This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1639 Lin Cheng: Who is the best AD in the commentary cup?

Qinggangying won the double kill, and Wanwan's excited sentence, "Brother Chengzi, you are so good", drew question marks all over the screen.

Lin Cheng laughed loudly, "You C this night, I'll help you later."

Wanwan also swelled up, "Okay, okay! Watch me punch Zhao Zhiming and kick Chengfeng."

"? ? ?What did I just hear?Who's great? "

"If I hadn't watched the live broadcast, I wouldn't dare to think about what they were doing just by listening to the voice"

"Wan Wan now don't avoid suspicion? (crying)

"Actually, at the moment when Wanwan headed K, Brother Cheng pressed the remote control in his hand (insidious)"

"Are You Devils?Don't Defile My Night (Big Cry)》

"Brother Orange, you are amazing! (Face is pissed)》

Lin Cheng seized the timing of this wave of wandering very well. He went up and got two assists, and when he came back, the pawn line just happened to be stuck outside his own tower, so he hardly lost experience.

In fact, Ryze should have the right to fight the demon girl in the early stage. The slow push of the demon girl in the front is a flaw, otherwise this hero would be too OP in the middle.

In the next 2 minutes, Lin Cheng seemed to be on the verge of hanging up. Without the support of vision, he continuously pinged and caught the opponent's jungle position.

Because the time when the blind monk brushed F6 was remembered, and the blind monk's outcropping on the road just now revealed the number of wild swords, the opponent's jungler's follow-up movements were not too difficult for Lin Cheng to guess.

It's also my fault that Zhao Zhiming played too seriously when Lin Cheng encountered him, and even tried to make the jungle plan as reasonable as possible, but if another silver jungler came over, Lin Cheng would never be able to guess what the opponent was doing.

Zhumei took advantage of the situation and caught the double call of the opponent's duo.

The prince's blind monk came to support from the river, but was blocked by Lin Cheng who rushed over.

The blind monk ate a set of Ryze's skills and was beaten away. Lin Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to lead the jungler to the opponent's triangle grass, and overtook the duo under the tower of the Prince's team.

Zeyuan's Aphelios scored a double kill and comfortably ate two layers of tapi.

In 6 minutes, Lin Cheng hardly took the initiative to exchange blood with Yaoji in the middle lane, but he used the advantage of pushing the line to continuously help the upper and lower lanes to open up the situation.

"This person is too perverted! Not only is he good at top lane and laning, but he is also so good at mid lane and roaming?"

"If Rookie hadn't joined KT, would Brother Cheng consider transferring next season?"

Zeyuan kept praising Lin Cheng, so he almost asked Lin Cheng if he planned to join GEN·G in the future.

The prince originally communicated with the mid laner Cheng Fenger to catch more hits, but the opposite Ryze ran after pushing the line, but Ryze kept putting pressure on the jungle and the side lanes.

Moreover, Lin Cheng is very slender, and when pushing the line, he always relies on his jungler's position in the half area.

Zhumei has the ability to cross the wall, and the support in the middle is very fast. Lin Cheng's push line is very safe.

If the pig girl is far away, Lin Cheng will try to stand on the half area of ​​the river where he has his own vision, so that he can safely push the line and run every time.

The demon girl on the other side was completely locked in the middle lane. After level [-], Ryze had a big move. Lin Cheng called the pig girl to drive up to block the sword demon.

"You eat tonight."

"Brother Cheng Zi, you should take the lead."

"It doesn't matter to me, you eat what you eat."

"Then I'm welcome!"

With such treatment, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up when he relaxed every night.

Although Zhao Zhiming covered this wave in time, he had no choice but to gank with Ruiz + Zhumei. He almost bought one and got one free.

The opponent's enchantress was also unwilling to go to jail in the middle, and tried to find opportunities in the opposite half after pushing the line behind, but Lin Cheng gave his teammates a reminder in advance.

"The enchantress is about to step down, you don't want to exchange blood below."

"If you don't exchange blood, you can take the tower off the line. The middle and bottom three people on the opposite side can't pass the tower. If you change blood now and wait until the pawn line enters the tower, it will be easy to be passed."

Lin Cheng even discussed the details of whether he should exchange blood or not. Of course, his teammates didn't get sick and gave him a chance.

"Brother Chengzi's mid laner is so smooth, and his command is so clear"

"Is it better than a single poison coin in the roaming type?" (funny)"

"I suggest Brother Cheng Zi also go to support Brother Legs"

"The leg brother team is really against the sky, the teammates keep apologizing and falling ill, and don't listen to orders at all"

"I know it's wrong, but if I don't change it, you can't do anything about me"

"The quality of leg brothers needs to be reduced"

In the early stage, the form of the void champion team was very good.

With the rhythm of the middle field, Lin Cheng began to frantically command his teammates to snowball their vision.

He didn't pay attention to laning at all in this round. What his teammates should do every step of the way, and where their vision should be, were all directed by Lin Cheng.

He even arranged the position of the resource group very carefully every time.

"Pig girl push forward, but don't be too far away from the back row, keep half of the screen and your teammates can fight back when you are fired."

"Lulu's flanking eyes, without the vision of the enchantress and the blind monk, the back row was cut off to talk."

"The fight will be too chaotic later on and it's easy to lose sight of the situation, so you must report if you are cut off from the back row, but don't make too much noise, Lulu and I will reserve skills to counter the enchantress."

Under Lin Cheng's precise deployment, the two waves of resource groups all ended in a complete victory for the Void Champions.

In only 15 minutes, Wanwan already has 7 heads, and Zeyuan's Aphelios has 6 heads in hand.

Instead, Lin Cheng's Ryze didn't take a single head.

The teammates are really having fun, and everyone in the voice is elated.

Wan Wan was attacked by his opponent Ueno, and Lin Cheng immediately leaned over to prepare for support.

Due to the superior equipment, Ryze killed the sword demon before the start of the car, and Qinggangying succeeded in supernatural power.

"Brother Cheng Zi, don't come! I want to hit two!"

"Just your last sentence against me? The prince dies!"

Wanwan also started to show her face, which caused everyone to ridicule wildly.

Lin Cheng still drove over, but he just watched from the side and gave Wanwan a thumbs up.

This kind of behavior almost pissed Zhao Zhiming to death.

Wan Wan succeeded in killing the blind monk with residual blood, and completed a double kill with one hit and two.

"Wanwan Ncie! This Qinggang Shadow is super handsome."

Hearing Lin Cheng's praise, Wanwan also had to shiver, "I learned Qinggang Ying from Brother Chengzi, so it's easy to play a commentary cup?"

"Ha ha!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Zeyuan: "Why does it feel like the Prince's team has lost all of a sudden? The last one was Cheng Feng'er, which was always stealthy and sneaky. This one is completely silent."

Wan Wan: "Don't blame him, after all, you're facing off against Brother Cheng Zi, and Cheng Feng'er has already done his best."

Lin Cheng asked back: "Then who didn't try their best?"

Zeyuan: "Yes! That's the sentence, so who didn't try their best? Brother Chengzi understands."

"Laugh!This group of pussies are too busy, is there a canteen? "

"Then who didn't try hard? 23333》

"Let's not talk about the upper middle class"

"Prince: If you guys think about it, I will explain it clearly"

"One thing to say, the prince's underwear has been seen through, and he stretches it wherever he goes"

Talking and laughing, the advantages are already great.

However, Guan Zeyuan's Tianfa Aphelios had a wave of illness. Seeing three people standing close to each other, R flash + gale went over and wanted to operate.

As a result, Aphelios Blue Saber R was lost among the three, and he rushed to die instantly.

Zeyuan: "Ah~~~ This wave of mine, I thought too much, I thought I could operate it, but the big move was empty."

Lin Cheng: "It's a little flawed, but it's not a big problem."

Xi Pu: "It's okay, brother, you have one more big item than the AD on the other side, so you can hit it casually later."

Wanwan: "Don't worry, wait for me and sister pig to fight first."

Lin Cheng: "I suddenly want to ask a question... Who is the best AD in your commentary cup this time?"

There was a sudden silence in the voice.

Lin Cheng: "Why don't you speak?"

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

We have evidence that 99% of you are driving Zeyuan.

That's you.

Other players who dared to open their mouths like this face to face would probably be punished by God.

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