This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1640 An Incomprehensible Abstract Game

Although Guan Zeyuan sent a wave, the Void Champion team had a big enough advantage, and under Lin Cheng's command, they still won the game steadily and steadily.

In this round, Lin Cheng didn't compete with the opponent at all in the middle lane. He just showed his excellent roaming awareness. enough.

The same is true for other positions. Lin Cheng is playing training matches almost remotely, while correcting their team battle positions, field of view layout, including wild area planning, which is far more profound than telling them what to do during the replay.

At the end of the game, the teammates are still a little bit unsatisfied.

Zeyuan: "This game is really cool! It always feels like we have more people than the other side."

Wanwan swelled up, "I'm not bragging! Brother Chengzi is playing mid laner, I feel like I can beat Theshy too!"

"Haha! You're starting to show your face, right?"

"Wanwan, you are very dangerous, you don't think that Brother Sun's fans don't watch the commentary cup, do you?"

"Turn off Weibo comments first."

The teammates ridiculed one after another, but Lin Cheng didn't hold back.

"Don't laugh."

Wanwan said in a brisk tone, "When I was under pressure in the lane, Brother Cheng came to help me clear the siege. Every time I pushed the line, Brother Cheng came to help me to overcome the tower, and the other side wanted to overcome my tower. Brother Cheng is always squatting back. How can I do this kind of matchup? lose?"

"Ha ha!too real"

"Dry Crushed TS?You are really not afraid of being rushed, are you? "

"Evening Master"

"The Bible of the Great Demon King Wanwan, please recite the whole text"

"It's a pity that there is no bear to spread his hands, otherwise the taste will be more intense"

"Wanwan's frightened look is really cute, 23333"

In the next training match in October, Lin Cheng will be replaced again, and Lin Cheng will continue to observe and guide.

Blindly reviewing the game to find problems is not very useful. Play more training games, remind yourself how to play the game every time, and correct bad habits in RANK bit by bit, so that the overall cooperation can improve.

The training match continued, and Zhao Chuanxiong was excited.

If I can't beat Lin Cheng, I can't beat you, October?
Then the Princes team frantically used the middle as a breakthrough, and the methods were quite cruel.

In October, although following Lin Cheng's idea of ​​pushing the lane in the early stage and then disappearing, the pressure on teammates on the side lanes was reduced a lot, but Cheng Feng'er's laning strength was indeed much stronger than her.

However, the overall performance of the Void Champions team has improved in this round. Xipu is working hard to correct his dislike of staring at the small map all the time.

When he found out that Zhonglu was in jail, Xi Pu didn't bury his head in the wild, and actively helped Shiyue push the line, and after pushing the line back, he took his own middle order to do things.

Of course, the idea is right, but I haven't played it.

After several rounds of duels, the Nakano of the Void Champion team split up again, and Shi Yue was killed to the point that he was almost autistic.

Wanwan played very well in this round. She completed a solo kill on the road and cooperated with her teammates to play a few small rhythms. Unfortunately, she still failed to save the world.

In the end, the Void Champion team still lost, but the overall linkage looks decent, and everyone except October expressed that they felt the improvement.

Lin Cheng continued to review for them.

For several hours, the team members felt embarrassed.

"Brother Chengzi didn't waste your time, did he? Why don't you let us practice by ourselves?"

"It's okay! Anyway, I'm fine. I have to do well what I asked you to do later in the evening."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Wan Wan lowered her head and couldn't help but secretly curl her lips.

"Damn! You really don't pretend now, do you? "

"She Laughed!"She was definitely smiling! "

"hateful!Wanwan is mine, brother Chengzi is a scumbag, don’t be fooled by him”

"Is it possible, Wanwan would rather be cheated by Brother Chengzi than look down on you"

"impossible!Absolutely impossible! "

"There is no her in a hundred eyes, and the wisdom of a hundred books, you should wake up and build my China, understand?" "

"Happy with her, tired without her, understand? "

After helping the Void Championship team train for a whole day, Lin Cheng accepted Wanwan's invitation to watch the Interpretation Cup match with the LPL commentators Lianmai the next day.

At present, the Interpretation Cup has reached the second round of the double round of the group stage. Today, the four teams in Group A will determine two places for advancement. Group B, where the void champion team is located, will start tomorrow.

Just as Lin Cheng entered the voice room, the commentators headed by Ze Yuan and He Ye Ling warmly welcomed him.

They said they were watching the game, but they all stared at the commentary on the field.

Usually, the drivers have to worry about being blasted, but when driving together, these guys are more powerful than the other.

The first game of the commentary cup was full of effects, and the two sides ate like crazy, and there were almost no normal people.

After 30 minutes of the big fight, the prince team has already led by [-] economy.

The situation of the void mob team led by Zhao Junri almost collapsed.

Zeyuan: "What's going on? Why is someone talking about Junzi in the bullet screen? No one bullies us Junzi, right?"

Yutong: "ijun gather!"

Aya Hirano: "They said that the barrage in the 1-5 Silas live room is spraying the 6-2 rock sparrow, isn't that unreasonable? Brother Chengzi, what do you think?"

"It really doesn't make sense."

Lin Cheng has perfectly integrated into this group of onmyojis. Even though Junri was killed twice and gave away two big ones, Lin Cheng still washed with him.

Of course, everyone understands the clear and dark operations.

"I'm telling the truth! Why do the people in your live broadcast room have to ask Junzi's questions?"

Zeyuan began to get angry, "If Junzi has a problem, he should first look for the problem in the middle lane. If there is no problem in the middle lane, then he should look for the problem in the top lane. If there is no problem in the top lane, then it is a problem in the bottom lane."

Aya Hirano: "Anyway, someone must have a problem. If there is no problem, then it is the coach's problem."

The atmosphere became cheerful, and this group of people seemed to be washing Zhao Junri, but in fact they were already turning black.

Zeyuan: "What do you think of this game, Cheng Zi? The content of the game is very exciting, right?"

Wanwan interjected: "Brother Chengzi, don't be afraid! Our fans combined don't have as many fans as yours, so just open it."

"Ha ha!"

A group of people laughing happily.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, and then summed it up in one sentence: "The EDG prince, the pig god, carried the audience at dusk, and the rubbish in the middle of the sub-team is so rotten?"

This Zhao Zhiming took off with the rhythm of a pig girl. The mid laner Silas of the Void Mob team really played very green. Lin Cheng found out the current MVP and the blame man on the field in one sentence.

"Pig God Twilight, Sai Junk, 233333"

"broken!Brother Chengzi has perfectly integrated into this group of onmyojis"

"Is it possible, brother Chengzi is like this? "

All the commentators were in a strange mood, and suddenly another battle broke out on the field.

What's outrageous is that the Prince's team's huge advantage was wiped out by a group, and then was flattened by the void team.

Everyone can't accept it.

Zeyuan: "What did Brother Chengzi say? The Twilight of the Pig God is over!"

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds: "This is an abstract game that I can't understand."

Wan Wan: "The misunderstanding is resolved! Junzi really has no problem with this one, he won anyway! This one is all right."

"Assemble the ijun! Open the champagne!"

In the past two days, the general ledger has been calculated, and there is news that the previous chapters have been blocked every day.

You don't blame me for showing extra unread chapters.

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