This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1631 Lin Cheng: If it doesn't work, I'll go jungle!

The signing dilemma facing KT is very real, and even many fans have seen the hidden dangers in the current club's transfer operations.

KT, which spent tens of billions of won to renew the contract of Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai, must not have enough funds to compete with DK for the middle field pair of Xu Xiu + Canyon. If the stalemate continues, there may be no alternatives.

Lin Cheng didn't worry about these things until An Haosheng took the initiative to call to explain the situation.

"Is it really expensive for Nakano?"

Facing Lin Cheng's question, An Haosheng smiled wryly, "It's very expensive! DK is crazy now with a lot of money in his hands, and the speculation of this pair is not much lower than that of Chovy and Peanut."

Lin Cheng sighed, he knew that KT would not be able to offer such a high contract.

Otherwise, what is the significance of Chaowei and Peanut Butter leaving the team?

Originally, although this pair of middle and wild was expensive, it was not to the point where KT could not afford to sign.

The main reason is that DK is also framed here.

Kia has just increased its investment this year, and DK will not be able to perform poorly next season. They probably don't know who to sign if they lose their own midfielder.

Lin Cheng panicked.

Two days passed in a hurry, and KT raised the offer to pursue Canyon and still made no progress.

In the comment area, Cheng Za laughed like crazy, and the fans of Nvwa were a little dizzy.

"Try it first! Offer Canyon alone, and if it still doesn't work, find a way to sign Cuzz."

"Brother Cheng: Old Dai, you can't do it!Look at me, if you don’t answer a Q, you win”

On the weekend, the (G)-IDLE group variety show that Lin Cheng participated in was released.

"If even Clid can't sign..."

Except for Evi, who has been a top performer in Hanbok for many years, Lin Cheng still accepts it. In Lin Cheng's eyes, other LJL players are really far behind.

"Sister Mian stares at Brother Cheng secretly, 23333"

Signing Lin Cheng cost 70 billion won, plus the salary cost of Mr. Dai + Beryl and Rascal has exceeded 60 billion won, and it is too outrageous to raise the price with DK and spend [-] billion to sign Xu Xiu and Canyon.

"Compared to Brother Chengzi, Mr. Dai's atmosphere is more warm and harmonious"

Unless Xu Xiu and Canyon are willing to take less for their grades, there is no reason to come to KT next season.

Of course, Song Yuqi and Ye Shuhua laughing beside them further made the scene of Zhao Meiyan and Tian Xiaojuan breaking the defense even more programmatic.

"Laugh!Compared with Brother Chengzi, Mr. Dai is simply too warm"

Didn't you see Miss Mian screaming so badly?

"Mr. Dai, I asked you to be happy, but I didn't make you happy to this extent."

However, these two brothers followed DWG to compete in the LCK for two years. It seems a bit unrealistic for them to give up a higher salary just after they can get a big contract.

KT is willing to give Lin Cheng a sky-high contract because the return Lin Cheng brings far exceeds tens of billions of won, but Xu Xiu and Canyon only consider competitiveness for KT, and it is impossible to give too high a price.

"Cuzz may be in contact with a team now, even if Cuzz can't do it, he can only regress and sign Clid."

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth, "Then I won't sign! I'm going to play wild!"

If you really want to form this lineup, to be honest, it won't be a loss if you have Lin Cheng supporting you to attract sponsors, but the question is, can this lineup continue to be invincible next year?
What must be considered is whether the team's performance can be maintained after Lin Cheng leaves the team early in the Asian Games?

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, and waited for An Haosheng to explain before realizing that he was the mid laner of the Japanese team DFM.

Whether it was the Akali SOLO with Tian Xiaojuan or the Mundo Flying Knife Challenge with Zhao Meiyan, he solved the opponent at the speed of light, which caused a burst of mourning.

In the Mundo Flying Knife Challenge game, compared to the bully approach of Lin, who kills Zhao Meiyan at the speed of light without eating a Q, even if Mr. Dai wants to win, he deliberately wins with a drop of blood. The fans of Little Sakura are warmed up by Mr. Dai arrive.

The content of the variety show is mainly chatting and playing games. Lin Cheng is also very real. It's not that his wife doesn't feel bad when he is beaten up, but he is a black man when he plays games with girls.

After finishing the call with An Haosheng, Lin Cheng became melancholy.

The two parties raised prices wildly, and the prices of the two people were further fired.

Nima! Clid is already abstract enough, what the hell is the mid laner coming back from Japan?

"If you can't, just quote Canyon alone! Don't pack Nakano, raise the price and quote Canyon one."

But the boat was naturally straight when it reached the bridge, Lin Cheng didn't bother to worry about these things, and enjoyed his vacation with peace of mind.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anyway.

It is impossible for KT to raise the price of Canyon alone, and the relationship between the two players is too good. Canyon does not really want to leave the familiar environment and work hard. An Haosheng has no choice but to inform Lin Cheng of the bad news.

Either KT desperately raises the price to pack the two together, or switches targets.

Although Canyon has not yet renewed the contract with DK, it is clear that the plan to sign Canyon alone has basically failed.

These words made An Haosheng dumbfounded.

"Here the little cherry blossoms are laughing, the girl is laughing over there Chengzi brother, only Mrs. Juan and Sister Mian are beaten numb"

As the only remaining member of Samsung's ten sons, Mr. Dai has always been very popular in LCK. Recently, he was invited to participate in Miyawaki Sakura's personal variety show.

But hearing Lin Cheng's words, An Haosheng hesitated: "According to the contact with the agency, the two players don't seem to want to separate very much. It may be difficult to sign only Canyon."

Although Peanut Butter may not be as good as Canyon at the moment, Peanut Butter plays very smartly and is very good at using his experience to help the team. This is an extremely rare quality for a jungler.

KT's youth training mid laner Vicla is still the star of hope that has received wide attention at present, the king of Hanbok with [-] points, and Lin Cheng, who came back from Japan, can't believe it.

Not only Lin Cheng, Mr. Dai is also in business recently.


Lin Cheng wasn't surprised at all. Professional players are not veterans in the workplace. It's normal for the two to have a good relationship after playing together for a long time and not want to separate.

"Mr. Dai and Sakura are always laughing while playing the game, compared to the other side, the style of painting changes suddenly"

But to be honest, KT really wants to vomit blood no matter how hard he tries.

What's the matter with this man?Are you serious about making shows?

Lin Cheng went to the jungle... It seems that it is not impossible?

Mr. An Haosheng also said that there are still brokerage companies actively recommending Clid and Aria to KT as candidates.

It's the same next time.

"You can't hide the eyes of a person who thinks of a knife (funny)"

"Tian Xiaojuan: I won't support Lin Cheng next year, this person will avenge her kindness"

"Sister Mian quickly COS Ari using charm!Brother Chengzi, this old pervert can't stand it"

With more and more commercial contracts and less and less leisure time after training, Lin Cheng cherishes the time spent with Enxi's little baby and his wives every day.

There is no harm without comparison.

Xiao Tong liked Song Yuqi very much, and Lin Cheng didn't forget to ask for an autograph for his little wife when he went to participate in the girls' group show.

If I had known that he would renew his contract in advance, at least it would not be so embarrassing to keep the peanut butter.

"Is that so... the Brotherhood again?"

As for asking Tian Xiaojuan for a VIP ticket for Kuro's next concert...Lin Cheng forgot.

"Sign the jungler first, and the mid can wait. If it doesn't work, then the youth training will go first. I can't trust Japan to come back."

There are too many uncertainties in this!
Once the grades explode next year, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Lin Cheng understood the club's embarrassment, and decisively asked the club to give up the pursuit of Canyon.

"Go to Cuzz! Don't spend too much energy on them."

"Although it is regrettable, it is not to the point where they are indispensable."

"With me here! KT will not be bad."

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