This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1608 Bold and stupid

Chapter 1608 Bold and stupid

The sisters were busy teaching Zhiyan a lesson, Lin Cheng went in and sat down on the sofa.

"Ah! Smelly brother, come and help sister."

Seeing that Lin Cheng was about to stand by and watch, Hanhan screamed for help.

Lin Cheng just laughed.

Hanhan, a black belt in taekwondo who can open apples with his bare hands, usually looks like a bully in front of his sisters, but the scene of being bullied is interesting and warm in Lin Cheng's eyes.

"Hate it! Smelly brother, sister doesn't like you anymore...haha! I made a mistake on Ernie, I won't come."

Zhiyan began to beg for mercy, but the sisters finally let her go and asked Lin Cheng to sit down and eat.

Probably because Lin Cheng ignored her call for help just now, Zhiyan sat opposite Lin Cheng angrily, deliberately not sitting with Lin Cheng.

The sisters were all snickering, secretly betting that the maknae would be able to keep ignoring Lin Cheng for a few minutes.

Lin Cheng smiled, and stretched out his arms to feed the egg roll into Zhiyan's mouth.

Zhiyan smiled extraordinarily brightly, and gave Lin Cheng a wink.

Jiyeon is so naive...
"good to eat!"

Men can't say no.

Hyo Min interjected: "Actually, we only prepared more than 3000 copies of the first batch of albums, and I'm afraid we won't be able to sell them all."

But such a scene is indispensable to drink two glasses.

Lin Cheng was sighing when he suddenly felt his leg being touched.

The renewal speed of the Korean entertainment industry is astonishing. It has been so long since they have been active as a group, and they don't know how many loyal fans they have left. In addition, they have no formal promotion for their own album, and they actually have no idea about the new album. Expect too much.

The result is less than 1 minute.

Zhiyan propped her hands on the table, looked at Lin Cheng and murmured.

Xiao Min let Lin Cheng go, but still filled his glass.

Lin Cheng laughed, "What are you afraid of? We are a strong team, are you afraid that we won't be able to beat other girl groups?"

Lin Cheng originally wanted to push her away and concentrate on eating, but this time he wavered.


He lowered his head and found a beautiful black silk leg stretched out from the opposite side.

"Drink slowly, and my sister won't persuade you, but a man can't say that he can't drink enough."

Lin Cheng was a little helpless, knowing that the three older sisters were right next to him, but they could spot the youngest's actions whenever they looked down.

"Well, I know."

And now fans buy albums purely to support their favorite idols, few people listen to music on CDs, they just start collecting.

Lin Cheng: "???"

It's a pity that I can't lower my head and play with Jiyeon's beautiful feet carefully.

"Okay! Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, drink slowly."

The last time they released the album "My Name" was already in 2017, and that time, the sales volume of "My Name" in the first week was less than [-].

"Hey! You guys are too pessimistic, right? Anyway, Brother Cheng has worked so hard to promote it to you."

En Jing looked at the expression of a fool, "Do you know the concept of [-] copies? Our previous highest albums were far from reaching this sales volume, but the current top girl groups can."

"Smelly brother, sister really misses you."

Zhiyan also waved her fist, "That's right! Tara and Lin Cheng are invincible!"


The stockings are very delicate to the touch. Jiyan's slender soles are well-proportioned and moving under the black silk wrapping. The stockings on the toes are stretched more and more transparent with the slight twisting of the toes restlessly. Lin Cheng couldn't stand this scene in his eyes.

En Jing: " you want to join? Let's form a group of five."

Ju Li glanced at him and turned her head away.

This stupid!

"I won't drink it, Xiao Min is angry, you know, I..."

En Jing: "Lin Cheng, eat more food, drink slowly if you can't drink, don't compare with Xiao Min."

Only the most loyal fans will buy the album.

It's too exciting.

Lin Cheng put down his chopsticks and waved his fist, "Set a small goal first, and sell it to [-] copies."

After taking a sip of wine, Lin Cheng tried his best to calm himself down.

Facing Xiao Min's persuasion to drink, Lin Cheng had a headache.

Lin Cheng: "Bingo! Now we are fighting with five people."

Lin Cheng: "@!#@¥#%¥"

"Juri Nuna, why don't you drink it for me?"

"Your new album will be released in a few days? Do you have sales ambitions?"

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Enjing waved her hand:

Looking up, Zhiyan was looking at her with a smile.

Lin Cheng lowered his head slightly, and saw a delicate foot wrapped in black silk stepping on his leg.

The two met eyes, and Ji Yeon blinked at him.

She smiled like a little fox.

"Sister forgives you, stinky brother."

Lin Cheng didn't speak, the scene was too exciting.

The three sisters next to her almost laughed out loud.

He took it away.

Lin Cheng cast an annoyed glance at Jiyan, who was giggling across the way, gritted his teeth and raised his head to drink the soju that Xiaomin had poured.

This fool is too good at it!
Lin Cheng couldn't help but reached out and grabbed her ankle.

Enjing couldn't stand it anymore, "What? You two, enough is enough."

When she said this, she clearly felt Lin Cheng jump.

Lin Cheng's bewildered expression made Zhiyan laugh out loud, and the atmosphere at the banquet was very cheerful.

Today, Zhiyan is wearing a preppy light-colored sweater, paired with a black short skirt, and her slender legs are wrapped in black stockings. Now she is sitting opposite Lin Cheng, with a beautiful black silk leg stretched out to rub against Lin Cheng's. trousers.

Lin Cheng subconsciously looked away, but just happened to meet his sister-in-law next to him.

As soon as Lin Cheng finished speaking, he felt a slight force on Hanhan's feet.

Feet lightly rubbed back and forth.

"No, brother feed me."

Lin Cheng didn't bother to move his chopsticks when he went to the table, he picked up a piece of beef for Zhiyan first, and Hanhan immediately became happy.

"Where is there any ambition? Originally, we thought that the total sales would be only a few thousand copies. With your hard work in support and promotion, it might be more."

"Lin Cheng doesn't drink well, don't let him drink too quickly."

Extraordinarily charming.

Xiao Min frowned, "You can't?"

It's just a promise with the fans.

But at this moment, Lin Cheng gasped.

Xiao Min wanted to persuade her again, but Eun Jing hurriedly stopped her.

That is to say, the table is not wide, and Zhiyan sitting opposite can easily touch Lin Cheng with her long legs.

Feet rubbed lightly.

Lin Cheng stared at the cup in front of him with a sad face, then turned to look at Ju Li next to him.

Lin Cheng took an egg roll and said, "Eat quietly, don't make a fuss."

Zhiyan smiled and opened her mouth, motioning for Lin Cheng to feed her.

Ju Li turned her head away in a panic.

A look of guilty conscience.

Lin Cheng was helpless.

have to!I was bumped into by my aunt again.

(End of this chapter)

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