This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1636 Commentary Cup Foreign Aid

Chapter 1636 Commentary Cup Foreign Aid

The little girl got rid of her weight anxiety, and started spinning around behind Lin Cheng's butt early in the morning.

Xiao Tong brought out the milk from the kitchen, "Don't shake around, you two, it's time to have breakfast."

"Come on, come on!"

Lin Cheng hurriedly brought the little girl over.

"Enxi, let's eat first."

"No! Enxi has to wait for mom and sister Yan."

Enxi climbed onto the chair and sat down obediently without moving her chopsticks.

Lin Cheng had just picked up a piece of beef and was about to put it in his mouth, when he froze immediately.

The little girl just stared at him like this, and she was too embarrassed to bite down on the beef on her lips.

Lin Cheng didn't even know the hero pool of the members of the Void Champion team, so he quit the voice directly without instructing the BP in the training match, and took his seat in the audience seats to wait for the game to start.

The group stage is not over, the teams are fighting each other, throwing blame, showing off, putting pressure on teammates, and crying on the live broadcast... It is true that the elements are full.

"Come back soon~~~~"

broken!The Void Champion team has invited the world's number one top laner to conduct a training match with foreign aid, shouldn't it be reborn?
Soon, the opponents in the training match will also be in place.

Isn't this more exciting than a professional team?

As soon as Lin Cheng finished speaking, the sword demon and the blind monk jumped out of the Qinggang shadow.

This time, the Void Champions team's opponent in the training match is the Prince team, led by EDG prince Zhao Chuanxiong. The Prince team, who have won three consecutive victories in the first round of the group stage, is in good shape to qualify.

Knowing that Lin Cheng was going to watch the commentary cup training match, the audience in the live broadcast room made Lin Cheng mentally prepared.

"To shut up!"

"Sun Nan is the original singer, and he can also be the plaintiff."

The live broadcast rooms of each commentator were full of undercover agents from other teams to inquire about the news of the training match. At this time, the undercover agents rushed out to report the news.

Lin Cheng's tone was a little anxious, "To be honest, this wave of being overwhelmed is entirely a teammate problem. With Flash + TP at night, it is impossible to push the line that ignites the sword demon. What's the point of seeing the blind monk leaning on the pig girl and going down? Don’t you look at the map? It’s clear that there’s going to be Qinggangying on the other side.”

After opening the Douyu live broadcast, Lin Cheng first changed the title of his live broadcast room.

"The Interpretation Cup Training Tournament Two Roads!Coach Lin is online"

Because the game level of the commentators varies greatly, the strong ones are masters, and the poor ones may struggle to win silver, so it is easy to cause problems if the team is disrupted.

"No! What is Nakano doing?"

"Hey! Why is Miss Pig going down at this time? I saw the blind monk going up in my vision, why don't you come up and cover it? Are you the blind monk?"

Lin Cheng didn't know why, and after chatting with Wanwan, he found out that their originally planned training match would be postponed for a while.

"Sister Shuyan! I miss you, come here quickly."

There is a big difference in game understanding between the players, and it is not uncommon to quarrel after the game replay, and some masters look down on the silver teammates and talk about how the teammates I usually meet...

Only Sister Shuyan is the most gentle.

The barrage is lively.

"And the middle lane is too much, Ryze, why are you so cowardly? The enchantress can't kill you in the early stage, and the hero Ryze is going to grab the lane in front of him. After pushing the lane and leaning up against Qinggangying, nothing will happen. "

Zheng Shiyan just walked over and gave him a blank look, "You are very noisy."

After breakfast, Lin Cheng consciously took on the task of sending Enxi's little girl to school.

"Ha ha!He's in a hurry"

It can be said that the effect of the program is stronger than that of professional competitions.

It was the commentary cup where Xiaoyu was beaten and cried. Wanwan's team seemed to be in a bad situation at the moment. The little fan girl sent a request for help, hoping that Lin Cheng could find some time to give some guidance.

During this period of time, besides being a salted fish at home and occasionally RANK adapting to the new version, Lin Cheng also received Wanwan's request for help.

Several commentators yelled, "Brother Chengzi, I'm your fan", and even the barrage in each live broadcast room unified into this sentence.

It's rare for the whole family to eat breakfast neatly. At the table, Lin Cheng deliberately teased the little girl with all kinds of funny things. Enxi's giggling and Lin Cheng's childish behavior made the three women in the family helpless and funny.

The Interpretation Cup group stage is a double round-robin competition system. The first round was just finished yesterday. Wanwan's 'Void Champions' suffered a two-game losing streak after winning a good start. The prospect of qualifying with a 1-2 record is a bit grim.

Apart from Guan Zeyuan and Wanwan, Lin Cheng didn't know any other commentators, so he politely said a few words.

It turned into a huge fan meeting in an instant.

Xiao Tong snickered beside him.

Someone played the game too late last night and fell asleep, and it is said that the captain is still calling people one by one to wake them up.

Sister Shiyan showed her face coldly again.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry, and took advantage of this time to learn about this so-called commentary cup.

The little wife fights against herself every day.

"The blind monk on the opposite side is coming up, and if you push the line late at night, you may have to be crossed."

Teammates put pressure on each other, coupled with the crazy barrage of water players, the commentators who usually sharply commented on professional players on the commentary stage broke their defenses one after another.

Well!I didn't expect this commentary cup to be so lively.

You look like I am very ignorant!

Lin Cheng curled his lips, "How is Brother Cheng singing?"

Xiao Tong immediately waved his fist, saying, "Do you dare to show me face?" ' look.

"Come back soon! Bring back my thoughts~~~~"

It just so happened that today was free, and Lin Cheng had already made an appointment with Wanwan to watch their training match.

Lin Cheng: (⊙⊙)
Xiao Tong beside him was laughing like crazy.

The breakfast is very simple. Milk and eggs are paired with clear porridge. The side dish is the sauced beef made by Sister Shuyan and mixed with cucumber. It is clean and hygienic... No!Nutritious and healthy.

Wan Wan's voice was a little excited, "Deng Deng! Our foreign aid is here!"

Lin Cheng: "..."

Wan Wan played Qing Gang Ying in this game, and Lin Cheng didn't know who the top laner of the opposing Princes team was. They played Sword Demon, and the two sides still fought back and forth in the early stage of the road.

"Qinggangying's advantage is to cooperate with teammates. This situation is acceptable to Wan Wan."

"Wanwan played pretty well! It's not easy to fight [-]-[-] with Ignite Sword Demon."

Seeing Enxi's expression of shock with her small mouth open, Lin Cheng became interested and wanted to show off his singing by raising his volume.

"It looks like Wanwan when he commented on KT's game"

Lin Cheng was a little hopeless.

Lin Cheng also didn't watch the video of the game, and planned to watch the training game later.

"Forget it, I'll wait until they serve the table before eating."

Lin Cheng glared at him unhappily.

Sighing, Lin Cheng put down the chopsticks again.

After dawdling for a long time, Wanwan's teammates finally arrived, and Lin Cheng was pulled into the voice room by Wanwan.

"Hey, hello! Hello everyone!"

After seeing off Enxi and returning, there was no one at home, so Lin Cheng went back to his room and turned on the computer.

"Two-way Heading for Reality"

"Brother Orange: Where's the teammate?"Hurry up and save Wanwan! "

"Protect your wife, right? (funny)"

 Happy Lantern Festival everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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