This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1628 Xiao Tong's Bronze Loss Streak Journey

Chapter 1628 Xiao Tong's Bronze Loss Streak Journey

After joking with the excited sisters on the phone for a while, Lin Cheng stretched and stood up.

The little girl raised her head and looked at him eagerly.

"You stay here and watch TV obediently. Uncle goes to see sister Tong."


Enxi obediently responded, then turned her head to watch TV seriously while holding her little hands.

After talking to Sister Shuyan and Sister Shiyan who were chatting nearby, Lin Cheng ran to the back room to watch Xiao Tong play League of Legends.

At this point the game has just entered the loading page.

"How's it going? Did Miss Xiao go crazy in the Brass Bureau?"

Xiao Tong glanced at Lin Cheng with a solemn expression.

"It's okay! This sister Tong is well developed and can fight."

Xiao Tong didn't care to teach Lin Cheng a lesson, and hurriedly manipulated his stone man to buy equipment and prepare to go out.

Xiao Tong raised her foot and kicked Lin Cheng.

Then the crocodile began to stand still.

Xiao Tong was angry and rejected it with one vote.

He continued to torture his teammates for 10 minutes, and after another team battle defeat, the teammates surrendered by four votes.

Lin Cheng paused, "If it's really impossible, can I help you?"

However, the development of things is a bit unexpected.

As a result, the crocodile came forward with a one-centimeter flash as punishment, and was taken away by Xiaotong's ignition at the last moment to match the damage of the soldiers.

By the time the crocodile behind the tower activated its big move and came to support it, the male gun was already cold.

She dropped the mouse and raised her fist.

In this round, Xiao Tong's top laner was the crocodile, and the stone man should have been under a lot of pressure, but the crocodile's actions proved that what Lin Cheng said just now was correct.

Lin Cheng was also not good at attacking Xiao Tong who had just won a blood. He firmly believed that this round was the welfare bureau given to his little wife by the system.

Finding that there is nothing to be done, the crocodile backhands red anger W to make up for the small soldiers in front of the tower, and then walks up to the face in detail to make the stone man A immortal, and then the crocodile's E skill pulls away.

Seeing the stubborn look of the little wife, Lin Cheng couldn't stop laughing.

The crocodile on the opposite side is quite naive.

"Milk tea is fine, can I just drink milk?"

As Xiao Tong's advantage in the top lane is getting bigger and bigger, the disadvantages of his teammates in the bottom lane are also getting bigger and bigger.

The teammates initiated the surrender on time in 15 minutes.

Professional players are like this, why can't brass players do it?

The opponent has a lot of minions, and the half-blood stone man almost had an accident chasing the blood crocodile.

Xiao Tong took advantage of hitting the crocodile on the road, but his teammates sent five heads in a row.

Lin Cheng raised his index finger and shook it.

Lin Cheng was stunned.

The best-developed stone man's big move rubbed against the sides of the three of them and hit the air, and the team battle exploded.

"... Awesome! This crocodile is not your teammate, but it is better than your teammate."

"Hate it! I'll beat you up if you quarrel again."

Xiao Tong curled her lips, "With your kind words, I won this game, sister Tong invites you to drink milk tea."

Xiao Tong was stunned for a moment, and when he saw this guy staring at his chest treacherously, he immediately became furious.

How come they play like licking a dog?
"Haha! Sister Tong is taking off! Lin Cheng said that?"

After the crocodile was forced to the tower, the male gun ran out to gank alone, and was immediately set fire by the stone man and Ike.

The S12 pre-season version has just been updated, Lin Cheng just took a look at the updated changes and hasn't played the game much yet, and is going to watch Xiao Tong's game.

"Damn it! Ten consecutive losses!"

Do you want to be so considerate?

After all, he used to like to save TP to support his teammates in the early stage, and basically he can only use TP to return to the lane in the early stage. Lin Cheng will definitely be more comfortable in the laning alone, but it also weakens his early support ability.

The little soldier next to him was about to die, the crocodile red angry W shot off the little soldier first, and saw the stone man coming up to fill up the soldier, the crocodile E went to raise his hand Q to catch the second-stage piercing E to deal damage.

"Haha! Single kill and get first blood! Sister Tong is amazing!"

Xiao Tong resolutely ignited the pursuit.

"Color! Go to hell!"

In the end, Lin Cheng laughed and said, "But I want to drink silk stocking milk tea, okay? The original flavor."

The system won't let you lose all the time, it will either line you up with a big daddy, or the opponent is a rookie.

Lin Cheng stopped talking, too lazy to discourage his little wife's enthusiasm.

Although the low-end game has no reference value, the new dragon soul effect and terrain changes in the new version can still be seen intuitively.

Lin Cheng comforted: "It's okay! You see that the crocodile has become like that. Maybe it has more consecutive losses than you. The system should take better care of him."

But under Lin Cheng's guidance, Xiao Tong took two steps back and forth.

Only then did Lin Cheng settle down, and he obediently watched from the side.

Lin Cheng quickly grabbed the little wife's fist, "You're just kidding! Your game is on... just milk tea!"

Is this the gold content of broken copper and iron?
Is the crocodile on the opposite side operated by humans?
However, considering the operation of the Red Wrath W soldier and the flash penalty station, Mr. Morgan has appeared more than once in the professional arena this year, and Lin Cheng is relieved.

The crocodile pulled the drug, and waited until the skill cooldown, AQ shot to lock a little blood.


"Don't make noise! ​​Sister Tong has lost nine games in a row."

This is my wife!

"I thought this was your welfare bureau, but I didn't expect it to be the crocodile's welfare bureau."

"Damn it! What qualifications do you have to surrender after being sent like that? Sister Tong didn't even admit defeat, don't do it!"

Xiao Tong was unhappy, "It's obvious that sister Tong is very good, okay? It's as good as the other side."

The jungler Ike is not stupid, he finds out that he only has the stone man's road advantage, and Ike comes up to help the crocodile in the military training at the sixth level.

Lin Cheng patted his little wife on the shoulder comfortingly, "It's okay! According to the ranking mechanism, the more you lose in a row, the stronger your teammate will be, and the probability of winning this game will be very high."

But after a wave of team battles, Miss Xiao found that something was wrong.

Xiao Tong was out of blue, and realized that he was very dangerous and quickly retreated.

"In this game, no one can lose all the time, and no one can win all the time. Even Brother Cheng can't break this unspoken rule."

Xiao Tong resolutely refused, "I heard that you professional players can't sign up for others."

"It's okay! If you lose a lot, you will win, and it's your turn to play."

In fact, the biggest impact of the new version on the top laner is the change of TP. Now TP can only T-tower 14 minutes ago, which will undoubtedly make the top laner matchup even more orphaned.

If he hadn't been sitting next to him, Lin Cheng almost thought that the crocodile opposite him was playing with him.

My little wife has become a big daddy, this is all gone!
Lin Cheng became pessimistic.

Miss Xiao was terrified, she looked beaming like she was very pretty just now.

Lin Cheng smiled, "You are my wife, what's the point of beating your own wife? No one else will know."

"The opposite AD is useless, wait for me to kill him with a big move!"

"do not want!"

Xiao Tong shrunk behind and kept throwing Q without hesitation, draining the crocodile to half its blood. The third-level crocodile gathered a red anger and turned on W to press forward.

Whether this is good or bad for Lin Cheng is unclear.

The stone man who found that his attack speed had been reduced and his W was turned on was at a disadvantage to A, so the crocodile began to pull towards the grass.

Xiao Tong didn't seem to understand the situation yet, but she was full of confidence.

Xiao Tong tapped the keyboard angrily,

Xiao Tong raised her chin, "No! I can't hurt you."

Lin Cheng couldn't help but quickly kissed her on the lips.

"I knew that Xiao Tong cared about me the most."


(End of this chapter)

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