This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1635 There is a problem with eating dumplings

Chapter 1635 There is a problem with eating dumplings

KT's new lineup has been confirmed, but it is still early for all teammates to return to the team for a reunion. Lin Cheng enjoys his leisure time with peace of mind.

When I have spare time, I start the live broadcast to play RANK. Recently, many IG fans came to visit the pier, asking Lin Cheng to take good care of Rookie next year.

Although it sounded good, Lin Cheng always felt that this group of IG fans were ready to attack him at any time.

According to the urgency of domestic fans, if KT loses the game next year, it is estimated that the oranges and chickens will start to fight.

Lin Cheng had a strong premonition.

It was only after being reminded by the water friends in the live broadcast room that Lin Cheng remembered that he should go to Rookie's live broadcast room to give a meeting gift.

But Rookie is broadcasting live on Huya this year, so it is not easy for Lin Cheng to visit Huya while driving Douyu.

At the beginning of the year, the Huya Douyu merger, which had caused a lot of noise, was stopped by the relevant departments. Now when Lin Cheng and Wan Wan are broadcasting live at the same time, they are at most connected to each other.

"I can't help it, I can only ask Wanwan to give me a gift."

"Madam diplomacy, huh?" "

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Enxi's wrinkled little face stretched out, as if seeing the hope of life.

Lin Cheng seldom swears during the live broadcast. Seeing the world's number one top laner being broken, the water friends in the live broadcast room are even more excited.

"that is!Obviously Xiaoyu is live broadcasting on Douyu, why don't you give Xiaoyu gifts for Rookie in Huya? "

"But Eun-hee doesn't want to go to the toilet."

He still remembers the pie that Xiao Min drew for him back then.

"Forget it! As long as you are happy, is Xiaoyu live broadcasting on Douyu?"

This is unimaginable for a second-generation girl group.

Is this a girl?

"The eldest brother is not here, what kind of gift do you give your sister-in-law?" "

The electronic scale shows 19 kg.

Lin Cheng asked, the little girl hesitated to throw away the doll, and stood on the scale again.

Enxi was extremely wronged, she looked up at Lin Cheng with her hands in her arms.

"Do you gain weight if you don't go to the bathroom?"

He opened the Douyu homepage and prepared to search, "I didn't even know she was live broadcasting on Douyu before, don't push me, I will give her some gifts now."

They didn't even have the chance to meet Lin Cheng in the game. If they had the chance to face Lin Cheng across the screen, the crowd launched a suicide charge.

"Fuck!You actually have thoughts about your sister-in-law?Beast! "

"Late night!My night!woo woo woo~~~》

Of course, it is inevitable that the subsequent total sales growth will decline. After all, a considerable part of the 16 sales is supported by oranges, and the problem of insufficient stamina cannot be avoided.

"I knew it!Brother Cheng usually said that he likes to eat dumplings, so there is a problem"

Seeing Lin Cheng, the little girl hurriedly got off the scale, holding the doll in her arms, and hesitated and said nothing.

I have had weight anxiety since I was young.

"What's the matter? How much does Enxi weigh now?"

Recently, the LPL held a commentary cup, which was very popular. Xiaoyu's 7-fee team lost two games in a row. It happened that Xiaoyu cried in the live broadcast because of self-blame.

Enxi jumped down quickly.

Enxi took off her jacket with great difficulty, and stood up again.

By the way, Wanwan seems to be participating in the commentary cup too?

It still shows 19kg.

It still shows 19 kg,

That girl won't be beaten and cried too, right?
On the other side, Xiao Yu was wiping tears, but before she could react, she found that someone had left ten super fires and ran away.

"Wanwan has such a naive temper, if Brother Chengzi doesn't mention it, she probably won't ask him for reimbursement at all"

Therefore, Lin Cheng did not continue to rank, and started to fight with his water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Eunxi is up already?"

The little girl stomped her feet angrily.

"Eunxi didn't go to the bathroom today, did she?"

Lin Cheng defended, "Who do you think I am? I will reimburse Wanwan!"

"He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry! "

What about letting Jiyeon dance "One Minute One Second" in a jumpsuit?

But it is undeniable that Tara has created a miracle 12 years after her debut.

"Not counting! Enxi's clothes are too heavy!"

Lin Cheng was so angry that he banged on the table, "Take me to the rhythm, right? Who said what was said just now? Wait for me to check the records and close the small black rooms one by one."

Looking at the sky-defying barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Cheng felt a little tired.

Because of one of his INS, the total sales volume of Jiyeon and his sisters' new albums on all platforms in the first week was 16 copies, and this figure was still rising in the second week.

"Don't meddle with the housekeeper! I'm going to execute the sentence myself."

"I do not mind!Brother Orange squeeze me dry! "

Do you know how hard it is to work two jobs every day in "Wanwan, commenting during the day and live broadcasting at night?"Dogs have no conscience! "

After handling the internal affairs, Lin Cheng didn't find the right time when he ran to Xiaoyu's live broadcast room to give gifts.

As soon as Lin Cheng entered the live broadcast room, he saw his new teammate's girlfriend crying. He was most afraid of such a scene, so he left ten super rockets and ran away immediately.

It is also because of the excellent sales of the album and the excellent performance of the music source website that many program groups have sent invitations one after another. The sisters have been so busy recently that Lin Cheng has no chance to get in touch with Zhiyan.

But the sisters are really too busy recently, Lin Cheng is too embarrassed to remind them.

Just in time for Lin Cheng to renew his contract, the results of the new album of the sisters can be said to be very good, so good that this result can already be ranked at the forefront of the first week sales of new albums of girl groups over the years.

"Male Gobi! What do you mean you have thoughts about your sister-in-law? You bastards!!!"

Forget it, keep crying!
Life is very fulfilling, except for a little bit of trouble during the live broadcast, Lin Cheng has been living a fairly comfortable life recently.

"Brother Cheng has lost his conscience!Even the hard-earned money of the night is squeezed"

Scratching her stomach, Enxi jumped down and took off her socks, and stood on the weighing scale again with her bare feet.

Lin Cheng's unintentional remark originally triggered a barrage riot.

Early this morning, Lin Cheng was called up by Han Shuyan.

cough cough!To put it bluntly... other things can be forgotten, but this is the only thing that Lin Xiaocheng can't wait to carve on his back with a knife to remind himself all the time, how could he forget?

"Go and tell Rookie, this dog is cheating on his sister-in-law"

Lin Cheng snickered, since the last time he joked that eating too much would make her a chubby girl, the little girl has also become sensitive to her weight.

You won't think I've forgotten it, will you?

"Of course, the food has not been excreted after digestion, so the weight will increase."

Should she thank the boss first?
It happened that there was a barrage reminding that the one who gave the gift just now was Rookie's new teammate, not a fake account.

"hold head high."

"This scale is broken! Enxi Mingming only weighed 18 kilograms last time."

"Don't talk nonsense, I mean help me get a wave of gifts in Huya every night... Damn it! Who said you should eat soft rice? Stand up!"

The bullet screen has changed again.

"I also swiped gifts in the Wanwan live broadcast room, brother Chengzi squeezed Wanwan = squeezed me, I am at odds with the anchor"

After getting up slowly, when Lin Cheng passed by, he saw the little girl Enxi standing on the weighing scale with her Baolulu doll in her arms, her head bowed in a daze.

"Fuck!Has the relationship been exposed?Why do you give me gifts at night? "

It's rare to be able to engage in Lin Cheng's mentality. At this time, we must display the spirit of not being afraid of Feng and not being afraid of Feng.

"Everything needs the right timing, it's okay, and 18 kg is the weight of a normal five or six-year-old baby, Eun-hee is still a little skinny."

Lin Cheng hugged Enxi with a smile, "Look! Uncle can lift Enxi with one hand, you are very light, remember to eat more."


The little girl bit her finger and showed a naive smile, as if she had already thought of something delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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