Chapter 1575
Zhao Mashi's twitter has mobilized fans' emotions again, T1 will still participate in Lin Cheng's competition this year with this posture?

Buy and buy!
Fans agree.

Although they are attacking Lin Cheng every day, once they hear that there is a chance to come from their home team, T1 fans may wish to set up a card for Lin Cheng first.

It's so real!

They just hate KT Cheng, it would be different if it was T1 Cheng.

Some fans even used this year's T1 make-up to take a photo, replaced Lin Cheng's head with Canna's head, and couldn't wait to announce Lin Cheng's joining.

As a result, KT fans naturally quit.

Your mother's!You used witchcraft to curse Lin Cheng before, but now you want him to change into the T1 uniform, don't you take it for granted?
According to Lin Cheng's character, everyone thinks that the probability of Faker transferring to KT is greater than the probability of Lin Cheng transferring to T1.

Then, KT fans really started to work on Faker's transfer to KT next season.

Cheng is known to help at least one veteran player achieve his dream every year.

This old guy Faker wants to win the fourth championship?

Then come to KT!
It just so happens that we automatically inherit Faker's three crowns, and KT is the five crowns!

The topic became more and more magical, and the two sides quarreled in full swing.

Of course, everyone knows that the probability of Faker's transfer is very small, and Lin Cheng's transfer is the focus of the whole world.

Unlike Faker, who is more about commercial value, Lin Cheng not only has extremely high commercial value, but also has dominant competitive value, which belongs to the full flow and strength.

The LPL side is also eager to see through.

"Oh shit!It’s fine if you missed it last year, but this year you must bring Brother Cheng Zi back.”

"Wait for Brother Cheng to come back to unite and fight against Hupu"

"I want to see Brother Cheng team up with Sister Tazi on the e-sports chair"

"Taobo is throwing money away!Tens of millions of dollars to buy a sunny day as a decoration, it is better to add money to Brother Cheng"

"agree!I want to see Cheng Za and Shui Gui fight! "

"EDG gave the gun a million dollars a year, but was beaten into a toy by Brother Chengzi. Why don't you get involved? "

"Too much!Brother Cheng Zi stole Yu Qi and Shu Hua, and he wants to come and grab Brother Holy Gun's job, right? "

"It doesn't matter!Uncle will do it"

"Uncle spent 1800 million yuan to buy Aiming, how much would it cost to dig oranges? "

"Gossip, Uzi will come back next year, uncle plans to buy him and brother Cheng to form a full-time class"

"Don't spread rumors!In case Brother Chengzi believed it, he would be scared away."

"A Thimble at a Glance at This News"

"If it is true, I can only say that my uncle has a hand in buying AD"

"Uncle has always been good at operations during the transfer period, not just buying people? "

"Kuro, who left BLG the year before last, won the championship with a backhand, and his uncle is numb"

Lin Cheng didn't know that the LPL audience was staring at him, and when he saw the news that a certain team was interested in him on the Internet, he just laughed it off.

nonsense!Who wouldn't be interested in Brother Cheng's ability?
In fact, Lin Cheng is also a little confused about the future.

He has already had deep feelings for KT for two years. If possible, he would certainly prefer to stay in the team, but next year is the year of the Asian Games. There are many factors to consider...
never mind!I don't want to, let's talk about it after the transfer period starts.

With his mind in a mess, he turned his head to glance at Chi Shengxi, and Lin Cheng continued to browse the forum deeply.

After surfing the Internet for a while, I opened the window to look at the dark night sky outside the window.

Lin Cheng stretched his waist.

"Sister Shengxi, I want to rest."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he leaned over and lay on Chi Shengxi's lap unceremoniously.

Chi Shengxi took off his earphones.

"Ah! You are really not polite in front of your sister, are you?"

Lin Cheng chuckled, closed his eyes and muttered, rubbing against Sister Sheng Xi's arms.

Chi Shengxi gave this guy a helpless look.

Then she took the coat and put it on Lin Cheng, looked down at Lin Cheng's quiet profile, and continued to look at the tablet in front of her.

Lin Cheng secretly raised the corners of his mouth, closed his eyes and deliberately moved his head again, and it was already stuck to Sister Sheng Xi's lower abdomen.

This posture, with a forced face?
Chi Shengxi put his legs together slightly, and suddenly remembered how rude this guy was to him yesterday.

Thinking of the feeling that the soul is about to fly out, I can't help but tremble a little.

He took a sneak peek around.

Fortunately, all the fools in KT fell asleep, and the lights in the plane were dim at night.

She leaned over and said softly, "Sleep obediently, don't make trouble with your sister."

"How can I make trouble?"

Lin Cheng opened his closed eyes slightly, and said in a disgusted tone, "Next time, my sister won't wear jeans, it makes my face uncomfortable. My sister's legs are fine in silk stockings."

"Are you listening?"

Chi Shengxi gently twisted his ears.

As a result, Lin Cheng thrust his head into the base of her thigh, and purposely put his mouth close to let out a breath of hot air.

That position is shameful.

Even through the jeans, she could feel the temperature.

Chi Shengxi subconsciously leaned over and pressed Lin Cheng's head.

"Ah! Be more honest."

The voice of her gnashing of teeth trembled slightly.

Lin Cheng felt a little regretful.

It would be great if Miss Shengxi wore a skirt today.

Of course, he didn't dare to go too far, just be honest.

Lin Cheng enjoyed the ambiguity with Sister Sheng Xi very much, but he was afraid that too much scale would make Sister Sheng Xi embarrassing.

"You guys are going too far, have you forgotten..."

"No no!"

Lin Cheng interrupted her with a smile, raised his head and whispered in her ear: "Sister said she would not indulge me, I remember it."

Chi Shengxi stretched out his hand and rubbed Lin Cheng's face vigorously, "Just know, sleep, right now!"


Lin Cheng lay down obediently, and closed his eyes obediently on Chi Shengxi's lap.

The flight back was not a charter flight provided by Riot. KT had to go to Frankfurt Airport for a transit first, and it took nearly a day to finally arrive at Incheon International Airport.

Due to the time zone, it is exactly one o'clock in the morning on November 11th, Korean time.

"Finally back!"

"Hiss~~~ The breeze in Incheon is simply too gentle compared to Iceland!"

"I want to eat pork chop rice, is there anyone?"

After a tiring journey, the first thing Little Peanut and Mr. Dai did after getting off the plane was to look for food.

The food on the flight is more Western-style, which makes them want to eat something warm.

Lin Cheng was not hungry, so he simply followed Chi Shengxi to buy coffee next to the airport, and then the two of them went for a casual stroll.

There is very little traffic in the airport store at this point, and the two hang out while drinking coffee.

Lin Cheng bought a Dolly doll for Enxi in the small gift shop, and bought some interesting little gifts as he saw them.

After leaving the gift shop, there is a women's underwear store next to it. The models' underwear styles in the window are very wow.

"Sister Shengxi, do you want to go there for a stroll? I can give you a reference."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes at him.

"Okay! Do you want to see what my sister wears?"

Lin Cheng pointed to the black underwear on a dummy model, and blurted out: "How about that set of transparent lace underwear? It's sexy, and it must be very breathable."

Chi Shengxi froze for a moment.

Good air permeability?

She indifferently thought of Lin Cheng sucking at her shame...

"Fuck you! Breathability is none of your business."

Lin Cheng: "???"

Where do you want to go?
(End of this chapter)

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