This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1571 Kang Dongxun: I will bear with him first

Chapter 1571 Kang Dongxun: I will bear with him first

Not knowing what her boyfriend was thinking about, Han Shuyan was questioned by Lin Cheng, and she simply admitted it.

Han Seo-yeon: Alright!Even if I'm angry, ignore you.

Lin Cheng: Don't!Sister, don't ignore me!You can punish me however you want, just don't ignore me!
Han Shuyan: Then tell yourself, how do you want me to punish you?
Seeing this news, Lin Cheng was a little moved by imagining Sister Shuyan's mild anger.

He knew that sister Shuyan was definitely not really angry.

It must be Xiao Tong's instigation!
The little wife is really hateful!When I go back, I have to put her in the most shameful position and let her watch him tear her stockings apart!

After thinking for a while, Lin Cheng sent a message in a vicious way:
Why don't you wait for my sister to squeeze me dry when I come back?Punish me severely!

Seeing her boyfriend's unscrupulous reply, Han Shuyan felt helpless and shy.

Before she could reply, Lin Cheng sent another message.

If you still feel puzzled, sister can step on me!trample on me!

Han Shuyan blushed all of a sudden.

This guy!Obviously I want my sister to reward you.

"Sister Shuyan, do you want to wash up first?"

At this time, Xiao Tong's voice came.

Han Shuyan turned her head to look nervously like a thief, for fear that Xiao Tong would find out that she did not stick to the agreement and was in contact with Lin Cheng.


After coping, Han Shuyan quickly replied to her boyfriend's message.

Ignore you!My sister went to wash up.

There seemed to be shyness between the lines, and Lin Cheng couldn't help but smile while staring at the phone.

"Why are you laughing like that?"

Seeing Lin Cheng huddled in the corner with a weird smile on his phone, Chi Shengxi couldn't help but come over.

Lin Cheng stretched happily, "Because there is something to be happy about."

"Happier than winning the championship?"

"Of course!"

Lin Cheng showed a strange look, "Talking with someone you like, feeling care and love, are all happy things in my opinion...Compared with winning the championship, these are two different kinds of happiness."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, "You are such a great lover, hurry up and get ready to attend the post-match press conference."


After attending the post-match press conference, the entire KT team had a dinner at a local restaurant.

The restaurant is located on the edge of Tuoninghu. The interior decoration is a bit of medieval style. The light is not bright or dark. A gorgeous candlestick is placed on the long wooden table. The lake with a pleasant view is outside the window. The dining atmosphere is very good.

In order to prepare for today's game, the hanhans just ate something casually to rest at noon, and all of them were so hungry that they would growl.

It's not polite, everyone starts when they are on the table.

Kang Dongxun took the opportunity to stand up and speak a few words, affirming everyone's hard work this year, and so on, but Lin Cheng didn't listen carefully even though he was talking too much.

It is probably to continue to grow bigger and stronger and create greater glories.

After Kang Dongxun finished speaking, he took a sip of the red wine in the goblet and sat down.

Maybe the coach of the double crown will be in a good mood now. Kang Dongxun's movement of sitting down is a bit bold, but the inertia of leaning back is too great, and he turned over directly with the chair.

"Haha! What's the matter with you, coach? I fell twice today, so I didn't read the almanac when I went out, did I?"

Seeing the coach's embarrassed look, Lin Cheng laughed unscrupulously.

The teammates also laughed.

Kang Dongxun's face was not very good-looking, he glanced at his assistant secretly.

Help me up!
Someone with status must be supported by someone in this situation. How shameless it is to get up by yourself?

As a result, the assistant coach Acron didn't notice his eyes at all, and laughed along with Lin Cheng, his face seemed to be not less angry with Kang Dongxun.

Kang Dong Hoon is a little hurt.

Oh shit!People's hearts are scattered, so it's not easy to take it with you.

Mr. Kang got up pretending to be calm, and he heard Lin Cheng asking Chi Shengxi: "Sister Shengxi, did you take the shot just now? Don't cut out such a powerful shot."

Mr. Kang launched a death stare.

"Is it funny?"

"Of course! You don't even know how much you fell..."

Lin Cheng finally realized what was wrong, he raised his goblet and took a sip.

"I'm not laughing at you... Maybe I was a little confused after drinking too much, coach, don't mind."

Mr. Kang Dongxun stared at dead fish eyes, "But your glass is filled with grape juice."

"is it?"

Lin Cheng pretended to glance at his goblet, and suddenly covered his forehead, "It's over! I may be allergic to grape juice, no wonder I'm dizzy."

Kang Dongxun was left speechless by the way this guy pretended.

If it weren't for your many fans and good health, I couldn't beat you, and the club would still be on your side... I must let you know what the authority of a coach is!
That is to say, it's hard to find a job this year, so I'll put up with him first... forgive you!

After all, he is my beloved general, if I don't forgive him, no one will be able to forgive him.

Thinking of this, Mr. Kang immediately calmed down.

I don’t know if Mr. Kang Dongxun has seen Brother Table’s documentary, anyway, the mentality of this meeting is similar to that of Brother Table.

Of course, it's not that Kang Dongxun didn't fight back after suffering a dull loss.

At such a festive moment, under Kang Dongxun's lead and instigation, Lin Cheng had no choice but to drink red wine.


The goblets collided lightly, and the red liquid swayed slightly, full of high-class breath.

These idiots in KT have more hearts than one. They usually suffer from Lin Cheng for a long time. Now they will work together with the coach and soon make Lin Cheng dizzy.

As expected, Lin Cheng started.

"I love you~~~my home~~~~"

The guy pushed the chair away, ran to the side and sang "Paradise."

Although the naive people couldn't understand Chinese songs, they were still shocked by Lin Cheng's weird singing voice and stiff dance.

Everyone raised their phones one by one.

take a photo of!take a photo of!Lin Cheng's black history.

Not to be outdone, Kang Dongxun didn't care about eating, and kept watching Lin Cheng's performance with his mobile phone.

Chi Shengxi tried to persuade him a few words, but Lin Cheng couldn't help it at all when he was in the middle of the meeting.

After the song was over, Lin Cheng leaned over with unsteady crab steps, and put his arms around the coach's neck.

"Old Kang! How about we dance "Trouble Maker" together?"

All the idiots applauded loudly, and even Chi Shengxi couldn't help expressing his desire to watch it.

Kang Dongxun's face turned green.

You are shameless, I still want it.

"Go away! I'd never die."

His attitude was very firm, trying to push Lin Cheng away.

Lin Cheng hiccupped, and wrapped his arms around the coach's neck tightly, "Try your conscience and say, how does Brother Cheng treat you?"

Kang Dongxun touched his chest, and looked at Lin Cheng unrequitedly.

"Average, very average."

Lin Cheng raised his hand suddenly.

Mr. Kang was so frightened that he hugged his head quickly, for fear that this guy would punch him.

In the end, Lin Cheng just scratched his head.

Seeing the coach's frightened look in front of Lin Cheng, the teammates all snickered.

Kang Dongxun glared at the Hanhans.

You all restrain yourself, if I can't deal with Lin Cheng, I can't deal with you?
Everyone immediately became serious and concentrated on taking pictures.

Seeing that Lin Cheng still refused to let him go, Kang Dongxun picked up his plate, "Eat something and calm down first."

On the plate are lamb testicles, Iceland's famous dark dish.

The smell of mutton is very strong, and basically everyone does not eat it.

Lin Cheng obviously forgot about this meeting, he casually grabbed the sliced ​​meat from the plate and put it into his mouth.

Immediately, his face was very bright.


(End of this chapter)

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