Chapter 1609
(Chapter 1614 is gone, send it! Modify it and try to release it)

(In the previous chapter, the review secretly deleted a section of the car, fortunately, I was merciful)
Zhiyan's teasing under the table was caught by her sister-in-law again, and Lin Cheng didn't know whether to be helpless or embarrassed.

But to be honest, it doesn't seem to be the person involved who is embarrassed.

Lin Cheng was amused by Ju Li's guilty conscience, and he deliberately winked at his sister-in-law secretly.

Sister, you don't want everyone to get off the stage, do you?
Anyway, Ju Li has seen all the more embarrassing scenes, Lin Cheng is a little bit broken now.

Lin Cheng lowered his head and drank, pretending to be nonchalant.

Hyomin who was sitting next to Jiyeon was only focused on drinking, but Eunjeong couldn't see the little movements of the two from the side view.

Only Ju Li was sitting next to Lin Cheng, and she could see this frivolous scene by lowering her gaze a little.

These two guys!
Juli's teeth were almost shattered.

Obviously, Lin Cheng could block his view with his body by moving the chair forward a little, but Ju Li clearly noticed that he also deliberately moved his butt back.

The four women cast inexplicable glances at Lin Cheng from time to time.

"I have no other meaning, sister, don't worry about it."

"You can't admit defeat in advance, you must complete the task first."

Ju Li smiled unconcernedly, she just felt that the smile on Lin Cheng's face was too much to be beaten.

Xiaomin rolls three points, triggers the event, and rests in the next round.

He did it on purpose!
He was deliberately embarrassing his sister!
Ju Li dipped the prawns she had peeled in soy sauce, then covered them with mustard and put them on Lin Cheng's plate.

"Ha ha!"

The corner of the eye was hard to hold, and Ju Li's eyelids trembled slightly.

In the end, Lin Cheng really picked up the mustard and ate Ju Li's peeled shrimp.

Oops!He found out?
She quickly turned her head away to show her innocence, as if she hadn't looked around just now.

Randomly draw two game cards from the card box and place them in the middle area of ​​the board. The two choose a card and turn it over.

He practiced for less than two and a half days, and it was impossible to compare with a professional sister-in-law.

Seeing that Lin Cheng was pretending to be calm, Zhi Yan's beautiful feet wrapped in black silk became more presumptuous between Lin Cheng's legs.

"Fuck! I'm done with this mission."

"It's delicious! It's just that I don't like dipping shrimp in mustard. I appreciate my sister's kindness."

She clearly saw Zhiyan pressing Lin Cheng with the sole of her foot.

Ji Yeon is really too much.

Hateful smile!
Ju Li turned her head expressionlessly.

It happened that Lin Cheng had peeled the shrimp meat for Zhiyan and handed it over.

The delicate and beautiful legs wrapped in black silk touched Lin Cheng restlessly.

"Haha! Juli Nuna forgive me, who wants to eat shrimp?"

Ji-yeon throws a point and no event is triggered.

Lin Cheng's heart was surging after eating this meal.

"I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself."


"Just forgive me, you know I didn't mean that."

Ju Li swears that she really didn't peek on purpose.

"I! I want it."

Xiao Min pouted her mouth unwillingly, indicating that the plate in front of her was empty.

"That's right, the sisters know that you are not a professional, so maybe they will consider it as appropriate."

The sisters helped each other.

As a result, Ju Li rolled three points for the second time, just in time to meet Lin Cheng's villain.

"I want to eat shrimp too, brother, help me peel it."

The two parties take turns designating their opponents to complete a section of singing or dancing, and the audience votes to select the winner.

These two guys have no shame.

"Come one by one! Originally, I planned to show courteousness to my sisters one by one, but I stripped them first because of Ju Linu's age."

Lin Cheng frowned, and turned to look at his aunt with a serious face.

Ji Yeon caught it with her mouth and smiled softly.


"Oni, don't be angry. Lin Cheng didn't mean it. You should apologize to Ouni."

How can it be·····
Taking a deep breath, she clamped her legs tightly, turned her head away and ignored him.

PK game: Singing and dancing master.

The crowd cheered.

Curie rolls two points, triggering the event, and rolls the dice an extra time.

Lin Cheng knew it too, but this guy just pretended to be innocent on purpose.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Facing Lin Cheng's smiling eyes, Ju Li clenched her fist tightly.

The luster of silver nail polish is faintly visible under the hazy black silk.

abnormal!Big pervert!
Curie kept cursing in her heart.

Ju Li glared at Lin Cheng unhappily, "Is there something wrong with elder sister? How can you have any respect for elder sister?"

"That's right! Originally, Ju Li was the oldest among us, and Lin Cheng was referring to that."


After laying out the chessboard, everyone guessed the order and began to roll the dice in turn.

Zhiyan's tone was a little reproachful, and the black silk beautiful feet exerted a little force.

"OK! Wait for me to peel slowly."

Even though she said so, Lin Cheng still peeled a shrimp and put it on her plate.

It's a pity that it's always a bit awkward.

Just in time, Lin Cheng leaned close to his aunt's ear and whispered, "Sister, actually, I think it's good to be old."

Lin Cheng sat up straight, ignored Zhiyan's teasing under the table, and seriously started working as a shrimp peeler.

It was the "Ultimate Showdown" they played last time. It's quite interesting to play with people who are familiar with this game.

Ju Li's face was stinky, as if she didn't buy it.

"That's right, don't be too sensitive."

The last time she was in the bedroom at least she could only hear a sound, it was too dark and she couldn't see it clearly, but the scene that happened under her nose made Ju Li want to lift the table and run away.

Eun Jung and Hyo Min are also on the sidelines making suggestions.

Zhiyan is so naive and completely unaware that her actions at this time fall into the eyes of her sister, and she deliberately teased Lin Cheng when she said this.

Bad stomach from eating seafood?
After drinking and eating, everyone cleaned up the garbage together, sat around on the floor and played board games.

These two guys!Too shameless.

Hanhan kept teasing under the table, and he drank a little wine, Lin Cheng felt a little bit over the top.

"Hey! Why do you peel them for the two of them? Didn't you see that my sister was short of food and drink?"

Lin Cheng turned his head, "Nu, do you want to eat shrimp? I'll peel it for you too."

When the words fell, Zhiyan pulled Ju Li excitedly and whispered.

Duel triggers.

Lin Cheng saw the content of the task and knew that he had 100% sent it.

Ju Li just glanced down, quickly raised her eyelids, and met Lin Cheng's smiling eyes.

Lin Cheng took the lead in throwing five points, and moved his villain five steps forward.

Enjing rolled a six.

Hearing these words, Ju Li suddenly tensed up all over.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Understood, if Ju Linu is angry, then tell me, do you want to see me sing or dance?"

In fact, Ju Li wasn't angry, she just wanted to make Lin Cheng calm down a bit by using this topic.

However, the sister-in-law next to her ran to the toilet twice in less than 5 minutes, which made Lin Cheng a little puzzled.

Lin Cheng's hair stood on end.

Finally, their discussion ended.

Ju Li suppressed her smile, "Ah! Lin Cheng, don't you like watching Zhiyan dance the most? Now you will dance "One Minute One Second?""

Lin Cheng: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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