This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1632 An Unexpected Mid Laner

Lin Cheng decided to give up Canyon+Showmaker's middle field, not mainly to save money for the club, but Canyon's style may not be suitable for Lin Cheng.

Canyon is a player with strong personal heroism. In the original wild core version, he was the world's number one jungler. In the wild core version, he used to focus on carry heroes.

Back then, Niu Bao and Xu Xiu were able to give Canyon great support online, and Canyon was able to carry the game very well.

But it must be said that in turn, Peanut is better than Canyon in terms of being a dog for his teammates.

Peanut is too cunning to play, and he can sanction Canyon every time because he plays smart.

In Lin Cheng's opinion, since it is very difficult for the club to fight for Canyon and Xu Xiu, it is better to find a jungler who can be a dog.

Switching goals, KT's contact with Cuzz progressed very quickly.

Called by KT, Cuzz didn't hesitate.

After all, he sat on the bench in T1 for a year last year, and his salary is not low in the LCK. Cuzz is too extravagant for the downstream teammates, and the upstream teams all have their own goals.

With the favor of KT, Cuzz must consider whether this is his only chance in this life.

Vicla is the most promising player after Zeka in the KT youth training. There is not much problem in personal operation, mainly due to lack of experience.

No one would have thought that Rookie, who has been in IG for 7 years, would leave IG. He has almost become the banner of IG, but in the end he still did not usher in the end in IG.

This year is a small assistant, next year is Brother Kezi?
If the new season of T1 is blown by Cuzz, which they dislike so much, it is estimated that the fans will feel worse than eating shit.

To be honest, if possible, he would like to stay and work in LPL.

Last night, there was another bloody storm in the thousand-point king game. Brother Cuzz, do you understand the gold content of the seven consecutive MVPs in the king game in one night?

Clozer himself is willing to come to KT to prove himself, but T1 will not let him go.

Fans are like this, they even have to fight over the contracts of the players they like.

At 12:[-] in the morning of BJ time, Rookie received an email from KT.

Last year's deformed warrior version really didn't explain the problem. Many traditional mid laners struggled, including Faker.

From the beginning of Rookie to the end of Rookie, the people of Incheon are all gone after all.

On November 11, KT officially announced that Cuzz has joined.

Obviously, he failed to renew his contract with IG, and he left his email address later to release a transfer signal.

It's interesting to think about it.

KT fans are cautiously optimistic.

After all, he is a champion who has proven himself, and Lin Cheng feels that Rookie also wants to continue to prove himself.

But with Lin Cheng around, it is impossible to rely on Cuzz at critical times, so KT fans are not too worried.

He likes the atmosphere of LPL, but he dislikes the professional relationship of LCK.

Brother Li was obviously fed up with last season's rotation. When T1 officially announced the renewal of Faker's contract, it also explicitly allowed other clubs to contact the team's mid laner Clozer.

Lin Cheng began to consider whether to ask Mr. Kuro to come back and play for another year, and bring the small mid laner by the way.

Because Clozer's contract has not expired this year, players must obtain the consent of T1 if they want to change clubs.

The two were originally game friends. Cuzz has a very good personality and speaks in a low voice, as if he was afraid of leaving a bad impression on Lin Cheng.

But things soon turned around.

The fans of T1 were buzzing with drums and drums.

Now the ties between the two clubs are getting deeper and deeper.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

Oh shit! Cheng just renewed his contract with 70 billion won, and you turned around and offered 72 billion won, is it intentional to overwhelm you?
You are waiting for next year!

When you are brave, you are very brave, when you are cowardly, you are particularly cowardly, and you are unreliable at critical moments.

Lin Cheng didn't care about the inside story, and keenly sensed that this was an opportunity.

Except for the two fans of the news agency, the people who eat melons are not too serious to watch the excitement.


In 19, Rookie was absent from the IG game for a period of time because his father was ill and needed to accompany Rookie.

The moment she saw the email, Rookie was stunned.

Suddenly KT couldn't sit still.

The impact of Faker's contract extension is not limited to the quarrel between the fans of both sides.

If Lin Cheng is honest and frank, these two generals will ride on T1's head and shit, probably fans will really want to kill him.

According to fans' observations, Brother Cuzz is already gearing up for preparations.

You must know that the two people who defected to KT have had a great influence on T1 in recent years.

He decisively called An Haosheng.

Can play the performance of taking off the rhythm, and can also play the scene of super cerebral hemorrhage.

His father's health is getting worse and worse.

Last year, the small auxiliary live broadcast leaked the first year of the T1 truck, and the command chaos caused by Brother Cuzz the year before created the first year of T1 Gongdou.

Although Clozer's performance in T1 is not top-notch, he can be regarded as a relatively good mid laner in the LCK. After asking Lin Cheng for his opinion, the club began to contact Clozer.

He never expected that KT would show interest in him, this is the club where he debuted.

KT fans are having a bit of a hard time.

After finalizing the jungler, Lin Cheng also talked with Cuzz on the phone for a while.

After the team gave up Canyon and signed Cuzz, the remaining operating funds are abundant, and it is impossible for teams lacking mid laners in the LPL to compete with KT.

Cuzz who is not in T1 is a good Cuzz. I hope that Cuzz will make persistent efforts to harm KT this year.

After being in China for so long, Rookie also shows his love for life in China, and his girlfriend is also in China. Will he return to the LCK again?
Anyway, let the club get in touch first.

But Lin Cheng had no doubts about Rookie's strength.

Cuzz is actually quite an abstract player. He has shown the duality of ghosts and gods since the era when Dragon Ball ruled the LCK.

Could it be that the T1 rebels are about to stage a violent beating of their old club again?

An Haosheng moved quickly.

However, things are not going well.

At twelve o'clock in the morning on December 12th, when Lin Cheng was still swiping his phone, he was suddenly attracted by a piece of domestic news.

After all, when Dragon Ball debuted, he acted like a dog for Brother Hanzi, and he was used to being called around.

Rookie's contract extension was dragged by IG for half a month. The rich teams in LPL have already set mid laners, and the teams without money can't afford Rookie's salary. Is it possible to recruit him to KT?
Moreover, Rookie did not perform well last year. Even if the downstream teams want to vomit blood and sign Rookie, I am afraid they will be hesitant.

Also, there is one more thing about Rookie that has to be considered.

It hurts just thinking about it!

But the real problem lies here. This year's contract renewal was dragged by IG's management, and the extreme lower price of the other party made it difficult for him to accept, so he personally announced that he had become a free agent.

When Zhao Mashi saw that Clozer wanted to defect to KT, of course he quit.

Seeing that it has entered December and the mid laner is still undecided, An Haosheng and Lin Cheng are going to look at the situation after discussing it. If it doesn't work, they can only let the youth training mid laner Vicla top.

On the same night that Cuzz joined KT, T1 officially announced that Faker had successfully renewed his contract.

Immediately, insiders broke out that Faker's new contract reached 600 million US dollars a year, equivalent to 72 billion Korean won, breaking the contract record in the e-sports circle that Lin Cheng had just refreshed.

But the question now is: is Rookie willing to return to the LCK?

You can go anywhere except KT.

Everyone is a news agency brother, what does it mean that people who stare at us every day dig?
The e-sports player's contract does not include liquidated damages. After the negotiation failed, KT could only give up the pursuit of Clozer.

This time point is too embarrassing, and it may be difficult for other LPL teams to give him a generous contract.

At this time, the outside world didn't know Zhao Mashi's 50 billion and one thousand won offer to Lin Cheng's wonderful operation, otherwise the fans of both sides might have already started fighting.

People who Faker can't move, go to Lin Cheng's side and take off?

That's KT!
Where Lin Cheng is.

Suddenly the forum became lively.

Nongshim's contact with BDD was too fast. When Lin Cheng made the decision to give up DK Nakano, BDD had already signed a contract with Nongshim. At present, there are no good mid laners left in the free agent market.

Just now, IG mid laner Rookie suddenly posted a Weibo:
free man.

After all, the former T1 player Evert did not perform badly when he came to KT, and Cuzz is not incompetent. I just hope that next season Cuzz can be a good dog for Lin Cheng.

Since then, his father's health has been very poor. Since the epidemic began in 20 years, he has not seen his father for a long time due to the trouble of going to and from South Korea. He can only watch the situation in the ward through video.

According to family members, the father probably won't last long.

If I go back to play for a year, maybe I can do my last filial piety...

Thinking of this, Rookie turned to look at his girlfriend.

Got into trouble again.

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