This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1633 KT Rookie Officially Connected

Chapter 1633 KT Rookie Officially Connected
Rookie's self-announcement of leaving the team late at night aroused great repercussions in China, and it was on the hot search at an extremely fast speed, and the public opinion exploded the next day.



This is the first reaction of most LPL fans.

Not only IG fans, but even black fans can hardly believe that this scene just happened.

That's Rookie!
From trough to peak, from national day surrender to world champion.

It can be said that no player in IG history has contributed as much as him.

You can always trust Song Eui Jin.

This sentence has made countless IG fans proud.

Even Rookie, who surrendered on National Day, was the only point of no.

The club quickly got a reply from Rookie's willingness to join, and the two sides began to discuss the details of the contract.

With the factors of his father's serious illness, the desire for honor, and the support of his girlfriend, Rookie still has the last sliver of worry.

Until Deft contacted him.

Even Mr. Dai's phone call was made by Lin Cheng.

"Go to KT and play for a year."

Even the people who eat melons can see the embarrassing situation of Rookie at this time.

Uncertainty about the future and breaking up with his girlfriend who has been in love for four years made him worry a lot.

The transfer window has been open for more than half a month. At present, there is no competitive team in the LPL that lacks a mid laner. I am afraid that Rookie will have no good place to go if he leaves IG at this time, and he will not get a good contract either.

In fact, apart from KT, it is not that there are no LPL teams contacting Rookie.

"Go! Don't leave any regrets."

But Rookie is still hesitating.

He never called others brother.

"Don't blame Rookie, he was forced to leave by IG, there is really no team"

Is this really a Korean club?
Hearing what Mr. Dai said, Rokie was at a loss.

"Blessings from the Heart IG: From now on, it will rot and stink!" "

"I was still thinking that KT lacked a mid laner, but I didn't expect it to be Rookie"

Even if it is known that IG has no money, even if Theshy leaves the team, no one believes that Rookie will leave.

"Tell a Joke: The Most Humane Club in LPL"

He is always smiling all day long and never blushes with his teammates.

With the active cooperation of both parties, the process went very quickly. Only two days later, on December 12, KT finalized the transfer of Rookie.

"Disband!This club is screwed"

KT Rookie is officially connected.

Of course, some people have thought that there is a top team in the LCK that lacks a mid laner at this time, but everyone does not believe that Rookie will return to the LCK.

V5 behaved very aggressively.

Every number one orange and black came from KT teammates.

"Rookie: I will protect everything on IG. IG: Get lost! "

Yes, that's KT!
In the past two years, KT has dominated the entire LOL circle.

"Now there is no strong team lacking a mid laner, and weak teams can't afford RK even if they are bad. It's really difficult"

From Mr. Dai's mouth, Rookie learned about KT's current team situation.

V5 decisively contacted Rookie to try to pick up the leak.

Still a shark with strength and flow.

"There is only one week left in the transfer period, broilers won't be able to find a job, right? "

It turned out that Lin Cheng wanted to be his teammate.

The contract was signed remotely online, and the club officially announced Rookie's joining at [-] pm that day.

"No chance!Compared with Ah Shui Broiler, he is too old and cannot stand such a toss"

At the same time, Rookie also announced on the official blog that he joined KT.

"Fuck!no? KT? "

Their business philosophy has not changed. Originally, they planned to make do with scraps for a season this year. Unexpectedly, a big fish appeared in the transfer market at this time.

Yet this scene just happened.

Despite his age, Rookie still dreams of returning to the original Incheon, and once again holding the Summoner Trophy that countless people can only dream of.

There is nothing to say about Mr. Dai's character. The two knew each other when they were in OGN. After S4, they came to LPL together to work hard. This phone conversation lasted for a long time.

Facts have proved that Lin Cheng's dedication has paid off.

Just like Doinb, everyone would rather believe that even if no one wants them, they will not return to the LCK if they start live broadcasts to make money.

Compared with V5, the contract offered by the well-funded KT is much more reasonable. Even if the LPL is compared horizontally, it is still the quotation of the first-line mid laner.

Their asking price is more reliable than IG, but it also lowers Rookie's worth.

After all, everyone knows: If you are only looking for a team at this time, don't think about big contracts.

He directly asked Wan Wan to ask Xiao Yu for the Rookie number.

"When I defeated KT in Incheon, I didn't expect Rookie to join KT in the end"

"You guys are really good! I don't say anything when JKL is gone, I don't say anything when TS leaves, you even want to kick out Rookie? "

He even dared to kill the coach for a thousand years.

Lin Cheng is the boss in the team.

"Rookie has made it clear that he is willing to cut his salary and renew his contract. How can IG lower the price to force him away? "

Although Lin Cheng doesn't have a lot of connections in the LPL circle, he still has the number one undercover agent who broke into the LPL.

"I never imagined that Broiler would look like in other team uniforms!You are really incompetent! "

However, his girlfriend Xiaoyu was very supportive after knowing his concerns.

However, Lin Cheng was also picked up by his teammates every now and then.

"That's KT!"

Because everyone doesn't believe that Rookie will leave IG.

Wasn't it like this when I was in KTA?
With Deft around, he doesn't worry about getting along with his teammates badly, but he really never thought that KT would be like this now.

"IG is really bad, I don't want to give the money to say it earlier, it's too dirty to deliberately delay the price for so long"

The extreme fans broke the defense, and IG's management became the target of public criticism.

Rookie was surprised to learn the truth that KT wanted him.

There are countless abuses and accusations under the club's official blog.

Every year during the transfer period, LPL viewers like to help players transfer, and the self-media often explode some outrageous materials to attract attention, but when everyone knows that Rookie’s contract expires this year, why is there almost no news about Rookie before? Will you leave the team?

"RK has had several weeks of transfer melons, but he didn't expect to become the biggest melon in the end, and he's still a Muggle! "

Although Mr. Dai was very resistant to calling Lin Cheng e-sports succubus, he still acted as the lobbyist.

He came to LPL seven years ago to work hard, and now it is another huge challenge for him to return to LCK.

It is true that gold emerges from the trash.

After joining the LPL, this team has been careful every season, spending a small amount of money to buy people and operate the club in a lottery mode. It has not only had a dark record of 0-16 and a historical season of complete defeat, but also had a short-lived highlight of the big V Tianlong.

If it weren't for the fact that he thought he was introverted and stupid and afraid of saying the wrong thing, Lin Cheng would not have asked Mr. Dai to do this call.

"If you can't find a good team, take a break, learn from Ah Shui and come back in the summer game"

Sincerity is already in place, just waiting for Rookie's final decision.

"Your father's health is getting worse and worse. You haven't visited him for a long time."

Lin Cheng is really concerned about Rookie's movements, in fact, he even asked Mr. Dai to contact Rookie's phone number.

"Didn't the doctor say that the situation is not optimistic? I think you should go back and take care of him."

"KT: Buy it if you can't beat it! "

"Brother Chengzi + RK + Mr. Dai, what kind of fantasy lineup is this? "

"Except for the ICU being a bit eye-catching, this KT is really good"

"Broiler: Don't read the record!"My new top order is fierce, and I still don’t give it away》

(End of this chapter)

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