This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1578 The sincerity of the club

Chapter 1578 The sincerity of the club
Since he had rested on the plane, Lin Cheng woke up after nine o'clock in the morning.

The rest of the people were still sleeping, and the first thing Lin Cheng did when he got up was to feed the cats outside the base.

He took the cat food and stood next to the shelter of the cats, and soon a group of familiar figures surrounded him.

"Brothers, let's eat!"

Greeting the cats familiarly, Lin Cheng took out the food bowls with pictures of the cats printed on them and placed them on the ground, then poured in the cat food one by one.

These cats didn't fight for each other, they squatted next to their small food bowls, and immediately immersed themselves in cooking when Lin Cheng poured cat food into their bowls.

Kneeling down and watching these guys devouring their food together, Lin Cheng felt inexplicably being healed.

Or cats are simple-minded, they feel very happy when they have food.

On the contrary, there are all kinds of troubles and disturbances in life.

As Eunuch Cao said, when a person is hungry, the only trouble is not having enough to eat, but once he is full, more desires and troubles will arise.

To sum it up, people living so tired are mostly full of food.

This is not entirely true, but there is some truth to it.

The tabby that was very clingy to Lin Cheng found that his rice bowl was too far away from Lin Cheng, buried his head in the food bowl and plowed it over like a bulldozer, then raised his head and meowed towards Lin Cheng, as if seeking praise.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand to touch its head, and Tiger Banner didn't care about eating, so he rubbed Lin Cheng's hand vigorously.

At this time, a black Mercedes-Benz slowly stopped beside it.

They were very close, only two or three meters away from Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng frowned. The cat sanctuary was just around the corner of the alley outside the club. The alley was so small that this car almost blocked the entrance of the alley when it stopped.

Lin Cheng raised his head, and was about to say that parking is not allowed here, when he saw clearly the people in the car window.

"Hey! Representative An is still coming to work today? Usually you play cards or watch movies. Why are you working hard now during the offseason?"

An Haosheng was a little speechless.

After all, I am the manager of the club. In your eyes, I am just a bastard who goes to work and fishes, right?
"I came here specifically to find you."

While talking, An Haosheng opened the car door and got out.

Lin Cheng probably guessed what he meant, and still squatted on the ground to watch the cats cook.

"Why does Representative An still drive a Mercedes-Benz? Our sponsor has a Porsche. It's not too much for you to ask them for a car, right?"

"Porsche will not drive the car for me, if it wants to drive it, it will drive it for you."

An Hao was joking, and squatted down beside him.

One is wearing pajamas, the other is in a suit and leather shoes, squatting together to watch the cat cook. This style of painting is a bit strange.

Lin Cheng lowered his head, "Actually, I know what Representative An wanted to say to me, but you know... I really want to participate in the Asian Games. This may be my only chance to represent the national team."

An Haosheng nodded, "I understand your concerns, but I think these are all problems that can be solved."

"What you are worried about is that the epidemic will hinder the schedule during the Asian Games, but what if these are not problems?"

An Haosheng stared at Lin Cheng closely, as if he was looking at a peerless beauty.

"How to deal with it?"

Lin Cheng became interested, but An Haosheng played tricks.

"You like to watch football, don't you? In fact, there are conflicts between football club competitions and national team competitions."

"You mean..."

As an old fan, Lin Cheng immediately understood what An Haosheng meant.

Take the World Cup as an example.

Many big-name players will start paddling in the club when the World Cup is approaching, and they will not work hard on the court to ensure that they will not get injured and prepare for the World Cup.

In addition, there is a rather special situation.

Some superstars will have a special clause in the contract signed with the club in the World Cup year, that is: before the World Cup starts, the club allows players to leave the team early.

This is obviously what An Shenghao meant.

Seeing that Lin Cheng understood, An Haosheng nodded, "It's still early for the Asian Games, we don't know the schedule, let alone the training arrangements of the Chinese team, but if it is really necessary at that time, the club can reject all clubs. The event lets you leave early."

After a pause, he looked very serious, "Even during the game."

Lin Cheng was moved.

Remember, League of Legends is not a football game.

Football clubs play in the league, and even if the head star misses a few games, it doesn't matter too much. Although the LCK is said to be a league, the format of the playoffs is actually a cup game.

According to various sources, the Asian Games schedule will most likely be after the end of the LCK Summer Split.

The Asian Games are sandwiched between the Summer Split and the World Championship, so the time will definitely be tight.

If the current domestic epidemic prevention policy is still in place, if Lin Cheng doesn't want to be special, he needs to return to China for isolation at least half a month before the start of the national team training.

This means that if the club really releases the player, what Lin Cheng will miss is the LCK summer playoffs.

Including finals.

Lin Cheng never thought that the club could do this.

Leaving aside the World Championship, the most important thing in a season is the LCK playoffs. Who will KT let him play?
Mr. Kang Dongxun is warming up?
Or will the second team pull one up?

After all, football is an 11-person sport, and the impact of temporarily replacing one or two players may not be too great, but League of Legends only has 5 people, and it is possible for the team to directly change from a champion team to a full-bodied team with a change of core.

It can be said that An Haosheng's proposal is really full of sincerity.

But Lin Cheng was a little confused.

He can do it, but it's the fans who are hurting.

After all, you are holding the salary of the club. What do fans think if you are absent at the most critical time?
Even for football superstars like Messi and Ronaldo, once they leave the team early for the World Cup, most of them will be scolded by club fans.

Seriously, fans can question their professionalism.

Seeing Lin Cheng's ever-changing expression, An Haosheng didn't speak, and turned his head to watch the cat cooking silently.

After a while, Lin Cheng sighed.

"Isn't this too cruel to the fans? If it's because of me..."

"You don't have to think too much, they would rather let you stay in this way than lose you."

An Haosheng smiled, "You don't know, rumors about your transfer are flying all over the sky recently, and fans send threats every day, saying that if you don't keep you, they will rush to the club to hack me to death."

After a pause, An Haosheng pointed to the open button of his cuff.

"Look! In order to find you, I went out without even getting dressed."

Lin Cheng was also happy.

I only came back in the middle of the night, and now An Haosheng came to find him, and I could see that he was in a hurry.

But this time, Lin Cheng still did not give a positive response.

"I know you're in a hurry! But don't be in a hurry."

"I'm going to start enjoying my vacation now, and I don't want to think about contract renewal for the time being. You can talk to my agent about the specific situation."

(End of this chapter)

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