Chapter 165

After Enxi covered up Lin Cheng's criminal evidence, the two got together to watch the little girl's favorite "Little Penguin Baolulu".

While watching TV, Lin Cheng was still explaining to the little girl the details of what he should pay attention to, Enxi listened very attentively.

After a while, the cartoons were over, and Zheng Shiyan's dinner was not ready yet, so Lin Cheng walked closer to the kitchen with the little girl.

"Sister Shiyan, are you making miso soup?"


Zheng Shiyan responded, and cut the radish in her hand seriously.

If other dishes are semi-finished products bought in supermarkets, the miso soup is completely made by Zheng Shiyan herself.

However, it can also be seen that she is not skilled in her movements, and she certainly doesn't have many opportunities to cook.

The little girl pawed at the stove, watching her mother's movements curiously.

Zheng Shiyan picked up a piece of radish and stuffed it to the little girl.

Enxi held the sliced ​​raw radish in her small hands, and gnawed a couple of bites like a little hamster, with a satisfied look on her face.

"Is the radish cut by mom delicious?"

"good to eat."

The little girl was very supportive, Zheng Shiyan was a little happy.

Then the little girl said again: "But it seems a bit thick, the radish sliced ​​by sister Yan should be thinner."

Zheng Shiyan lowered her eyes, "Go out and watch TV if you have nothing to do, don't disturb mom doing things."


The little girl agreed, but she just moved to Lin Cheng's feet and continued to tiptoe to watch her mother cook.

Stared at by two people, one big and one small, Zheng Shiyan inexplicably felt a little stressed.

After chopping the radish, Zheng Shiyan opened the lid of the boiling soup pot and was about to throw the radish down.

Lin Cheng stretched out his head and took a look: "Can't the anchovies be fished out? Wouldn't it be better to fish them out?"

Although I haven't done it myself, I have watched Han Shuyan's operation many times, and Lin Cheng is clear about the steps.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Zheng Shiyan put down the radish she was already holding, and picked up the colander next to it, "Of course the anchovies have to be scooped up, but it's also okay to put the radish first."

Lin Cheng snickered, Zheng Shiyan was obviously being stubborn.

After taking out the dried anchovies, Zheng Shiyan was about to continue putting in the radishes, but Lin Cheng said again: "Should we put the potatoes first, right? Potatoes need to be boiled longer, and the radishes should be put in later."

Zheng Shiyan paused, put down the radish, turned around and poured the cut potatoes next to it into the pot, and then prepared to put the radish in again.

Lin Cheng hurriedly stopped it: "No, no! Close the lid and cook for a while before putting the radishes in, otherwise the radishes will be boiled and the potatoes will still be hard."

Enxi echoed loudly: "Potatoes are hard and hard to eat, Enxi likes to eat soft boiled ones."

Zheng Shiyan raised her eyebrows, put down the radish, and closed the lid.

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Sister Shiyan, how did you make miso soup before? If you don't understand, you can ask me. I have read books and Sister Yan has made it many times."

Zheng Shiyan glanced at him, then lowered her head and slowly chopped green onions.

On the contrary, Enxi's little girl raised her head in admiration and said, "Uncle is so amazing!"

Lin Cheng proudly showed off, "Actually, the miso soup is very simple. Cook the soup first, put the potatoes first, put the tofu last, and put other ingredients in the middle, so easy."

Zheng Shiyan didn't speak, but focused on the movements in her hands.

Boom, boom, boom.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Cheng felt that the sound of the blade hitting the cutting board suddenly became louder.

Then add other vegetables one by one, and after the water boils, Zheng Shiyan added miso and tofu.

Lin Cheng raised an objection: "Don't you put chili noodles? The chili sauce soup is super delicious with rice."

"I make miso soup without chili."

The little girl reminded loudly: "But last time Enxi saw that mom put chili peppers?"

Zheng Shiyan said with a blank expression, "From today onwards, there will be no chili peppers in our miso soup."

Lin Cheng felt a little pity, "Oh! Sister Shiyan must have made something wrong. Putting chili is actually more delicious. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try."


Zheng Shiyan couldn't bear it anymore, "Lin Cheng, please stop talking, everyone's way of making miso soup is different."

"Just leave it to my sister to do it here. The two of you just watch quietly there, or go out and watch TV."

Seeing her mother's dissatisfaction, the little girl was so frightened that she hurriedly shrank back and hugged Lin Cheng's leg, showing one eye to watch carefully.

Weak, pitiful and helpless.

Lin Cheng knelt down, hugged the little girl and patted her small body comfortingly, then turned his head and coughed dryly: "Sister Shiyan, I won't talk anymore, that..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Cheng got stuck.

When he squatted down and turned his head, his angle was right at Zheng Shiyan's slender black silk legs under the black hip-wrapping skirt. The distance was too close, and Lin Cheng's head froze.

Zheng Shiyan's legs were slender and well-proportioned, and she stepped on the wooden floor with only her delicate feet in black stockings. The black and log-colored floor formed a strong contrast, and Lin Cheng couldn't help but take a second look.

Why!It's April, and this complicated world wants to mess with Brother Cheng's concentration again.

Lin Cheng deserted for no reason, and quickly looked away.

"Uncle." The little girl poked Lin Cheng's arm with her small hand.


"Mom is not fierce, don't be afraid, uncle."

Seeing Lin Cheng's appearance, Enxi wanted to comfort him in turn, but thinking of her mother's behavior just now, she felt that these words were not convincing.

Lin Cheng put his forehead against Enxi's little head in a funny way, "Uncle is not afraid, Enxi will protect uncle, right?"

The little girl nodded vigorously, opened her short hands to protect Lin Cheng, and mustered up her courage to look at her mother:
"Mom, don't be cruel to uncle, otherwise... otherwise..."

After thinking about it, but not knowing how to say harsh words, the little girl stammered: "Otherwise Enxi will be sad."

Lin Cheng almost burst out laughing, the little girl is too interesting.

Zheng Shiyan didn't care about the big and small dramatists, turned around and scooped up a small spoonful of soup with a spoon, and frowned slightly.

"What's the matter? Is it good to drink?"

Zheng Shiyan pursed her lips, and passed the spoon in her hand to Lin Cheng, "Try it."

Lin Cheng tasted it, and frowned in confusion: "This taste doesn't seem so...perfect?"

Unable to figure out what went wrong, Zheng Shiyan wondered if it was because of Lin Cheng's finger pointing that today's miso soup had a little accident.

"Mom, can you give Enxi a taste too?"

Seeing the little girl staring eagerly, Zheng Shiyan brought the spoon to the little girl's mouth again.

The little girl took a sip and narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, "It's delicious."

Lin Cheng: "???"

Zheng Shiyan: "???"

Is this little girl's sense of taste different from ours?
(End of this chapter)

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