This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1629 Lin Cheng: Trust me!I am a good person

Chapter 1629 Lin Cheng: Trust me!I am a good person
His little wife always does heart-warming things but speaks heart-warming words. Lin Cheng doesn't know whether Xiao Tong's stubborn and arrogant problem will be cured in this life.

There were a lot of players in the low-end game of Hanbok, and Xiao Tong quickly entered the second game.

In order to avoid the situation in the previous game where he had an advantage but couldn't C, Xiao Tong played Jax.

The food is the food, and the hero pool of my little wife is still very deep.

Of course, according to the thinking of brass players: as long as I have played it, I have joined the hero pool. If I have more than ten, I am proficient, and if I go further, I will be unique.

What?You say I'm terminally ill?Dissatisfied with SOLO!
"Look! I'll just say, the ranking mechanism won't lie."

Lin Cheng pointed to the opponent's blind monk ID on the loading page, "Did you see that, this person is the Kai'Sa who cheated you, he's the best 0-9."

"Really? I didn't pay attention."

Lin Chengxin was full of sincerity, "You're sure to win this guy. It turns out that this one is the real Welfare Bureau."

Seeing Lin Cheng's determination, Xiao Tong's confidence also came, and he pinged the signal with his teammates when he entered the game.

"The blind monk on the opposite side was my teammate in the game. He is very good. If you fight against him, you will win!"

Teammates praised it one after another.

A piece of singing and dancing.

However, things developed unexpectedly.

The blind monk invaded at the third level and solo killed Jiaoyue in the wild to get a blood.

Immediately after the blind monk was caught, he got a double kill directly.

"Didn't you say that he is very good? How come he has three heads?"

Xiao Tong focused on laning, and didn't know how the wild area and bottom lane broke out.

"It doesn't matter! There are only three heads, and he will definitely not be able to reach C at the level of a top-ranking officer. Don't panic."

Lin Cheng tried to appease the little wife.

As a result, the blind monk soon invaded the Ueno area and killed Jiaoyue again. In 5 minutes, the blind monk came up to GANK and successfully captured Xiaotong's Jax.

One minute later, Jiaoyue came up to help Xiaotong GANK and was squatted to death by the blind monk again.

In 7 minutes, the blind monk scored 6-0.

broken!Our side, Adou, has become the enemy, Fang Zilong!
"That's not right! I asked my teammates to target the blind monk, why are they worse than the blind monk?"

Xiao Tong pursed her lips and said in a very aggrieved, pitiful tone.

If it wasn't for the fear of disturbing his little wife and getting beaten, Lin Cheng really wanted to hug her into his arms and kiss her.

"It doesn't matter! According to the blind monk's previous level, he will definitely send Boda, and you will take off directly after you take the blind monk's bounty."

However, what to be afraid of.

The blind monk was superb in 10 minutes, and it was 15-11 in 0 minutes.

Xiao Tong's hand was also miserable, and he decisively surrendered.

The teammates voted unanimously in seconds.

The base exploded, and Xiao Tong angrily confronted the blind monk on the post-match panel.

"Since you know how to play blind monk, why not use the last one?"

The blind monk on the opposite side did not reply, and silently exited the game room.

Xiao Tong, who had lost eleven in a row, stubbornly continued to open the rankings.

"Damn it! It's Sister Tong's turn to win."

Coincidentally, this one has a familiar ID.

Jiaoyue, who had cheated Xiao Tong, ran to the opposite side, playing with Leopard Girl.

"Ha! I just said that the ranking mechanism won't lie."

Lin Cheng patted Xiao Tong on the shoulder, "This is a sure win, you know how good the last game was."

Xiao Tong was a little worried, "Could it be that he ran to the opposite side and got violent again?"


Lin Cheng was very sure, "Just like the headless fly in the last game, the bright moon obviously couldn't play in the jungle. The position of jungler needs brains, and it doesn't mean that you can change your body by changing a hero."

"Trust me! I'm a professional."

Lin Cheng's words sounded very reasonable, Xiao Tong pouted.

"Okay! If you lose again this time, it will be your fault."

"Got it! Win or lose is mine, okay?"

Xiao Tong raised her chin, "That won't work! If you win, it's sister Tong's fault, if you lose, it's yours."

Lin Cheng snickered, the little wife's dainty appearance is really cute.

This Xiao Tong was playing Tie Nan, and Leopard Girl saw that Tie Nan was held under the tower by Nuo's hand, and ran to invade the Ueno area in more than three minutes.

As a result, Leopard Girl just caught Zhumei who had completed her skills in the wild area and completed a solo kill.

But the iron man under the tower was not in a good condition, and the leopard girl came up to cooperate with Nuoshou to complete the tower jump.

"Lin Cheng, I feel something is wrong."

"It doesn't matter! When everyone is lucky, this leopard girl's operation is actually quite good in my opinion. He just got lucky and got two heads, so don't worry."


Xiao Tong was revived with eyes patched, and continued to develop in front of the pagoda.

But Nuo's hand suppression was too strong, and Xiao Tong made a mistake in his positioning, causing the opponent to play Blood Rage and almost solo kill.

Then the Leopard Girl came again and got rid of the bloodless Tie Nan.

This is a disadvantage in the top lane, but the development of the teammates in the lower half is actually not bad. After more than seven minutes of beating the wild boar girl, he finally thought of coming to the road to help Tie Nan.

Seeing that Nuoshou wanted to run away, Xiao Tong flashed a big move to keep him.

Lin Cheng was stunned.

The 11-game losing streak is delirious, right?
How dare you keep someone like this?

"Run! You can't beat him, don't go to yourself, just hold back."

However, it was too late for Lin Cheng to remind.

Xiao Tong's EQA was passive in an instant.

The skills are quite accurate, but if you drag Nuo Shou over, you can't beat him at all.

As a result, Nuoshou easily killed Tie Nan in the desperate situation of reincarnation.

Zhumei was waiting outside the Extinct Boundary of Samsara, and when she saw a Blood Fury Promise suddenly appear, she didn't understand the seriousness of the matter at first.

Pig girl bowed her head up and gave away the bounty on her body.

"Ah~~~ I seem to have done something wrong."

Seeing the question mark from Zhumei Ping, in order to avoid being scolded, Xiao Tong acted first.

/mute all
As long as there is a possibility of being blamed for his own performance, Xiao Tong will directly block his teammates first.

Lin Cheng was so skilled.

What did my little wife go through every day at the Brass Bureau?

Although the low-end game of the Korean server is not as bad as the environment of the national server, there are still times when they quarrel with each other. Xiaotong obviously has experience.

"It's none of your business, it's a problem with the ranking mechanism."

The matter was not over yet, under the frantic targeting of Leopard Girl on the opposite side, Xiao Tong's Iron Man was 10-0 in 6 minutes.

"What are you doing? I couldn't beat Nuo Shou in the first place, but Leopard Girl keeps catching me! I hate it."

Another black screen, Xiao Tong lowered her head aggrieved.

"Woo~~~I didn't scold him for being such a fool at our house, so why is he targeting me?"

"It's not fun at all, Lin Cheng, I won't play anymore."

In 15 minutes, Xiao Tong initiated a surrender.

Teammates voted against it.

Xiao Tong continued to be tortured.

For 20 minutes, she continued to surrender.

This time a teammate changed his mind and was rejected by two votes.

Xiao Tong was numb, and played the game silently, not talking to Lin Cheng.

Seeing that the little wife was about to lose her mind, Lin Cheng couldn't say anything to comfort her.

This is not scientific!
What crime did the little wife do?

She's already at this level, and it's fine if her teammates don't give her a good lineup, and she runs fiercely on the opposite side.

Finally, at 28 minutes, Xiaotong still lost the game.

Opposite Leopard Girl 21-3, her Iron Man 2-16.

"Lin Cheng! What about the agreed ranking mechanism?"

Xiao Tong threw away the mouse, threw herself into Lin Cheng's arms angrily, grabbed his collar and shook it vigorously.

"If you say this is yours, tell me what to do! Tell me! Tell me!"

Lin Cheng was also very helpless, "Okay! Isn't it just a game? How about I use the trumpet to help you win a few games?"

"Then I cheated you, don't blame me."

"Of course! Only Xiaotong blames me, I will definitely not fight back, right?"

"That's about the same, it depends on your performance."

Xiao Tong flung Lin Cheng's collar away angrily, and was about to get up.

As a result, Lin Cheng put his arm around her waist.

"Why? Let me go."

Lin Cheng was sitting by the bed, Xiao Tong threw himself into his arms just now, only now did she realize that the posture of sitting on Lin Cheng's lap with her legs apart was a bit ambiguous.

Lin Cheng leaned over with a smile, "What about the reward?"


"A least it's a reward."

Lin Cheng said treacherously: "Xiao Tong will wear those gradient stockings soon, okay? Let me help you refer."

"Go away! Don't try to do bad things."

Xiao Tong punched Lin Cheng, got up and gouged him out angrily.

"I don't do bad things, really!"

"is it good?"

"I promise not to tear your stockings."

"Trust me! I'm a good person."

(End of this chapter)

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