This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1566 He is a symbol of an era

Chapter 1566 He is a symbol of an era
Ze Yuan: "Ouch! Verus has a fire dragon soul, the damage is explosive! Silas E is going up!"

Already fully prepared for the situation, Miller's voice calmed down, "It's been seconded again! This wave may not be able to hold on."

"With EDG being knocked out, KT is going to have a wave!"

Zeyuan's voice was still full of emotion: "In this way, we have not ushered in a new world champion, and the entire League of Legends is still under the rule of KT."

"And KT has also become the second team to successfully defend their title after SKT. Their dynasty is still going on, and the legend of Chengzi is still being written. Congratulations to KT!"

Remember: "Thank you to the two teams for dedicating a wonderful match for us. It is also the existence of a team like KT that continues to inspire us to move forward in the LPL. There are so many talents in Jiangdong, and it is unknown to make a comeback. Please continue to work hard next year!"

Miller: "They are indeed worthy opponents. Both their decision-making and discipline are worthy of our LPL learning. Coupled with Chengzi's exaggerated personal ability, this KT team deserves to be the strongest in the world."

"Congratulations to KT! Winning the 2021 League of Legends Global Finals!"

The barrage exploded.

"Congratulations KT!They are really powerful"

"KT's strength is still questionable?Isn't it expected that Dianbao was swept away? "

"Two consecutive championships, this posture will not be three consecutive championships next year, right? "

"Now the pressure is coming to T1, Faker's position is unstable"

"Who is Faker?"Brother Chengzi is now the only true god! "

"EDG is here?Wait to be liquidated! "

"Go and tell the people around you, EDG won the championship 3:0!" "

"so bad!Tricked the piggies who didn't watch the live broadcast to come in and kill them, right? "

"We are runners up! ! ! "

Take Heartbroken Piglets Online

"Stop pretending!Actually I am a KT fan, we are champions! "

"Adaptive home team, right? "

Just before the opponent's base was flattened, Little Peanut raised his fists excitedly and prepared to celebrate.

The characters are attacking automatically, and the ending is already doomed.

The base exploded, and Xiao Hua raised his fists violently and stood up.


"Yahoo! We are the champions!"

Mr. Dai couldn't hide his excitement anymore, he got up and hugged the two younger brothers next to him tightly.

Lin Cheng also smiled.

Compared with his teammates, he is much calmer.

Stretching, the four teammates next to him were already huddled together.

They were jumping, laughing, and yelling that they couldn't hear anything.

"come here quickly!"

Little Peanut and Mr. Dai waved to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng took off his earphones and got up slowly.

Little Peanut pulled him over, and the four fools rushed up, jumping up and down excitedly.

Although they have already prepared in their hearts, the team members still couldn't hide their excitement when this moment really came.

Especially for Mr. Dai and Peanut, the sense of happiness after years of chasing and finally realizing their dreams is enough to overwhelm reason and calmness.

The KT players hugged and celebrated, while the EDG players on the other side looked very disappointed.

Meiko collapsed on the chair, holding her head in pain.

Viper stared blankly at the post-match panel.

Scout silently tidied up the equipment.

Jiejie lowered his head and covered his face, and Brother Holy Gun patted him on the shoulder comfortingly.

Although it has been agreed to let go and give it a go, no regrets.

But life seems to be full of regrets.

Lin Cheng and his teammates celebrated with a simple celebration, ready to drink saliva to calm the shock.

Suddenly, he saw a black shadow out of the corner of his eye.

Subconsciously flashed.

The coaching staff had already rushed onto the stage, and Kang Dongxun was about to jump on his apprentice to celebrate, but Lin Cheng's sudden dodge made the coach miss him.

Kang Dongxun's whole body hit the stage floor heavily, and the sound made the team members beside him stunned.

Then, everyone laughed out loud.

The audience couldn't hold back anymore, and began to discuss whether KT would damage the coach because of the celebration.

Soon, Mr. Kang Dongxun got up holding his buttocks, and looked at Lin Cheng with a trace of resentment in his excitement.

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Coach, if you don't make a sound, I thought someone threw a hidden weapon."

Kang Dongxun: "..."

Kang Dongxun, who won the championship in Shanghai last year, jumped on Lin Cheng's back. Only a person like Lin Cheng who has been exercising all the time can bear this kind of celebration.

"Go bump fists first, don't grind."

Without keeping the frustrated ones waiting, the KT players went to bump fists with the EDG players one by one.

The two players have a good relationship. Mr. Dai hugged his old partner Meiko, and Meiko also sent his blessings.

Saying goodbye to the EDG players, all members of KT stood in front of the stage.

Ribbons scattered all over the sky from above the stage.

Without rushing to touch the trophy placed in the center of the stage, all KT members lined up, and everyone let the oldest Deft step forward first.

Mr. Dai smiled shyly. He took a step forward and put his hand on the summoner's trophy.

There were no witnesses from the audience.

The moment Mr. Dai touched the trophy, his teammates applauded him.

Mr. Dai pursed his lips, seemingly at a loss in front of the camera.

Even though he was already an out-and-out fossil-level player, this was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

In the comment section of Korean Stream, Kim Ji Hyun couldn't help feeling:
"Nine years of professional career and five teams, Deft has finally caught up with his dream. I think he must be happy at this moment."

Kuro couldn't help but nodded, "Of course! What could be sweeter than a scene like this?"

He knows Mr. Dai, and he also experienced such a happy moment last year.

Seeing his teammates applaud Mr. Dai, viewers in various language streams also sent blessings in the live barrage.

Then there are the little peanuts.

He smiled and waved around the stage, as if there were countless audiences sitting under the stage, his bright smile seemed to be that high-spirited boy in white clothes back then.

"Peanut! He has played in seven teams in his seven-year career. He is an out-and-out prodigal son of e-sports."

"But the prodigal son is not alone. In KT, he met excellent partners. They achieved each other and won the championship trophy together."

"Just like what he said in the interview: He and Lin Cheng are the world's number one Ueno combination."

Little Peanut stepped forward and put his hand on the trophy.

Teammates also applauded.

Next came Chaowei and Evert.

There were no spectators at the scene, so the KT players applauded and wished each other well.

Simple, yet grand.

Finally, Lin Cheng.

The camera zoomed in, and he was facing the camera, with his right hand turned and placed in front of his forehead.

This is the most handsome makeup photo pose voted by fans this year.

At this time, Lin Cheng's actions were meaningful.

He has a handsome face with clear lines and a smile in his eyes.

Kuro couldn't help laughing and complaining: "This kid is handsome and stinky!"

Jin Zhixian also smiled.

"He's the captain, he's the leader."

"He's a legend, he's the king of KT."

"He was a symbol of an era."

"He was the end of an era."

"His story continues."

After a pause, Jin Zhixian looked at Lin Cheng's vigorous look on the screen, and couldn't help pouring out his heart:


"This moment is your most handsome and beautiful appearance."

"It's also what you will always look like."

"We love you at this moment."

"We love who we are at this moment too, love the way you look"

(End of this chapter)

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