This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1579 Call Me Pretty!

Chapter 1579 Call Me Pretty!

An Haosheng was a little disappointed that he didn't get a definite answer from Lin Cheng.

But not too disappointed.

At least Lin Cheng's attitude shows that contract renewal can be negotiated.

In fact, during the World Championships, the club's top management discussed Lin Cheng's contract renewal the most.

Lin Cheng is not only the cash cow of the club, but also the symbol of the current team. The KT executives are very clear about their attitude towards Lin Cheng.

Keep him at all costs!

An Haosheng believes that as long as the sincerity is sufficient, no team can defeat KT in the contract renewal negotiation with Lin Cheng.

Among other things, which team dares to add a contract that allows Lin Cheng to leave the team early?
This alone excludes all competitors other than LPL teams.

The rest of KT is to compete with the LPL team.

On this point, An Haosheng is also confident.

KT is not short of money.

Don't look at KT spending the most money in the entire LCK during the transfer period last year. In fact, their income is higher. This year, the number of sponsors even KT has surpassed T1.

It is conceivable that if Lin Cheng renews his contract, there will definitely be more sponsors waving money and begging for sponsorship.

Therefore, the amount of salary reserved by the club for Lin Cheng is very sufficient.

Another point is very important: Lin Cheng is the only player in the entire League of Legends circle who has complete portrait rights.

This one clause alone, An Haosheng believes that it is enough to repel most of the competitors.

Why does the LPL team want Lin Cheng so much?
In addition to competitive factors, obviously huge traffic is also what they are greedy for.

It is obviously difficult for them to accept that players who sign players with sky-high prices cannot get portrait rights.

And to be honest, the ability of the LCK team to spend money after the alliance is really no worse than that of the LPL. It is no longer the era when the LPL dominated the transfer market.

Seeing An Haosheng beside him in a daze, Lin Cheng raised his eyebrows.

"Representative An, do you have anything else to do?"


An Haosheng was stunned for a moment, "It's gone... are you driving me away?"

"You interrupted it to eat, that guy is a little shy."

Lin Cheng pointed behind him.

It was only then that An Haosheng realized that there was a very cute tabby cat squatting there. He huddled behind Lin Cheng's feet and looked at An Haosheng vigilantly.

"Ha! I've seen this cat before, and accidentally stepped on it."

Lin Cheng glanced at him, "Didn't you do it on purpose? This guy is obviously still holding grudges."

An Haosheng denied, "Why? Am I that kind of pervert? I also like cats very much."

As he said that, he reached out to touch the raccoon cat next to him.

As a result, the cat immediately bowed its back and bared its teeth at him.

Lin Cheng teased: "Yo ho! It seems that you have quite a few enemies, and you can be regarded as a villain among cats, right?"

An Haosheng sighed, "Forget it, I'll go first. I will contact Ms. Zheng for the contract renewal. I hope we can continue to cooperate next year."

Lin Cheng shrugged, noncommittal.

He admitted that An Haosheng's conditions were very attractive, but he hadn't considered it clearly.

Besides, how could a new contract be finalized within a few hours of returning to the club?
No time to catch your breath, right?

An Haosheng got into the car, and as the engine started, he took a last look at Lin Cheng who was squatting in the corner of the alley.

Lin Cheng squatted on the spot and watched the cats cook, still thinking about An Haosheng's words just now.

Looking up to find that silly cat looking at him eagerly, Lin Cheng pursed his lips.

"Eat quickly, why are you standing there?"


Huban let out a cry, leaned against Lin Cheng's feet and continued cooking.

Except for this tabby who is the clingiest, the attitudes of the other cats towards Lin Cheng are quite friendly, allowing Lin Cheng to masturbate casually.

Only the raccoon cat that broke into the club and quarreled with Lin Cheng was still holding grudges, and still looked down on him.

Lin Cheng is also cheap, the more he is like this, the more he wants to tease him.

He stretched out his hand to rub the raccoon cat, but the raccoon pawed it backhand.

Lin Cheng avoided it.

Then he stretched out his hand again, and the raccoon came over with another paw.

He dodged again.

"Oh! You can't catch it! You can't catch it! Haha!"

Chi Shengxi leaned over at some point, and couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this scene.

"Miss Sheng Xi is up?"


"Let's feed the cat together."

"it is good."

Chi Shengxi squatted down, and the two chatted while watching the cats cook.

There was no further talk about the transfer, and the two joked as usual.

After a while, the two turned and left.

The tabby immediately left the unfinished rice bowl, followed Lin Cheng for a few steps, watched Lin Cheng enter the door, and then turned back to continue cooking.

The teammates still didn't get up, so Lin Cheng tidied up and went downstairs with Chi Shengxi.

"Aren't you going to wait for them to get up before saying goodbye?"

"No! I don't really want to transfer, I haven't decided yet."

"But maybe some of them will leave and never see each other again?"

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Life has dreams, and each is wonderful."

Chi Shengxi was happy, "It's done! See you next time then."


Lin Cheng suddenly leaned into Chi Shengxi's ear, and said in a treacherous way: "Next time we meet, sister, don't wear contact lenses, and put on black silk, okay?"


Chi Shengxi stretched out his hand to pull Lin Cheng's cheek in embarrassment, "Don't say such impolite words to my sister."

Lin Cheng laughed, turned around and ran away.

"See you next time, my girl with black silk glasses."

"You stop for me!"

It was past eleven o'clock in the morning when we returned to the apartment in Fengtian Cave, and only Xiao Tong was at home now.

"came back."

Miss Xiao seemed to have a little opinion on Lin Cheng, and she ignored the casual greetings and just watched TV by herself.

Lin Cheng smiled and leaned over, "Oh! I haven't seen you for more than a month, why are you so indifferent?"

Of course he knew the reason, Sister Shuyan had sold Xiao Tong completely.

"Get up! Don't stop me from watching TV."

Xiao Tong pushed away Lin Cheng who was leaning forward, looking impatient.

Despite the slouched face, the little wife in a simple knee-length skirt is still very cute in Lin Cheng's eyes, and the slender and slender white silk legs under the skirt are even more eye-catching.


Lin Cheng sighed pretendingly, "I know! It must be because I supported Zhiyan in the finals, and Xiaotong is jealous, right?"

"Because I didn't interact with Xiaotong in front of the camera, Xiaotong got jealous."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xiao Tong raised her brows upside down, and waved her fist angrily, "Who wants to be jealous of you? Fell to the street!"

Lin Cheng shook his fingers in embarrassment, "Please call me handsome!"


"Call me handsome!"

"Hairy... um~~~~"

Before she finished speaking, her lips were already sealed.

When it doesn't make sense, Lin Cheng can only suppress it by force.

Xiao Tong reluctantly wanted to turn her head away, but Lin Cheng grabbed her tongue domineeringly.

Holding his little wife's slender waist, Lin Cheng greedily tasted it with all his heart.

With a muffled grunt in his throat, Xiao Tong couldn't struggle, so he could only let Lin Cheng do his best.

There was a faint sweetness on her lips and teeth, and Lin Cheng's kiss gradually changed from fierce to gentle.

Xiao Tong no longer resisted his approach, and responded quietly.

After a long time, Lin Cheng let go of his hand.

Xiao Tong's cheeks were a little red. After being let go by Lin Cheng, she seemed to remember that she was angry just now, and waved her pink fist viciously.

"You guys are so annoying! You're taking advantage of sister Tong again."

Lin Cheng grabbed her hand with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes! Does Xiaotong allow me to push myself?"


Xiao Tong was stunned for a moment.

Lin Cheng reached out and touched her beautiful legs in white stockings.

"Little Tong knew that I was coming back, so you deliberately wore white silk for me, right?"

Xiao Tong's face turned even redder.

"Get lost! It's none of your business what sister Tong wears...!"

Before she finished speaking, she was already hugged by Lin Cheng.

"Hey! You put me down, we should go to lunch!"

"No! I want to eat Xiaotong first."

(End of this chapter)

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