Chapter 1573
The next day, Lin Cheng woke up early.

I stared blankly for a while with my eyes open, and my mind gradually came to my senses.

He remembered that sister Sheng Xi seemed to have said a lot to him yesterday, but he couldn't remember the specifics.

I seem to say that I want Sister Shengxi to wear stockings?

pity!I can't remember the rest.

Are you wearing it?

Of course, Lin Cheng also knew that there must have been no indescribable stories between them last night.

Although she had some ambiguity with Sister Shengxi, Chi Shengxi was a very principled person, and she said she would not condone him to do that kind of thing again.

Even though Lin Cheng could feel that Sister Sheng Xi had some liking for him.

But knowing Lin Cheng's situation, would Chi Shengxi still give it for nothing like Zhiyan?
Moreover, one is a team member and the other is a club employee. It is doomed that the two of them will not ignore the consequences because of impulsiveness.

Probably... the most is to tease each other, right?

It's a pity, girl with black silk eyes!
Lin Cheng was a little greedy, but also a little helpless.

After all, I am just a mortal, and I can't always think that all the good things will happen to me.

Just as Lin Cheng was sighing, Chi Shengxi opened the door and came in.

"Lin Cheng is awake? Is your head still hurting?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Lin Cheng lay sideways on the bed, looking at Chi Shengxi lost in thought.

Chi Shengxi tied his long hair into a loose low ponytail today, and a strand of broken hair on the side of his cheek is curved and hangs close to the line of his face. With silver thin-rimmed glasses, there is a sense of coolness in the fresh literature and art.

She was wearing a gray slim sweater with a plaid skirt on her upper body, her slender legs were wrapped in flesh-colored pantyhose, and she was wearing a pair of black short boots.

So, is today a girl with meat glasses?
"What's wrong? Why are you in a daze?"

Chi Shengxi approached and waved his hand in front of Lin Cheng.

"I'm thinking about a question."


Lin Cheng chuckled and squeezed his eyes, "What color panties is sister wearing today? Same as last time?"

Chi Shengxi froze for a moment, then deliberately raised his knees and looked at Lin Cheng provocatively.

"Yeah! Do you want to verify it? It's still black lace."

Last time Lin Cheng was defeated like this, this time she still wanted to tease Lin Cheng like this.

"of course."

Lin Cheng reached out and grabbed her skirt, "Did I really open it?"


"I'm serious."

Chi Shengxi was amused by his repeated confirmation.

"You flip!"

She raised an eyebrow.

Lin Cheng curled his lips and slowly withdrew his hand.


Chi Shengxi just smiled and narrowed his eyes.

But Lin Cheng suddenly turned over and pushed her down on the bed.

"Yeah! What are you doing?"

Chi Shengxi wanted to struggle subconsciously, Lin Cheng pressed on her, his face pressed against hers.

"Hey! I really want to verify it, don't regret it."

Chi Shengxi gave him a supercilious look.

The more Lin Cheng grumbled like this, the less she believed that Lin Cheng would really do it.

After all, after getting along for so long, she already knew Lin Cheng's temperament.

This guy is either going to attack suddenly, or he will be cowardly to the end.

But Chi Shengxi didn't know that sometimes men are very impulsive when they just wake up in the morning.

"Be serious, I'm not joking."

Lin Cheng slowly stretched out his hand, "I really want to lift my sister's skirt."

Chi Shengxi reached out and rubbed Lin Cheng's cheeks, and said with a smile: "Hurry up if you want to lift it! Sister, you've got a chance."

Lin Cheng's heart was a little moved by the glasses girl who was close at hand.

He moved his head down slowly, as if he really wanted to verify it with his own eyes.

He reached out and grabbed the hem of the skirt.

Even though he knew that Lin Cheng was putting on airs, Chi Shengxi subconsciously put his legs together.

"Sister Shengxi, can you?"

Lin Cheng raised his head and looked directly at her face.

Chi Shengxi lowered his head and met his eyes.

Looking at the past from this angle, she always felt a little ashamed.

The elder sister who was used to flirting with Lin Cheng also moved her head in embarrassment, but her tone remained calm.

"Hurry up! Don't say my sister didn't give you a chance."

After speaking, there was no movement for a long time.

Chi Shengxi looked down.

"Ah! Are you really flirting?"

Her skirt was so soft that Lin Cheng had lifted a corner of it before she knew it.

It didn't lift up completely, but the angle was enough for Lin Cheng to see it.

Chi Shengxi quickly held down his skirt and wanted to turn over.

But Lin Cheng grabbed her hand.

Chi Shengxi froze, but he really didn't move.

She turned her head to look at the window, with her side face resting on the pillow, her fair cheeks under the thin silver-rimmed glasses had a slight glow, and a strand of long hair hanging down her cheeks tried to cover her up.

She didn't look at Lin Cheng, but she was mumbling and complaining.

"Ah! You really...really do such impolite things to my sister."

Lin Cheng just stared straight at him.

Very rude.

At this time, Chi Shengxi's cheeks were already covered with crimson, she bit her lips lightly, and tried her best to turn her head to look out of the window, her glasses on the bridge of her nose were slightly crooked due to the squeeze.

"Okay, okay! Now that I've confirmed it, it should be...!"

This guy Lin Cheng!
This guy is too much.

Chi Shengxi trembled all over, and let out a moving moan from his nasal cavity.

"Ah!!! Get up quickly, my sister is going to be angry."

Lin Cheng raised his head, and slowly moved it to Chi Shengxi's cheek, looking at her already pretty face.

Chi Shengxi stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Cheng's cheek to cover up his uneasiness, but he didn't dare to look Lin Cheng directly.

She turned her head again, her eyes quivering slightly.

Seeing the shy look of the glasses girl, Lin Cheng suddenly laughed.

Is this ambiguous?

Cross the line!

Seeing Lin Cheng's smiling face, Chi Shengxi pushed him angrily.

"Get up quickly, my sister will be angry later."


Lin Cheng finally got out of the way, and Chi Shengxi rolled over and got out of bed as if fleeing.

"Ah! You..."

"I know."

Lin Cheng interrupted her and said with a smile, "I know my sister won't indulge me next time."

"It's good to know."

Chi Shengxi waved his fist, "Next time, do such impolite things to my sister, and see how my sister will teach you a lesson!"

After speaking, she turned to leave.


Lin Cheng stopped her.


Chi Shengxi's tone was foul.

"Sister, remember to change your pants when you go back."

"Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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