Chapter 1572
Lin Cheng's sudden livid face made the fools unable to hold back.

"Coach! Why did you want to kill me?"

Staggering and taking a step back, Lin Cheng returned to his seat tremblingly and sat down.


The present report is here, just now Lin Cheng led his teammates to laugh at the coach, now it's the coach's turn to take the lead in laughing at him.

Lamb testicles is a dark dish in Iceland that is as famous as stinky shark meat. The refreshing taste even Lin Cheng who is already drunk is struck by lightning.

There are also places in China where sheep testicles are eaten, but under the cover of various seasonings, the smell of mutton can hardly be tasted. Although it sounds a bit heavy, it is actually acceptable after eating.

Icelandic sheep testicles are not the same thing.

Icelanders use a method similar to fermenting shark meat to ferment sheep testicles first, then add some local spices after cooking, and these spices are not used to cover up the fishy smell of sheep testicles, but will make the smell even stronger.

In the end, the taste of the finished product is particularly good, and it is even more exciting than eating raw sheep testicles.

Although Lin Cheng had never eaten raw sheep testicles, it probably wouldn't be more disgusting than this.

Even the alcohol dissipated a lot, Lin Cheng sat down in a daze, his eyes were blank, and he seemed to doubt his life.

"I told you not to drink just now, but I just didn't listen."

Chi Shengxi poured the juice for Lin Cheng again, and this guy held the cup as if he saw the antidote and poured down tons and tons.

At this time, Little Peanut gave Lin Cheng a piece of stinky shark meat.

"Lin Cheng, eat a piece of beef and press it down"

Before Chi Shengxi could stop it, Lin Cheng had already stuffed the meat into his mouth.


The stench that hit his forehead made him retch.

"Toxic! This one is also poisonous!"

Chi Shengxi quickly poured him another glass of juice.

"Drink! Drink two more sips and you will lose your taste."

Lin Cheng held the drink and poured it wildly, and the fools were laughing like crazy.

Kang Dongxun laughed very loudly.

Compared with jumping off a building after drinking too much before, Lin Cheng's reaction after drinking this time is delightful.

Hearing the laughter of his teammates, Lin Cheng put down his cup, lay down on the table a little aggrieved and cried to Chi Shengxi.

"Nu Na! They all want to poison me to death! This group of rebellious officials and thieves want to usurp the throne!"

Immediately, the Hanhans laughed even louder.

Chi Shengxi was also laughing, and did not forget to pat Lin Cheng on the back to show comfort.

After being baptized by two dark dishes, Lin Cheng was not in the mood to pull the coach to dance "Trouble Maker", and lay down on the table in a daze.

"Champion! Hey! Champion!"

"Brother Cheng wants to choose Baisi Daomei for his skin! Who has an opinion?"

"Woo~~~Little pupil! My little pupil!"

"Has the celebration banquet started yet? Is anyone from EDG here?"

"Brother Holy Gun is not here today, let me see if any of you dare to move your chopsticks!"

Hearing Lin Cheng muttering all the time, Chi Shengxi leaned his ears to listen carefully for a while, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Little Peanut also leaned over to listen.

Just in time to hear Lin Cheng complaining about him.

"Han Wanghao, that heartless bastard, actually wanted to poison Brother Cheng to death just now! Curse him for not growing tall all his life, you dwarf!"

Suddenly, Peanut Butter's face darkened.

Height is a sensitive subject for him.

hateful!Call me a dwarf!

Peanut Butter carried a plate of salad next to it, and viciously pushed Lin Cheng's head into it.

"Hey! Be careful to choke him."

Chi Shengxi hurriedly stopped Little Peanut, and slapped him on the arm reproachfully.

Lin Cheng just struggled a little, but there was no movement.

Kang Dongxun: "Dead?"

"How can it be so fast?"

Chi Shengxi moved Lin Cheng's head away, and wiped his face with a napkin.

Little Peanut worriedly stretched out his hand to check Lin Cheng's breath, "He's not dead! He fell asleep."

Kang Dongxun sighed: "That's quite a pity."

Everyone: "..."

Do you really want to kill him?

When the celebration banquet lasted to the end, Lin Cheng finally woke up. He sipped his drink for a while dazed by the side, and was carried back to the hotel by his teammates.

The fools threw Lin Cheng on the bed and ran away. Chi Shengxi covered him with a quilt and went to find the sober medicine.

Lin Cheng's mind seemed to be stuck, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Beth!There are so many white silks in the sky, so many white silks.

Apparently, the guy was a little out of his mind.

It took a while for Chi Shengxi to come back.

"Lin Cheng, it's time to take your medicine."


Although his mind was not very bright, Lin Cheng vaguely felt that he had heard this sentence somewhere.

Dalang, should you take your medicine?
"Why are you in a daze? Drink the hangover medicine soon."


Lin Cheng responded, but just lay on the bed and moved his head a little, without getting up at all.

"Okay! Just lie down and drink."

Chi Shengxi tore open the package of the hangover medicine, held Lin Cheng's head with one hand and brought the hangover medicine to his mouth.

The packaging of the hangover medicine is a bit similar to ginseng medicine, but it tastes very bitter. As soon as he drank it, Lin Cheng frowned and turned his head away.

"It's so hard to drink."

This childish action made Chi Shengxi want to laugh, and she brought the hangover medicine to his mouth again, "Oh! Drink it obediently and you'll feel better later."

Lin Cheng didn't notice that Sister Sheng Xi was coaxing herself like a child, and swallowed the sober medicine with two gulps.

"Okay! Go to bed first, my sister is back."

After Chi Shengxi finished speaking, he stood up, and just as he was about to get out of the way, he found that his legs were hugged by Lin Cheng.

"Ah! Let go quickly, and sleep obediently when you're drunk."

"No! I can't sleep, you chat with me."

"Okay! What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, let's talk about fifty cents first."

While muttering, Lin Cheng rubbed his cheek on Chi Shengxi's leg.

Chi Shengxi was wearing jeans today, Lin Cheng felt that the touch was not very good, so he muttered reluctantly.

"Hmm~~~ I don't feel comfortable rubbing against it, my face!"

Chi Shengxi was helpless, "Of course, the jeans my sister is wearing today are not stockings."

"That sister rubbed on me in stockings."

Chi Shengxi froze for a moment, then looked down and saw Lin Cheng staring at her with wide eyes.

She couldn't help laughing, leaned over and pulled Lin Cheng's cheek.

"Ah! Tell me! Are you pretending to be drunk?"

Lin Cheng pouted, hugged her thigh and said nothing.

Of course this guy is drunk, but after so long, his mind is still a little confused, not to the point where his will and body have deviated from his drunkenness.

Seeing Lin Cheng not talking like an angry child, Chi Shengxi couldn't help but smile.

"Okay! Then let my sister sit down first, it will be very tiring."

Lin Cheng moved his butt to make way for her, still holding her leg and not letting go.

Chi Shengxi sat down.

"Hey! My sister is here, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Lin Cheng didn't speak, but just hugged Sheng Xi's leg in a daze, looking delirious.

"If you don't talk, then listen to my sister."

"My sister has always wanted to thank you for taking care of me this year, Lin Cheng, you..."

She whispered, and Lin Cheng didn't respond after talking for a long time.

Chi Shengxi looked down again.

Lin Cheng didn't know when he closed his eyes and fell asleep leaning on her lap.

Chi Shengxi raised the corner of his mouth.

"Nice dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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