This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1637 Severe Coach Lin

Chapter 1637 Severe Coach Lin
The tower was crossed late at night on the road, and Lin Cheng blamed Nakano, making the water friends go crazy with joy.

This guy was very polite during the pre-match greetings.

As a result, Lin Cheng was overtaken late in the game, and Lin Cheng's aggressiveness was revealed.

But Wan Wan in Huya's live broadcast room was a little disappointed.

"Ah~~~ I can't help this wave of being overtaken."

"It's okay! Just try not to die at night, I'll help you down the road, and wait for Brother Guan to grow up to fight."

The words of the wild Xipu in the voice made the water friends unable to hold back.

"Hard lick, huh?Don't help Qing Gangying run to help Aphelios and Lulu? "

"After all, it's God in charge, where is the role of commentary"

"This jungler doesn't look at the map, I know that I will be overtaken on the road"

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Just kidding, it really doesn't make sense to purify this weapon, unless it's immune to control for two seconds after purification."

"Pull the progress bar to 3 minutes and 43 seconds, let me ask you, why don't you join this wave?"

"Be serious, I'm starting to replay."

"Just now I saw the blind monk leaning up, and the soldiers on the road were pushed into the tower immediately, why did you go down?"

Zeyuan: "Hey! Then I don't have any problem with purifying this one, right? The Bullet King even wants to spray this. Is it because he is afraid that the wind girl will blow it up and Jinx will catch him?"

"Go!"Brother Cheng's Story of Protecting His Wife"

Lin Cheng interrupted directly: "Okay! I'm not discussing with you what to do in this wave, I'm telling you what to do in this wave."

"In person: You are the best commentator of Aphelios I have ever seen, not face to face: this Aphelios is too heaven-defying"

Wanwan blamed herself a bit, this made her record look bad, although she drove to the key player twice later, Qing Gangying was instantly lost because of poor equipment.

Seeing Lin Cheng coming in, Zeyuan immediately asked, "Brother Chengzi! Do you think there is something wrong with my top outfit?"

"Okay! Next, I'll help with the replay and turn on the game video."

"I seem to remember that someone took out the top laner Aphelios in the arena? "

"Aren't the junglers here?"

This time everyone didn't hold back.

"This is Qinggangying, not a stone man! Do teammates really care?"

"How many people in your live broadcast room can understand the game? It's enough to beat our decision-making problems, can we spray our outfits? What's wrong with the second piece of Sword Demon's serious injury bow?"

Zeyuan: "..."

Soon the training game ended with the Prince's team winning.

Xi Pu: "I didn't notice."

"The damage of the strong wind + serious injury bow is not high, but I died early in the first two waves without the strong wind."

As soon as they walked back to the bottom lane, a fight broke out in the top half.

Lin Cheng: "Didn't notice? Didn't the jungler even look at the map? Let's talk about the 6-minute wave. The opponent's jungler came out to help push the lane and was ready to jump the tower. You have a lot of reaction time. At this time, you should rely on it immediately." Go up and squat."

"Let me tell you a joke: I'm the top laner, I'm not very familiar with AD"

This girl can only talk about Lin Cheng when she is commenting on Lin Cheng's games, but she can't let go of this meeting.

No one expected that Lin Cheng, who was joking with Yan Yuese just now, would suddenly become serious.

"Who is this Guanmayusi? It's against the sky! This wave is too good for shopping!"

After passing the Xiaolongkeng, Zeyuan found that the new wave of artillery vehicles was stuck in front of the opponent's tower, and turned back to try to push the line of troops into the tower.

The wild boar girl wants to help build an advantage in the middle and bottom lanes, but the enchantress in the middle lane on the opposite side can't catch it at all. Bottom lane Lulu + Aphelios' ability to cooperate with the jungler in the early stage is not too strong. It is difficult to find opportunities with a good vision.

The voice is very lively and noisy.

The voice is very noisy, and Zeyuan is sparring with the barrage.

Lin Cheng reminded: "But you seem to have been fired like this last time."

Then halfway through, I found that the opponent released the vanguard in the middle. At this time, the only remaining Ryze and Lulu in the middle did not dare to defend the tower, and Aphelios turned back to help defend the center.

A male voice with an on-demand accent sounded.

"I didn't win the vanguard, I lost money on the next route, and I didn't get Tapi, so the loss was maximized!"

"Why don't you bring purification? You hit the wind + Jinx with purification, right?"

Aphelios hurriedly turned and leaned up.

Instead, it was crossed again 6 minutes later.

You also play farming in Korea, right?
Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to resume the game, and was ready to hear their opinions on the results of the training match.

"Ha ha!Brother Chengzi, that’s not what you said just now.”

At this time, Lulu, the support of the Void Champions, moved to the center ahead of time, and Aphelios continued to prepare to go online after returning home.

But as soon as they got to the line, the Void Champions seemed to be commanding to pick up the vanguard, and Aphelios quickly pushed the line and moved up.

Lin Cheng was dumbfounded.

Xi Pu explained: "I think the three people on the opposite side won't be able to help in that wave, they might blow up together..."

"What does it mean to push the line out of the opponent's tower and then go back and forth?"

"Fuck!Brother Orange is getting stricter"

"If you want to eat the line, don't come up, tell your teammates not to play a team and let Aphelios eat tapi below."

Although it is encouraging, why does it feel like everyone defaults on Qinggang Ying with the worst record?
Bullying honest people, right?
Of course, the game level of the commentators is there, unlike their usual analysis in the commentary booth, when they play games by themselves, they don't even cut the screen very much, so they may not be able to see the situation clearly.

The barrage exploded.

"I won't talk about the beginning. There are some problems with your eye placement and positioning, but the impact is not too great. I will talk about it later. Let's talk about the game content first."


Lin Cheng became serious, "I'm telling you like I usually do when a team replays a game. Please forgive me if I offend you."

"Guan Zeyuan?"

"For a full minute and a half, he walked up and down the river."

Everyone had a good attitude, and Wanwan added in a low voice: "I don't play well, brother Chengzi, don't scold me."

"That's still against the sky! This wave really doesn't make sense."

"Who is the jungler?"

Aphelios went down again.

"One thing to say, neither LPL nor LCK should talk back when replaying, right?This group of commentators are used to being loose"

Fortunately, I brought TP with me at night, and there was no blown line in this wave of being overwhelmed, but the content of the following game can be seen that there is obviously a problem with the command of the void champion team.

"Is this the resumption atmosphere of LCK professional teams? "

8 minutes Canyon Pioneer refresh.

This time it was the enchantress + the blind monk who came together, and Ryze was still pushing the line carefully in the middle.

"If you want to fight for the vanguard, don't push the wave line just now. If you go down the flat line, you won't lose much."

In the end, it was only in the middle, the vanguard team battle was over, and the prince team won 0 for 2.

Seeing Lin Cheng's brain hemorrhage in this wave of vanguard decisions by the Void Champions, he was stunned for a moment when he heard the water friends in the live broadcast room say that this Aphelios was Guan Zeyuan.

The voice quieted down.


"As soon as I saw Wan Wan's death in battle, Brother Cheng became aggressive in an instant"

"What is Ryze doing? The mid-lane ground binding spirit sees that the little soldiers can't walk?"

Because of his appearance being questioned, Zeyuan has already been blasted by barrage water friends.

Lin Cheng micked into the voice room again, ready to help the Void Champions replay.

"Brothers went to watch Brother Cheng Zi's live broadcast, the effect of the show has begun"

Lin Cheng felt something was wrong when he heard it.

Lin Cheng thought about it, "I'm a top laner, and I'm not very familiar with AD... But your Aphelios proficiency looks pretty good, and it's the best Aphelios I've ever seen. Explanation."

Teammates expressed encouragement one after another, saying that it is better to work hard next time.

The commentators were also laughing when they realized it, and Zeyuan laughed the loudest.

The big prince of EDG has a very good rhythm. After a few waves of military training, he attacked the bottom lane. Guan Zeyuan's Aphelios didn't even pop out for a long time.

The team's mid laner is also a girl, and she has been saying that it is her own problem, and she has never beaten the enchantress in the mid lane.

"Ah? Are you asking me?"

"This group of commentators are used to talking back, and they always talk back every time they replay, Brother Chengzi is not used to it"

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi has only seen Guan Shen play Aphelios, so of course it's okay to say that"

"It's okay, it should be."

"Then I will tell you about the pull of 369 and White Crescent"

"Brother Cheng: I was too gentle just now, or are you Xipu rebellious?" "

"Actually, this is for Wanwan, I cried to death"

"To be reasonable, Wan Wan fights the pressure and takes the blame for every training match, it's really miserable"

(End of this chapter)

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