This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1580 New Skin Design Inspiration

Chapter 1580 New Skin Design Inspiration
(Yesterday’s chapter is gone again, so sad!)

The sun was shining brightly, and Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong were walking on the stone road of the school holding hands.

Looking at the energetic young men and women in twos and threes around him, Lin Cheng suddenly felt emotional.

He was one of them two years ago.

And after finishing his career, he has to return to school.

"Xiao Tong."


"Are you going to graduate in December? What are your plans?"

"I'm planning... There's one thing I forgot to tell you."

Xiao Tong's tone was smug, "A few days ago, Sister Tong passed the postgraduate examination of Seoul National University, and after March next year, she will become alumni with you and Sister Shuyan."

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, "Have you taken the postgraduate entrance examination? It seems that you have never heard that you plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination before."

Xiao Tong curled her lips, "Cut! You never cared about me."

"Nonsense, obviously I care about you."

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand to scratch the little wife's waist in dissatisfaction, causing Xiao Tong to laugh non-stop.

"Okay, okay! I surrender."

Xiao Tong was afraid of itches, so he quickly hugged Lin Cheng's arm.

Although the size of the girl's chest is a bit regrettable, but the slim and vigorous body feels very good when leaning on it.

"Actually, it's a temporary decision!"

She whispered a little coyly, "I don't want to be separated from you and Sister Shuyan... I just found out that your school's graduate students have started to sign up, so I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Lin Cheng didn't really believe this.

Although the difficulty of the Seoul National University postgraduate exam is lower than that of the undergraduate exam, it is not something that can be passed in a temporary try. Xiao Tong must have made a lot of preparations in secret, and only told him after passing.

Don't want to part with them?
Looking at the girl's delicate profile, Lin Cheng wished he could embrace her immediately.

Not knowing what Lin Cheng was thinking, Xiao Tong kept talking in a whisper.

"I thought I'd tell you when you came back, but when you came back, you rushed to bully sister Tong..."

The corners of Lin Cheng's mouth raised slightly, and he gently squeezed the girl's hand.

"Xiao Tong."


"I suddenly want to do what I like with you again."

Xiao Tong blushed, "You are perverted! It's just... you are shameless."

Lin Cheng just looked at her with a smile.

In the bright sunlight, his smile was a little dazzling.

"Next time, Xiaotong will wear the gradient stockings you mentioned, okay?"

"No, you're really annoying, your mind is full of lustful things."

The girl turned her head aside, not to look at his bright smiling face.

"When you go back to school, I will be your senior sister! If you dare to be rude, sister Tong will beat you up."


Lin Cheng chuckled, "Sister wearing gradient stockings... I seem to be more excited."

"Go to hell!"

"Little Tong is blushing."

"Fart! It's from the sun."

Xiao Tong waved his fist angrily, gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Cheng.

The more shy Xiao Tong was, the easier it was to blow his hair, and Lin Cheng was no longer surprised by it.

"Understood, I didn't say anything."

Lin Cheng smiled and leaned into her ear, "That's fine, next time I'll help Xiao Tong appreciate the pair of gradient stockings. It's nothing else, but my champion skin needs new design inspiration."


Hearing such a shameless excuse, Miss Xiao angrily punched Lin Cheng, shook off his hand, turned her head and walked away quickly.

Lin Cheng trotted to catch up, "Wait for me."

Xiao Tong quickened her pace, "Don't talk to Sister Tong, I'll ignore you."

Lin Cheng followed behind her.

Looking at the slender and long legs of the little wife wrapped in slim-fit jeans, he stopped at the little wife's pace and shouted slogans.

"One two one, one two one..."

She quickened her pace, and Lin Cheng counted faster.

She slowed down, so Lin Cheng counted slower.

This is not the first time Lin Cheng has done this, the last time he used this trick to successfully interrupt the tempo of the little wife.

Xiao Tong finally stopped, turned around and looked at him angrily.

"Hey! Lin Cheng, are you very proud? I'm angry!"

Her cheeks were red and she was cute even when she was angry.

Lin Cheng grabbed her hand with a smile, "Okay! Don't be angry, my little pupil looks good even if she is angry."

Xiao Tong curled her lips, shook her hands, and found that she couldn't break free, so she snorted to show that she was still angry.

Lin Cheng just laughed.

Rather than being angry, it's better to say that the little wife is acting like a spoiled child to him.

The phone rang, and Lin Cheng checked the message.

"The library is in front, sister Shuyan is already waiting for us there, let's go."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Tong subconsciously withdrew her hand.

As a result, Lin Cheng held onto it tightly.

"It's okay, you are my little wife."

After speaking, he led Xiao Tong and walked forward.

"No, let go, I told Sister Shuyan to ignore you, I can't be a traitor."

But Lin Cheng ignored the little wife's protest at all, and led her forward on his own.

Xiao Tong couldn't resist him, and followed him like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Soon, they reunited with Han Shuyan in front of the library.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Lin Cheng led Xiao Tong to quicken his pace.

"Sister Shuyan."

"Welcome back! The champion of our family."

Han Shuyan looked at him with a smile, her eyebrows were picturesque and gentle as before.

Xiao Tong took the opportunity to withdraw her hand at this time, and glanced at Sister Shuyan, she wished she could shrink behind Lin Cheng and hide.

She clearly agreed with Sister Shuyan that she wanted to teach Lin Cheng a lesson, but in the end she surrendered without even making it through a single round. She felt ashamed to see Sister Shuyan.

Han Shuyan didn't think much about it, because he was hugged into Lin Cheng's arms forcefully.

"Sister Shuyan, I miss you so much."

"I know, my sister misses you too... let me go first, there are still people around."

Only then did Lin Cheng let go of her, and carefully sized up his eldest wife, as if to see if she had lost weight.

Xiao Tong took Han Shuyan's arm and took the opportunity to act like a spoiled child trying to cover up the fact that she was the first to become a traitor.

In fact, Han Shuyan didn't believe that Xiao Tong could withstand Lin Cheng's offensive at all. This girl is very easy to coax.

Of course, for Lin Cheng, the first wife is also easy to coax, he has already disintegrated the alliance of the two wives even in Iceland.

The three of them did not stay outside the library, they chatted while walking.

Han Shuyan is a bit busy today, and there is not much time for meals, so they decided to use the school cafeteria for lunch.

"Hey! This place is beautiful, does your school still have such a place?"

Passing by a pond with a beautiful environment, stepping on a wooden bridge only 20 centimeters away from the water surface, Xiao Tong looked curiously at the koi carp piled up at his feet.

The red and black koi swim slowly in the calm water, the pond is surrounded by greenery, and the maple leaf forest next to it has become fiery red, and the layered colors seem to be the scene in the painting.

This small pond is called Zixiayuan, and it is the most beautiful place in Seoul National University voted by alumni.

It was here that Xue Hua's silly cat caught fish and fell.

Seeing Xiao Tong bent over and poked his head out curiously to look at the koi, Lin Cheng suddenly roared.


Xiao Tong exclaimed, startled.

Lin Cheng had already held his little wife in his arms in advance, so of course he was not afraid of her falling.

But when he found that Xiao Tong turned around and raised his fist to use violence, he ran away.

"Sister Shuyan, look at him."

Xiao Tong turned around and began to complain.

Han Shuyan took her hand with a smile, "It's time to give this guy a warning, he bullied our family Xiao Tong again when he came back today?"


Hearing this word, Xiao Tong's mind froze immediately.

Is that what Sister Shuyan meant by bullying?

She stammered.

"No! Lin Cheng didn't bully me, I swear, today..."

The more he talked, the more guilty he felt, seeing the narrow smile in Han Shuyan's crooked eyes, Xiao Tong threw himself into her arms aggrieved.

"Oh! Sister Shuyan, you are so annoying."

Han Shuyan didn't speak, but narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"Stop laughing."

Xiao Tong threatened, "Laugh again! When that guy bullies you at night, you won't be able to laugh anymore."


Han Shuyan froze for a moment, then scratched her waist in embarrassment.

"Ah! What are you talking about? Don't make fun of my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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