Chapter 164 The Blame Hero Enxi
No matter how other people comment on the current KT, Lin Cheng left the club after the game, took a taxi and returned to the apartment.

Walking downstairs to the apartment, it happened that Zheng Shiyan led the little girl and walked slowly from the direction of the parking lot.

"Eunxi, sister Shiyan."

Seeing Lin Cheng, the little girl broke away from her mother's hand and ran over with short legs.

Running up to Lin Cheng, Enxi immediately stopped the car as if he had been immobilized.

She raised her head and looked at Lin Cheng, opened her small hands as if she wanted to hug Lin Cheng's legs, then hesitated for a while, holding the thumb of her left hand in the palm of her right hand, and put her hands together on her belly.

Compared to always timidly hiding behind her mother before, Enxi is now very close to Lin Cheng.


The voice was muffled, and the little girl was wearing a small light pink mask, revealing a pair of dark eyes looking straight at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng knelt down and showed a big smile, "Did Enxi go out with mom today?"


The little girl nodded vigorously, "Enxi and mother went grocery shopping, Enxi is here to help."

Lin Cheng rubbed her little head, "Enxi is so good."

Enxi grinned happily, and twisted her body as if embarrassed.

Zheng Shiyan also leaned over to say hello to Lin Cheng, "Enxi hasn't gone out for a long time, today I took her to the supermarket to buy something early after get off work."

Zheng Shiyan should have taken Eunxi out after get off work. She is wearing a light-colored knitted thin shirt with a black hip skirt. Her slender and well-proportioned legs are very eye-catching under the black stockings.

Lin Cheng joked: "Enxi is so cute, sister Shiyan must be taken care of when she goes out, otherwise she will be abducted by others."

The little girl quickly turned around and hugged her mother's leg, "Mom will take care of Enxi."

Seeming a little worried, she raised her head to confirm with her mother again, "Isn't it?"

Zheng Shiyan thought it was funny, "Don't worry, mom won't lose you."

Only then did the little girl feel relieved, and followed the two into the apartment building with her short legs.

After getting on the elevator, Enxi didn't make any noise, and quietly followed the two of them, just staring at the figure reflected in the mirror on the side of the elevator with wide eyes.

Two big and one small, as if the figure in the mirror has some kind of attraction, the little girl is fascinated by it.

Many children are very curious and like to toss around in the small space of the elevator. Lin Cheng once encountered a child who was about the same age as Enxi and suddenly started screaming loudly in the elevator. He was caught off guard and almost sent Lin Cheng away. Walk.

Lin Cheng doesn't like bears, but Enxi is so cute.

Seeing Enxi's peaceful appearance, Lin Cheng couldn't help but patted her little head again.

The little girl raised her head and kept laughing, silly.

"Enxi, do you want to go to sister Yan's place to play? Uncle will play Baolulu for you."

The little girl lowered her head and touched her stomach, "But Enxi wants to have dinner with mother, and Enxi hasn't had dinner yet."

Lin Cheng amused her little appearance, "It happens that uncle hasn't eaten yet, so let's go to Sister Yan's for dinner together. I wonder what good things she has prepared?"

"Sister Yan's cooking is delicious."

After the little girl finished speaking, she looked at her mother again, and stopped talking.

Zheng Shiyan knew Enxi too well, and the little girl clearly meant that Han Shuyan's cooking was better than her mother's.

While this is true, being a mother still hurts a bit.

Zheng Shiyan shook the bag in her hand suddenly, "Since you haven't eaten, Lin Cheng, then don't bother Shuyan, I will cook."

Lin Cheng glanced at her suspiciously, wondering what else Zheng Shiyan would do besides frying eggs?The last time we ate together at home, we ordered takeaway.

Just as he was about to speak, the little girl reached out and tugged at the corner of his clothes, "Uncle, let's have dinner with Enxi."

"That's good, I'm going to trouble Sister Shiyan again."

Lin Cheng smiled, even the food Xiao Tong cooked couldn't poison him, what else could hurt him?
living room.

Lin Cheng sat on the mat on the floor and looked at his mobile phone for a while, and the little girl rested next to Lin Cheng, looking as if she had exhausted her energy just after going out.

"Sit with Enxi for a while first."

Zheng Shiyan went into the kitchen and took out the contents of the bag.

Lin Cheng stretched his neck for a sneak peek, and finally understood what Zheng Shiyan was cooking at home.

Because of the busyness of office workers, many merchants in the Korean market have processed the dishes, put away all the seasonings, bought them home, unpacked them, and followed the simple process to serve them on the table.

Convenience is very convenient. Although the taste cannot be said to be very good, it is definitely much more reliable than a novice in the kitchen.

Feeling relieved, seeing the little girl lying beside her and looking at him eagerly, Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Enxi, go find a pen and paper, can uncle draw a little angel for you?"

"it is good."

The little girl struggled to turn over, got up and looked for tools, and soon came over with a big drawing book and pencil.

"Look good, Enxi."

Lin Cheng took the pen and paper, and sketched a chubby little angel with a few cool strokes.

With big eyes and a big head, short arms and short legs, and small wings on the back, it looks very cute.


The drawing was finished in a few minutes, and he slapped the pencil on the table handsomely. Lin Cheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion:
"Enxi's pencils are really easy to use. They are very thick in color and soft to the touch. They are better than the draft pencils that my uncle bought when he was drawing."

Enxi sat by the table looking at the little angel in the painting, and said in a low voice, "This is for mom."


Lin Cheng was taken aback for a moment, seeing that the pencil he had thrown on the table had already rolled to the edge of the table, he suddenly reacted.

Reach out, snap.

Lin Cheng slapped the pen on the corner of the table with a precise slap, without letting the pen fall off.

The problem is, Lin Cheng must have been accurate enough this time, but he didn't grasp the strength well.

The middle of the pencil was on the edge of the table, and it was just broken by Lin Cheng's palm.

Hiss~~~~ Something big happened.

Lin Cheng picked up the broken pencil and looked carefully, then secretly turned his head and looked in the direction of the kitchen, sighed and said to Enxi quietly:
"Enxi, uncle accidentally broke mom's eyeliner, please help uncle carry this pot, and uncle will take you to eat delicious food tomorrow."

The little girl stared blankly at Lin Cheng, then nodded loyally, "Okay."

"Come on, you hide the pen first, and after uncle leaves, you can take out the pen and say that you broke it."


The little girl turned around and ran to cover up Lin Cheng's criminal evidence.

Looking at the back of the little girl bouncing around, Lin Cheng felt warm from the bottom of his heart.

If someone is willing to take the blame for you, please cherish this friend.

 After tipping and adding updates, the words can’t move anymore. I’m really tired. I’ll update twice tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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