Chapter 1574 On the way back
(Good news, the previous chapter was not blocked)

(Bad news, the review secretly deleted the driving paragraph)

(Who reported it? Stand up and get beaten)
The ambiguous development with Chi Shengxi made Lin Cheng refreshed all of a sudden.

Girl in stockings and glasses!

I have to say that the abalone is really delicious.

Although you can't taste any special smell through pantyhose and lace panties, but the taste is very good.

Lin Cheng was even more excited by Miss Sheng Xi's flushed cheeks under her thin-rimmed glasses.

Hey~~~ next time...
the sea!I love you.

After getting up slowly, Lin Chengxiong ran to ask Chi Shengxi to go for a morning run together.

In the end, Sister Sheng Xi told him to die.

"Really! I asked Sister Shengxi to go for a run, but she actually told me to die."

"Is this reasonable?"

Lin Cheng pretended to complain to himself, but the corners of his mouth were raised.

Going out for a run alone, Lin Cheng met the cat again amidst the ringing of bells.

Lin Cheng was very playful.

"Change for me!"

"Change it for me!"

"Fix the cat, change it for me!"

The cat trotted all the way, for some reason Lin Cheng suddenly pointed at it stupidly and began to mutter.

But fortunately, Lin Cheng didn't explore the cat's gender this time, otherwise it wouldn't mind giving Lin Cheng another paw.

Back at the hotel, Lin Cheng brought breakfast for his teammates.

And Sister Shengxi returned to her usual appearance, as if nothing happened in the morning.

However, Lin Cheng made a loud sucking sound while drinking yogurt on purpose, causing Chi Shengxi to give him an angry look.

After staying in Iceland for a day, the KT team finally boarded the return flight.

On the plane, Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi got together to watch the Korean drama "The World of the Married".

There is a scumbag representative in this play who said a lot of golden sentences, such as: 'I love two people at the same time', 'There is more than one heart, even if you are married, love will not be easily blocked. '

"This man is good or bad! He is not true love at all. In order to cling to the wealthy family, he will do everything possible. Even though his wife knows that he has cheated, she has been sophistrying and hiding it."

"Lin Cheng, are you right?"

Lin Cheng suspected that Sister Sheng Xi was deliberately connoting herself, and took off the earphones angrily after watching it for a while.

"Don't read it! It's boring."

Chi Shengxi couldn't stop laughing, and put on two headphones to continue watching the drama.

Lin Cheng pouted.

Don't you think I will break the defense like this?

Brother Cheng is not a scumbag.

There is an essential difference between passionate and scumbags, okay?
The scumbag in the TV series didn’t play the role, and he wanted the power and money of the rich family, am I, Lin Xiaocheng, such a person?
I'm much purer than a scumbag!I only want my wives!
Eh!Thinking about it this way... it seems that I am not a positive person?
Regardless of!

At least Brother Cheng is responsible and doesn't deceive women's feelings.

How can you be called a scumbag when you love what I want?
I just want to give them happiness, what's wrong?

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng felt much more comfortable.

I don't know where the plane is flying now, it's pitch black outside the window.

The main light source in the plane was also turned off, making it very dim. Originally, Lin Cheng wanted to play chess with his teammates online, but found that all the idiots were sleeping with their heads covered.

Lin Cheng could only pick up the tablet and surf the Internet to pass the time.

It has been two days since KT won the championship. During this time, KT fans indulged in carnival on various forums, and they did not forget to torture their rivals while having fun.

T1 fans are also rioting.

The Lezi people are fighting the fire.

"The old gods are dead, and the new gods stand! @Faker @Cheng》

"Next year KT will achieve an unprecedented three consecutive championships, our king will personally bury Faker! "

"Wang everyone knows: After next year there will be only one No.1 in LOL history, and there will be only one greatest team"

"That's right!That's us TSM》

"I don't want to see the faces of KT fans anymore, it's disgusting! "

"Uninstall League of Legends until the day T1 wins the championship"

"KKKK!As a melon eater, I just want to see KT win the championship"

"The best result, if KT loses, Tanza will be fully resurrected"

"If Zaza is resurrected, we will live in hell until next year's MSI"

"Bros!Come with me to flush the DC plate of T1"

"Let's go!Blow up the garbage dump! "

It can be seen that the KT fans in the forum have the upper hand, and the stubborn Tanza was ridiculed crazily.

This is also normal, if your own fans can't win against Lin Cheng even in the wind, it's time for him to come off the stage to guide himself.

At this time, many T1 fans were actually not in the mood to quarrel, except for some who were autistic, and some fans turned their finger on their own team management.

Anyway, it is an old tradition of T1 fans to hate the club's high-level executives when they are upset.

Another round of writing wreaths has begun.

Throughout this year, T1 has experienced setbacks.

After more than half a year of fighting and arranging and combining, it was discovered that the biggest cancer in the team was actually the coaching staff. After kicking out the supervisor and the coach, T1 rushed from the second half of the league to the World Championship with only one month left in the summer split. The semifinals, what does this mean?
It shows that the strength of the T1 players is really strong.

If it wasn't for the coaching staff messing around, the starting lineup has been confirmed since spring this year, and they may have already brought down KT.

Everything is the fault of the coaching staff, so who found the coaching staff?Club CEO Mr. Zhao Mashi.

T1 fans began to look through the history books.

So, Zhao Mashi was washed away again.

God is sorry, the coach Mr. Zhao Mashi originally planned to introduce last year was LS.

But T1 fans felt that LS, as Lin Cheng's lackey, would definitely not give Faker a good life. The wreaths blocked the road and the truck made faces, so Zhao Mashi spent a lot of money to hire DK's coaching staff from last year.

It turned out that Mr. Danny was not only a good player in palace fighting, but also played a hand of permutations and combinations, which almost exploded T1.

Obviously you guys forced me to invite Danny, why are you blaming me now?
Mr. Zhao Mashi was wronged and sent question marks to T1 fans.

But the fans didn't care, and continued to clamor for the club to spend money on reinforcements.

Spend money, buy people, and KT must be defeated next year!

But the current T1 lineup is already very strong, and it is difficult to strengthen the lineup by buying people in the market.

After all, the playing field is so big, and there are only so many top players. On the surface, there are very few players who appear to be better than T1 players in each position.

And as Lin Cheng said in the interview.

It is always the strongest team that wins, not the strongest player.

Of course, the biggest problem facing T1 during the transfer period is uncertainty.

After a year of permutation and combination, the facts have proved that the T1 first-team ten-man roster is useless except to look scary.

That's all for traditional sports. Whether it's football or basketball, it's normal to have more substitutes than main players. The main reason is that traditional sports are prone to injury due to fierce confrontation.

But why are you looking for so many substitutes for e-sports?

There is no physical confrontation on the field, and the mental confrontation is to interact with the brand.

Could it be that there are still people who are so angry that they have a cerebral infarction and get injured because their expressions are not bright enough?
Therefore, too many water fountain watchers can only make the players on the field unable to let go of their hands and feet, and instead cannot perform at their due level. This is also a problem that T1 urgently needs to solve.

And some T1 fans are also worried, what if the version changes next year and T1 starts to rotate again?
Zhao Mashi finally stood up and responded positively.

Next year, T1 will try to fix the lineup based on the current basis, but if there are particularly outstanding players entering the transfer market, T1 will still try its best to win.

As soon as this news came out, T1 fans became excited.

Why emphasize the latter sentence?
A particularly good player?

Isn't this about Lin Cheng!
Lin Cheng's contract expires this year, is there any better player than him?
(End of this chapter)

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