This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1630 Big Commercial Contracts and Signing Dilemmas

Chapter 1630 Big Commercial Contracts and Signing Dilemmas
After completing the contract renewal with the team, in the next two days, apart from teasing the little girl Enxi at home, Lin Cheng also built a small account to play matches with Xiaotong, and planned to lead her to the top when she reached level 30.

Anyway, let's bring the little wife with silver first.

Do you know how much a ten-thousand-year brass player wants to rush to silver?
In fact, Xiao Tong has been in Baiyin before, and according to her, she wants to return to the top.

Lin Cheng didn't know what kind of pinnacle Bai Yin was, but it might be because he was a little bit rude at the time and was elbowed by his little wife.

"It is forbidden to underestimate silver players!"

Lin Cheng was messing around with his little wife at home, and Zheng Shiyan finally negotiated a contract with Cartier.

Lin Cheng officially became a close friend of the Cartier Pasha series watch brand.

Since Cartier launched the core product line of Pasha, this is the first time in the world to invite e-sports players to become brand friends. It can only be said that luxury brands are becoming more and more popular.

At the beginning, the commercial promotion of luxury brands mainly focused on Oscar winners and actresses, and then gradually expanded the scope, and then came the era of traffic first.

Especially after Givenchy, Burberry and other brands have tasted the sweetness of traffic, many brand strategic directions have begun to develop in various circles.

In fact, the Pasha series of watches has only had a celebrity as an image ambassador for the first time in 20 years. The move in the past two years is also regarded as an important step for Cartier to become younger.

And the contract Lin Cheng got from Cartier is also very generous.

30 billion two years, equivalent to a total price of more than 1600 million yuan.

No wonder Sister Shiyan said that this is an unprecedented big endorsement contract in the e-sports circle.

This is already the top endorsement level of local Korean stars, and it is difficult for Sun Xinmin to get such a contract in South Korea.

The main reason is that Lin Cheng's nationality is too advantageous, and he is different from the general domestic traffic representatives. Lin Cheng's influence among young people in Europe and America is also not small.

Even many people who don't play LOL are paying attention to Lin Cheng. His handsome and sunny appearance and figure are nicknamed e-sports Beckham by some European and American audiences.

It must be said that appearance is really important sometimes. Lin Cheng's appearance can completely replace male models in commercials, which also dispels the last worry of the brand side.

If Lin Cheng's appearance is not good, he is so skinny that he can't even hold up a suit, or if a fat man wears a watch and can make a mark, then he might think twice about paying money.

In fact, the contract offered by Cartier was much lower than this at the beginning, but Zheng Shiyan refused to give up an inch. After the World Championship, KT's victory gave Zheng Shiyan more bargaining chips.

Coincidentally, some time ago, Riot has confirmed that the S game will be held in the United States next year.

The whole of North America is Lin Cheng's back garden. If he wins the championship at that time, the whole world will see the picture of Lin Cheng wearing a Cartier watch and holding up the trophy at the Chase Center.

Now the brand made a decisive decision.

According to the requirements of the contract, Lin Cheng must wear a watch of the Pasha series when attending various public events, and he cannot even take it off when he is on the show.

Of course, this also means that Lin Cheng can buy watches for free, although he is not very interested in this.

Cartier officially announced the news soon, and released Lin Cheng's makeup photos.

In the photo, Lin Cheng is wearing a neat suit, clean and sunny, his eyes are slightly fixed into the distance, and the Cartier mechanical watch on his wrist is just exposed with one hand in his pocket.

"Fuck!Brother Cheng's suit is really handsome! "

"Cartier!Cards! "

"Compared to Ah Shui's endorsement of Dior's style, Brother Chengzi won't be numb"

"A Shuiwu has a short stature, how can he compare with Brother Cheng Zi?"chiffon! "

"Brothers, I checked, the cheapest Pasha series watch is 4, and the expensive one is 100 million"

"Fuck!Too exaggerated, can't afford it! "

"What's Cartier Thinking?Wouldn't it be a loss to find an e-sports player to endorse? "

"Then you have to ask Mercedes-Benz whether it has lost money by sponsoring LPL"

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi's appearance is really superior, even people who don't know him will use him as a model."

"Cartier has a vision, if you replace it with Uzi as an endorsement, people who don't know it will only doubt the brand's vision"

"Did Uzi mess with you?"You are not allowed to say that about my fellow patients in the hospital."

"May I ask, do you have diabetes?" "

Many people also expressed incomprehension about Lin Cheng becoming a brand friend of Cartier, but if you take a closer look, you will find the huge traffic on Lin Cheng.

There is even a topic in China recently: Will there be Lin Cheng in this year's Weibo night voting?
According to the popularity of Uzi's top Weibo nights in previous years, although Lin Cheng does not play in LPL, his supporters here are exaggerated.

No matter in terms of appearance or playing style, Lin Cheng is too popular.

With the performance of the past two years, many e-sports fans feel that if Lin Cheng participates in the Weibo night, it should be no problem to overthrow traffic stars like Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan.

But the biggest problem now is: Lin Cheng doesn't play Weibo.

It's hard to say whether the Weibo official will nominate him to participate in the Weibo night.

After signing the contract with Cartier, Lin Cheng has not been idle. After attending KT's new product launch conference, he was invited by Tian Xiaojuan to participate in the girl's group show.

During this time he is also paying attention to the transfer market.

The news that KT and DK competed for Showmaker and Canyon has spread to everyone, and the two sides seem to have their eyes on each other.

As an e-sports succubus, Mr. Dai has also contacted Canyon and Xu Xiu privately.

This is a bit hesitant to Nakano's current attitude.

The contracts signed by Canyon and Showmaker in DK before their debut were very cheap. Seeing that they can make a lot of money this year, money factors must be considered.

It is definitely better to come to KT for the sake of performance, but DK offered them a higher price, and the brokerage company also hoped that they would stay in DK.

Now that the e-sports industry is becoming more and more prosperous, brokerage companies should not only consider money when making career plans for players.

In DK, Xu Xiu and Canyon are the absolute core, and DK can also manage their personal images better, but they will not have such treatment when they come to KT.

After all, the club has limited resources. KT still serves Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai more. Lin Cheng and Deft have huge traffic. It is impossible for KT to spend too much energy to slowly manage their image.

Lin Cheng didn't know that the agency was thinking so far for the two, but as time went by, he also knew that the probability of KT signing the two would become smaller and smaller.

If this stalemate continues, there is only one way to go to the dark.

If it is delayed for a while, once the final contract with Xu Xiu Canyon fails, KT is likely to face a situation where there is no one to choose from in the market.

Look at who else is in the middle and wild in the LCK free market now?

In addition to Cuzz and Cayon, the junglers are Ellim and Clid, and the rest are crouching youngsters like Juhan and Willer.

The mid laner has fewer choices than the jungler. Among the liberos, besides Showmaker is BDD. Now it is rumored that Nongshim is actively contacting BDD. There are not many choices left for KT.

Therefore, KT's signings are currently facing difficulties.

 The current Nakano candidates are a bit overwhelmed, what should I say?
  CUZZ + Rooke?


  Canyon+ youth training mid laner Vicla?

(End of this chapter)

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