This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1565 Six consecutive championships!

Chapter 1565 Two consecutive championships!
Zeyuan: "KT is very fierce here, Verus is on the shore R flashing to keep people, Chengzi brother flashing down will hit five!"

"Can you drop Fyego in seconds? The prince fell first! Let Fyego pick it up!"

"Verus's chain of corruption is still spreading. Viper purifies and removes the control, but it is provoked by Brother Cheng's transformation into Prince EQ."

"Tian Ling pierced the tsar's big move, it's over! Lucian is going to die too."

"Brother Chengzi is crazy! It's going to be five kills!"

Remember: "Ah~~~ This Foyego is too good, go down to the Dragon Pit alone, hit five kills by crazy transformation and cut five kills!"

Zeyuan: "It's another pentakill in the finals! Crazy! Brother Chengzi has won pentakills in the finals of the two consecutive world championships. Last year in the finals in Shanghai, he won pentakills with a poodle and Kenan respectively. This year is Fiego."

"In the finals of the global finals so far, there are only four pentakill records, three of which are from Brother Orange, and the other one is from his former teammate Kuro!"

"Although they are opponents, I still have to say, what kind of team is this? What kind of opponent is this?"

Miller sighed: "Although it's sad, Brother Cheng's performance deserves any praise. It can be said that he really defeated our No. [-] seed in LPL by himself."

Chinese stream viewers reacted differently.

Some wailed, lamenting the strength of KT.

Some of them turned off the live broadcast, and went down silently sad.

Some are gearing up and preparing to liquidate friendly forces.

The replay gave Lin Cheng's first perspective.

"Fuck! This is okay?"

At first, he stared at the dragon intently, and found that Verus was forced to speak Chinese after shooting an arrow in the air.

But it was only a short shock, and Foyego had already started to gather strength W to signal his teammates to stay.

Mr. Dai was not affected by the Q air just now, and the subsequent skill release was very accurate.

And Lin Cheng's thinking was very clear, W flashed down and followed his teammates to the prince first, and found that Lu Xian's E+ purification was all forced out, and the second target chose Lu Xian.

The current version of Gust CD is too long, and there is very little room for Lucian to play, no E, no gust, and Lin Cheng's EQ to fly Lucian and knock down the wall of the forbidden army with his big move has actually declared the explosion of EDG.

Although there were some twists and turns in the subsequent transformation into the czar, Lin Cheng still managed to show to the end.

"6666!This Fiego is so handsome"

"Variable Star Lord!"Operation in Dreams"

"Five kills!Brother Cheng is awesome! "

"Three Pentakills in the Final, No. 1 in History"

"It's not too much to say that this wave is one to five, right?Teammates just lose their skills on the shore"

"Mr. Dai's Q didn't hit Dalong, it's a bit messed up"

"Actually he is paralyzing EDG (funny)"

"If Mr. Dai's R flashes and is empty, the program will be full of effect"

"Just now I thought that EDG Dalong had a chance to come back, but it was wiped out in a blink of an eye"

"Fans ignited their hopes and then extinguished them in an instant, as expected of you"

"In terms of letting people down, EDG never disappoints"

EDG player shots.

At the moment when the group was wiped out, Jiejie and Brother Holy Gun looked at each other with bitter smiles, and the rest of the teammates also had bitter faces.

They already had a premonition of the end of the story.

Sure enough, it seems that the miracle will not happen.

The KT team's voice has already fallen into a carnival.

"Nice! Brother Lin Cheng! Five kills again!"

"This is the charm of Fiego!"

"Cheng Bao, I love you!"

"we are the champion!"

"Please call me Champion Assistant Evert from now on!"

The team members all knew that with Lin Cheng's pentakill this time, the champion could no longer escape.

Lin Cheng never forgot to tease Mr. Dai: "No! Old Dai, you were able to shoot the big dragon just now, didn't you? The big dragon moved too well, didn't it?"

"I want to aim at the dragon while avoiding Nami Q, isn't it normal for the mouse to shake?"

"Do you think it's easy?"

"I was almost hit by Nami's Q. How many people can't even find the direction of Dalong in this situation."

It can be seen that Mr. Dai is in a good mood, and it is rare to start to argue.

In fact, it is also true!

At least the general direction of Verus Q is not wrong.

Compared with some Verus with reverse Q, Mr. Dai's is not outrageous.

Everyone talked and laughed, and rushed to the Xiaolongkeng collectively.

Since EDG has dealt with the pawn line before the battle for vision in the lower half of the group, there is not enough time for a wave, and KT is going to fight steadily to take the Dragon Soul first.

Just right, the fire dragon refreshes.

After winning the Dragon Soul, the KT team returned to make up for it.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Take the Dragon Soul home, KT didn't give it a chance! Just now they could break all the way first, but KT chose the safest way to play the game."

"Let Cheng Zi replace the huge sum of money on his body with equipment, and then attack again with the fire dragon soul. EDG will be very difficult to defend."

Foyego went home to join the bleeding hand and bought an extra stopwatch. The remaining grids had two real eyes, and the rest of his teammates also had real eyes.

Without the Baron BUFF, KT chose the [-]-[-] point line very steadily.

Lin Cheng led the sideline, and four teammates pressed the ball.

In this situation, Fiego is very difficult to catch. His teammates grouped in the middle and continued to exert pressure. Lin Cheng quickly sent the line of troops to the high ground.

EDG is a bit tired on defense.

Although the Czar's line clearing speed is not slow, but now the pressure from Verus and Karma with the Fire Dragon Soul is too great, and Verus can wipe out half of the Czar's blood with a Q skill.

Lucian's big sweep helped to clear the line, and Silas stole Lucian's big move and directly swiped.

EDG defended a wave of soldiers in the middle, but the blood volume of the personnel under the tower was consumed a lot.

The blue square's middle lane is now under great pressure to defend the line, and it is impossible to start a team at all.

Let’s not talk about Verus and Karma’s first consumption, which suppressed the blood volume of the EDG players. The prince couldn’t drive Verus without dodging, and there was no chance of winning with other players in EDG.

It was also difficult for Sett on the top lane to defend Fiego's line.

Seti of the cannon car line was not cleared quickly, and Viego used Q to trigger the fire dragon soul effect continuously with his hands, and Seti was consumed to half of his blood after two hits.

But Lin Cheng didn't pursue solo kills either, seeing that the gun cart was about to be cleared, Fiego immediately leaned towards the middle.

It happened that another wave of troops arrived in the middle.

Verus shot Nami with more than half of his health with a single Q skill.

Chaowei's Silas flanked the E skill and pulled it down the tower.

"Go! Hit whatever you want!"

After discovering Silas E, Lin Cheng and Little Peanut immediately followed up.

Serti's transition was a step slower than Foyego's. At this time, EDG has few people in front and is not in good condition. It is very simple for KT to start a team battle.

Chaowei took a wave of damage to kill Nami in seconds, and used a set of skills to open the golden body to delay time.

And Lin Cheng didn't pick up Nami's soul, and followed his teammates to kill the prince first, then transformed into EQ to provoke the two of them, and slashed through the sky.

Little Peanut found Lucian's position, and RQQ directly cut Lucian.

Not to mention the stopwatch, this Bo Lin Cheng followed his teammates and wiped out the enemy without even being beaten.

Taking advantage of the trend, KT flattened the blue square base in a wave.

"Win! Champion!"

(End of this chapter)

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