This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1627 1 album sales surge brought by INS

Chapter 1627 An INS brought about a surge in album sales

Because of Lin Cheng's contract renewal, Han Shuyan specially prepared a sumptuous dinner. After the meal, Lin Cheng took Enxi's little girl to watch cartoons in the living room.

"Unlucky Bear" is shown on TV. Although it is a comedy animation, in Lin Cheng's opinion, the atmosphere of this series of works is actually quite lonely.

I don't know if Enxi understands it or not, leaning against Lin Cheng with a fascinated look.

Lin Cheng didn't bother the little girl, and took out his mobile phone to check the sales of Zhiyan and her sisters' new albums.

He still remembered that he made a bet with his sister-in-law, and he didn't know how the situation was going to be for almost a week.

Open the website to see real-time sales.

Well, it's already more than 7.

Lin Cheng didn't expect the sales to be so good. The sisters pessimistically predicted that the total sales would be only [-] to [-]. The first batch of albums even only produced a few thousand copies, and they were afraid that they would not be sold out.

A few elderly people still have no confidence in themselves.

Sales on the website began to skyrocket.

Fans came out to comment immediately.

Anyway, it was talking about [-] copies, and I didn't say that I was not allowed to buy it myself!

Fans expressed their support for Lin Cheng by buying an album in the comment area, and even bought a few more at a time.

"Next year I will only buy Cheng's Arielia skin, and I will buy the albums of my sisters with all the money I save"

However, the Ktown4u website can buy up to six tickets at a time, and Lin Cheng really wants to buy them in batches by himself.

Hmm~~~ In this way, the bet between my sister-in-law and I will win soon, right?
Lin Cheng still remembers that Ju Li took the initiative to lower the conditions, as long as the sales volume exceeds [-], he will win?

This time the four sisters went camping together, that guy can't mess around, right?
It's fine if he messes around in front of his sister, if he dares to mess around in front of Xiao Min, he will probably be beaten to death by Xiao Min... Thinking about it this way, it seems that he really wants to see him being nagged by Xiao Min.

The excitement of the sisters could be felt between the lines, and Lin Cheng couldn't help being happy too.

"Continue to work hard next year!Lead us to win three consecutive championships"

"Rush, rush!After next year, it will be the real No.1 in history! "

Lin Cheng was a little dumbfounded, why are his fans so rich?
It's fine to swipe the free data, but can this thing also be swiped?

In fact, it’s no wonder that the sisters are conservative. Since they were boycotted by the South Korean little deaf blind, their album sales have basically not exceeded 12 in [-] years, and it’s the first time they have opened for such a long time.

Cheng said that it was his brother who bought the new album.

Lin Cheng's INS was reposted by crazy comments, and some fans added oil and vinegar without authorization.

In fact, most of the 7 sales came from domestic long-term difficulties.

Juli: (flowers)

But the big man keeps his promises, and if he says one hundred thousand, he will be one hundred thousand!
Lin Cheng opened his INS and posted a post.

"Sales are still rising now! It's too scary!"

"Finally renewed!I haven’t slept well these days, and I can’t eat well.”

Some people in the e-sports circle don’t pay attention to where to buy the new album. Before, fans had the intention to support Lin Cheng’s promotion but didn’t have the energy to watch the release of the album. This time, Lin Cheng even sent out the link, and everyone started to cheer .

Lin Cheng posted a link to buy the album at the back.

En Jing thought for a while, "Didn't you say that we went camping together for a while? It just so happened that we called Lin Cheng up to celebrate."

Let's run an advertisement first to see the effect. If it's really not possible, Lin Cheng considers paying for the sales out of his own pocket.

Although many Chengza had already bought albums in advance, it didn't affect them to buy a few more.

At this time, Zhiyan and the other two sisters had no time to take care of Juli, they stared at the sales eagerly, as if they had returned to the way they played songs and waited for results when they debuted.

Generally speaking, the sales volume on the first day of a new album is the best, and the sales will become slower and slower in the next few days. The sales volume in the first week is the "initial sales volume". This data represents the popularity and explosion of idols.

And Lin Cheng's simple and rude INS advertisement is also very effective.

"Cheng!Catch Alive

Even the other camps in the entertainment industry were stunned.

Originally, the sales volume in the first week has already made the sisters overjoyed, but I didn't expect that there would be a surprise on the last day.

On the other hand, Ji Yeon and her sisters who had dinner together were also dumbfounded.

Ju Li hesitated, she was a little nervous when she heard this word now.

Sales of more than [-] in the first week are already at the level of the current first-tier girl groups. At present, there are only four girl groups that have reached this level. Isn’t Tara now a health care group for the elderly?
The sudden and unscientific increase in the sales of the new album on the seventh day can only be because of Lin Cheng's INS just now.

Zhiyan smiled brightly, "I just said that my brother is very good! The small goal has been achieved like this!"

No wonder Hyo Min speaks bluntly.

It seems that I haven't said it yet!If this guy asks too much...
Ju Li was stunned.

Zhiyan's tone was full of pride, "My brother is the best, no matter what aspect it is."

Jiyeon: My brother is great!Sales have exceeded [-]!
Hyomin: Go out to drink with my sister! ! ! !immediately!immediately! (kimbo)
Enjing: Tell me!How can I thank you sisters.

However, he won the last bet!
What did he ask his sister to promise?


These tens of thousands of sales shouldn't be done by one person, right?
Tyrant fans are terrible!
Lin Cheng was watching animation with the little girl when he received a message from Zhiyan and her sisters.

"Who hasn't bought it yet? Hurry up!"

"Stop nagging, hurry up if you haven't bought the album"

"We really underestimated him before."

Xiao Min waved the phone, "No! Next time I want to have a good drink with Lin Cheng, if I don't get drunk, I won't go home!"

"Oh Mo? This is too exaggerated! Have Lin Cheng's fans been brainwashed?"

In fact, Lin Cheng didn't know that the total sales of the sisters' new albums had already exceeded 4. He only looked at the sales of the Ktown[-]u platform, and did not count other platforms.

This is unscientific!
I opened the website and searched, and found that some time ago, fans spent more than 5 million won just to support Lin Cheng in Times Square Building [-], and suddenly others couldn't say anything.

Lin Cheng's extremely rude INS advertisement brought such crazy sales, which they never dared to imagine.

Although Tara's fan base outside of Asia is not very good, after all, there are a lot of oranges in Europe and the United States, and most of the albums bought there are on Amazon.

"I don't know if the club still has money to buy top midfielders?If we don’t have money, we can crowdfund”

A stinking game has such a strong appeal?

I! Cheng!Make money!
You know, KT officially announced the contract renewal with Lin Cheng just two hours ago.

"Teammates are furious! KKKKKK》

At this time, the fans of the team are the most fanatical. It happened that everyone was surfing the Internet to discuss Lin Cheng's contract renewal, and it happened that Lin Cheng, who hadn't posted on Instagram for a long time, was advertising.

In just one hour, the original sales volume of just over 4 on the Ktown[-]u website has approached the [-] mark, and the upward trend is still fierce.

After thinking about it, he typed a reply.

Lin Cheng: Thank you... I only accept meat compensation!
Jiyeon: I can!I can!

Enjing: ... (I punch you in the head)
Hyomin: You drink your sister down first, then do whatever you want (blow kisses)

Lin Cheng was a little funny, and it really fit the behavior of these sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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