.

The Ruined King's sword was slashed out, and Lucian fell to the ground.

"Double Kill!"

Fiego resolutely picks up the soul and transforms into Lucian.

Lin Cheng knew Lu Xian too well, so he got up and shot W in the direction of the czar.

Nami gives blisters.

Lucian made a smart gliding step, hit the Tsar's face biubiu with two shots, and the piercing holy light immediately followed.

Meiko's intestines are regretful.

If he had known that Mr. Dai would be able to get the Q wrong just now when he grabbed the dragon Q, he would not have handed in Q through the wall.

Nami's Q didn't cool down until Fiego turned into Lucian, but the blister was easily dodged by Lin Cheng.

As long as it cools down earlier, the water bubbles will have a chance to suppress Foyego's transformation.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

After a set of damage was poured out, Lin Chengyu pierced through Tianling in pain and then slashed.

The Tsar is dead.

"Triple Kill!"

Lin Cheng picked up his soul again.

Lucian was very brittle just now, and was poked twice by the tsar's sand soldiers and lost some blood, but as soon as this soul picked up the blood bar, it gurgled up again.

"Yo ho! Brother Lin Cheng is killing you!"

"Niuwa! Niuwa! Come on Chengbao! Kill them all."

"Penta! Penta!"

Seeing Lin Cheng's fierceness, his teammates began to turn into atmosphere groups one after another.

It's a pity that the duo didn't dodge at this time, and Verus was still able to shoot a bow and arrow through the wall, so Karma could only go around the dragon pit and prepare to help Lin Cheng get pentakill.

Seti and Nami didn't run away either. They knew how powerful Foyego's pursuit ability was when he turned into the Tsar Queen.

The moment Fyego turned into the czar, Seti immediately activated the Q skill to reset the basic attack with two punches, and pressed Thirst Blood.

Needless to say, although Brother Holy Gun is poorly equipped, the Tsar is also very fragile. Lin Cheng's original blood volume of nearly [-]% suddenly became dangerous.

Lin Cheng hurriedly summoned the sand soldiers to move with EQ and prepared to move away.

The CD of the big move that Holy Gun brother handed over in the second half is over.

Sett was amazed and forcibly interrupted the Tsar's drift.

Crows fly!
Fuck!It seems a little dangerous.

Transforming into a tsar is still too fragile. It is impossible for Fyego to be almost killed by Seti's two punches.


Hugging and falling to the ground, Seti raised his hand and punched twice.

Fortunately, the Tsar's displacement can brush the shield, and it also left Lin Cheng with a small amount of blood.

Lin Cheng finally cut out the R Pain Penetrating Heavenly Spirit.

Landing next to Nami, Viego descended.

Fyego's ultimate move has a knockback effect on units other than the main target. Seti was pushed away from his position and directly set up W's deliberate punch.

The Tsar's Q just now plus the damage of Fyego's ultimate move, Sett's pride value is not too small.

Foyego's blood volume was too low, and he was only three squares away, so he couldn't take the damage from the center of the punch.

But Lin Cheng didn't panic at all, he landed on the ground and knocked out the imprint on Nami's body with a QA shot and put W in seconds to adjust the position.

Qianzai Youyan is not only a control skill, but the displacement effect is still very fragrant.

Sett's punch exploded, and Foyego just moved a little to the side.

Dodging fatal damage, Fyego presses forward.

Evert's Karma came around and gave a boost.

Nami flashed back and pulled away from Viego.

But Lin Cheng's main body's big move is already ready.

Tong Guan Tianling cut out again.

Nami was killed.

"Quadra Kill!"

Fiego picked up his soul and recovered his blood, and his teammates rushed over and started beating Seti.

"Fuck! Stop beating! Leave the head to me."

Lin Cheng was afraid that his teammates would beat Sett to death while he was transformed.

Don't doubt it, they can do it.

Although Peanut Butter has always been Lin Cheng's dog, but his essence of cutting black and white is still there. It is also possible to deliberately play Lin Cheng under the premise of winning the game.


If the five kills are not obtained, the interview with Brother Cheng will be blackened later.

What?Peanut is free of black cards for three days?
Sorry!I have no idea.

During the transformation, Lin Cheng's thoughts changed sharply.

He didn't know why he thought so far.

Of course, the teammates still love him very much, and they stopped after beating Seti.

Chaowei stole Serti's big move, and hugged Serti back to Nami.

Lin Cheng first controlled Seti with water bubbles, and then cut through Tianling with pain.

pain!It hurts so much.

"Penta Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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