Chapter 1634

Rookie decided to join KT, and the whole LPL became lively.

When Mr. Dai returned to the LCK, some LPL fans complained wildly, but this time no one accused Rookie of being unreasonable.

After all, he is Rookie!
He was reduced to posting Weibo and leaving emails to find a job.

What kind of player needs Weibo to find a job?
In everyone's mind, only players who have not retired and no one wants to apply for a job on Weibo.

If it weren't for waiting for IG to renew his contract, would Rookie have fallen to this point?
In this case, even if he transfers to KT, can anyone still bear to criticize him?

When the big anchor heard the news in the live broadcast, his face was shocked, and his eyes widened in disbelief:

"Really? Damn! I didn't even know about this news! Damn! He actually returned to the LCK, I thought... thank you boss for the hundred planes! Thank you boss! Boss is so generous!"

LPL commentators and hosts have also released updates.

Miller: Unbelievable!Who told me before that Rookie was leaving LPL, I would never believe it, but the reality is so cruel.

"Exchange Kim Ji-hyun, I'm too greedy for those long buttocks and long legs"

Cuzz whistleblower: Beryl played Genshinshin in the training room all day long.

It turned out that Beryl stayed up late at home every day to play Yuanshinshin and was nagged by his parents, but he would not have this trouble at the club.

Brother Cuzz has been crazy about RANK at the base recently, preparing to wear Hanbok, but why is Beryl so active?

In the new season, the African team changed its name to KDF, signed Teddy, Ellim, Hoit and many other old T1 players, plus the strength of the top laner Kiin, it seems that it also has the level of the playoffs.

Theshy posted a crying emoji on Weibo.

"Will Xiao Yu follow to Korea?How about a job exchange with the host of the LCK? "

T1 is a youth storm that focuses on one old team and four new ones. Everyone can see the personal strength of this group of players. It can be said that they are a group of young players with the most potential in the LCK. No one can say what height they will reach in the future.

"When I was young, I hated trucks, but when I was mature, I understood trucks. Now I just want to become a truck and kill IG's Sima management"

Nongshim introduced the strength of Canna+Dread+BDD to the middle field this year, and with the bot lanes of Evert and Guihuang, the strength on paper is not bad.

"From now on, there will be no Song Sheng in LPL"

However, the new teammates seem to be looking forward to club life, Beryl and Cuzz have already moved into the base ahead of schedule.

"Rookie is forced to return to the LCK! IG, you are really doing all kinds of bad things! "

On the other hand, the news of Rookie joining KT also had a huge impact on the Korean Open.

IG's official blog has almost been washed to the point of paralysis.

"The host has also started to be an exchange student, right?Really have you"

Not to mention GEN·G, Peanut + Chaowei's middle field, Ruler + Lehends bottom lane combination, plus Dolan, who performed well this season, will be very competitive next year.

"LPL girlfriends can be transferred, why can't fans? "

Lin Cheng checked it out and found that Beryl hadn't played a RANK game recently. What's the point of moving into the club early?
He casually asked in the group.

Of course, the number one favorite to win the new season is still KT.

"Don't panic! Rookie went to KT to learn advanced game concepts, and will come back next year"

With such wonderful teammates, he has a hunch that his club life in the new season may be very exciting.

Although the guy Cuzz is a bit hot-eyed in the eyes of some viewers, he is the triple C combination of Lin Cheng + Mr. Dai + Rookie after all.

"Laugh!Fans can still transfer, right? "

From a comprehensive perspective, the competition in the LCK next year will be more intense.

This is the first time an LCK player has returned after winning the world championship after leaving.

With these three people, even a dog in the wild is a galaxy warship.

Last year, Lin Cheng swept the world with the bleak KT team. This year, KT changed a group of teammates and became stronger. This shows that no matter what the style of the teammates, Lin Cheng can integrate into it and lead the teammates to burst out with terrifying combat power. .

T1 fans said sourly: Rookie's performance dropped so badly last year, KT fans still think it's 18 years now?wake up!Stop dreaming.

"Don't do it!Brother Chengzi heard the news and stopped Rookie's transfer overnight (funny)》

"When you come back next year, Rookie will lead LPL back to the top again"

In addition, many other teams have certain competitiveness.

Although KT has changed three positions next year, Lin Cheng is still the core. KT fans have already shouted for three consecutive championships to create an eternal dynasty.

There is no doubt that the new KT has also been dubbed the title of Galaxy Battleship.

And as the dust of Rookie's transfer settled, Lin Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With Beryl's brain + Rookie's help, and top laner Lin Cheng's support, Cuzz will not be able to scuttle the KT battleship, right?

DK renewed the contract of Xu Xiu and Canyon, the powerful mid-field pair, and introduced Deokdam+Kellin, the bot lane combination that played well in Nongshim last season. If it weren't for Niu Bao's announcement of a break after pulling, this team should have been more expected.

Aiming returned to the LCK, joined DRX and Zeka to continue to form a double C, and the lineup of Longcha also had a certain impact.

Although Cuzz has a grimace, Rookie is a mid laner who eats grass and milks and helps his teammates whenever he finds an opportunity.

Lin Cheng was a little nervous.

In fact, this season the LCK already has several teams called Galaxy Battleships, and everyone seems to have spent a lot of money.

One is recognized as the No. [-] mid laner in history, and the other is a strong contender for the No. [-] mid laner in history. The two brothers in the news agency have started to complain about each other on a daily basis.

The era of KT3.0 has begun.

"I will support KT next year, this broken team will continue to work"

Baby: So far I am still immersed in that night in Incheon, is this a dream?
Wang Duoduo: Don't worry about having no confidant in the future, no one in the world knows the king!
Zeyuan: Rookie take care!Will be back next year, right?
Xiao Yu: Come on!Go to LCK and continue to prove yourself, Song Yijin, you are the best!

In his opinion, KT's lineup for the new season is very promising.

"When I saw the T1 truck in the book last year, I was still laughing at Keza, but now I can't really laugh."

Everyone thought that KT had no good choices for mid laners in the new season, but they didn't expect that KT would quietly make a big move.

The people from Incheon shook their heads and sighed.

"One-fifth of IG fans went to WBG, one-fifth went to TES, and two-fifths were resting. I announce: the remaining one-fifth will go to KT! "

Rookie's reputation in Korean Open has always been good, and KT fans are looking forward to his performance in the new season.

While Lin Cheng was feeling emotional, he suddenly discovered that Cuzz called Rookie Brother Yi Jin.

KT fans fight back: Faker did not perform well last year, so what happened? The BO5 started to commit crimes in the third game, and more importantly: KT's top laner is Cheng, the ultimate enhanced version of Theshy, and Theshy who does not give away Crazy C. It should not be a big problem to activate Rookie.

Due to the changes in the rules of this year's Kespa Cup, all teams can only send second teams to participate, and the LCK league will not start until mid-January, and Lin Cheng still has a long vacation.

Lin Cheng thought about it, opened Naver and checked Cuzz information, and found that this guy was only a few days older than himself.


After being the boss for a year, I seem to be the youngest in the club again.

 The transfer was finally written. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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