This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1643 Han Hua: I have plenty of money

Chapter 1643 Han Hua: I have plenty of money
Saying goodbye to Wan Wan, Lin Cheng put down his phone and was about to download the broadcast.

The wailing and howling voices in the live broadcast room softened his heart again.

Although this group of guys speak abstractly and each of them is top-notch, at any rate, many of them have supported Zhiyan and her sisters' new album, and Lin Cheng has to give this face.

Considering that he might not start the live broadcast in the next few days, Lin Cheng chatted with the barrage for a while.

"This year's skin has been selected not to change, it is Baisi Daomei."

"Fist contacted me and wanted me to change to another hero, saying that last year I had already chosen Daomei, and this year it is not good to make Daomei skin again, but if I don't do it, I want Baisi Daomei."

"I said whether it's Baisi Daomei, or I don't want the skin, whether you like it or not."

"Hmph! Isn't the fist going to kneel down to Brother Cheng to admit his mistake?"

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

This guy doesn't really want to collect a set of champion skins of Daomei's various stocking suits, does he?
Someone immediately dug out Lin Cheng's INS updates a few days ago:
I have already sent the first draft of the skin I designed to Riot, the designer brother, please help me design the skin of Baisi Daomei more beautifully, please! (bow)
Why is your attitude different from yours now?

Lin Cheng pretended not to see the barrage of retorts, and some people continued to offer rewards to make things difficult for him, and Lin Cheng finally became angry from embarrassment.

"Don't ask me about the skin anymore, and ask me to download it again."

The bullet screen was another riot.

"The Interpretation Cup? There is nothing to predict. Apart from supporting Wanwan to win the championship, I will no longer participate in any Interpretation Cup predictions."

Lin Cheng's face was swollen from beating during the commentary cup live broadcast these two days.

He often feels that which side is sure to win, unexpected things will happen.

The team battle in the Interpretation Cup was completely incomprehensible. In the second round, the Taizi team led by 5 in economic 5v[-], and it was not once or twice that they had never fought in [-]v[-].

It is mainly a matter of discipline. If the team battle position is too poor, someone on the superior side will be seconded first, and then the inferior team will win an incredible team battle when they are confused.

For high emotional intelligence: an incredible team battle.

Low EQ: There is always someone to deliver.

The team battles are grimacing, and the commentators are poorly managed. They can't use the rules of the professional arena to compete for the commentary cup.

The most classic is when commenting on Team Ke's game, Lin Chengcheng swore: "It is absolutely impossible for Team Ke to lose in this wave of team battles. The big economic advantage leads the team by 4 flashes and they can fight casually. What should the opponent take?"

Then the Ke team was really beaten and wiped out.

The bullet screen ridiculed Lin Cheng one after another:

You are the world's number one top laner and know how to fight with a hammer!

The team that professional players don't know how to play, the commentator will teach you how to play.

Since then, Lin Cheng has never touched the commentary cup predictions again.

Can't hold it.

The time has come to mid-December. With the closing of the transfer window, all LCK teams have finally confirmed their lineups for the new season.

The first half of the team has nothing to say, the only thing worth mentioning is DK.

DK's operation during this transfer period is a bit messy.

They gave up Nuguri, who was overpriced. After renewing their own Nakano at a high price, DK introduced Burdol, who was regarded as a future star by GEN·G. Maybe DK thought that Budou would be an SSR.

After all, last year at GEN·G, Rascal was put on the bench for a period of time. As a rookie, Budou seems to have great potential.

Compared with Niubao, Budou focuses on cost performance.

As a result, it seems that after joining the team, Budou was a little watery in the evaluation of DK's coaching staff. Before the transfer period closed, DK suddenly introduced Hoya at the buzzer. This operation made DK fans feel terrified.

How badly did Burdol play in the scrims before the team brought in the top laner again at the last minute?And it's Hoya who didn't play very well at the bottom of the BRO last season.

You know, from Niu Bao to Khan, the top laner position of DK has never been weak since the establishment of the team. In the entire LCK except KT, their top laner strength is high.

But now that the two IDs of Burdol and Hoya are true, DK fans are not optimistic about next year.

After Niu Bao failed to pull with DK, he confirmed that he was taking a break. It was not just talk. Until the transfer period was closed, there was no news that Niu Bao had contact with other teams, which made all the melon-eating people feel it was a pity.

Although this year's performance in FPX has been ups and downs, Niu Bao's performance is definitely considered a top laner. Even though the entire team in the FPX World Championship played very ugly, Nuguri's fighting spirit on the court is still not bad.

Of course, Nuguri's reputation in LPL has become very bad now.

Because the lounge documentary recently released by FPX fully showed Niu Bao's autistic side to fans, fans all blamed Niu Bao for the reason for FPX's explosion this year.

Suddenly, Niu Bao became Niu Huan and Niu Aiqian.

The LPL audience didn't want to see him, and the LCK audience scolded him for taking advantage of money. Niu Bao, who was bullied because of his appearance when he was a child, probably had a completely broken mentality.

You know, Nuguri is not too young. It is normal for older players to stay away from the field and the system's training state to decline at light speed.

With this break, he is likely to ruin his career.

In addition to a few traditional strong teams, the teams in the lower half of the LCK don't look too competitive this year.

DRX has introduced two BLG graduates. Zeka+Aiming has a high upper limit of double C, but the other positions are slightly worse.

Little General P has been grimacing since he left the wild core version.

Not to mention Laifu, who was transferred from GEN·G, one of the best supporters in the LCK, the opponent may turn into Changwei at any time.

Top laner Kingen was also a BLG abandoner. This player has always been quite satisfactory, neither strong nor weak. The deepest memory for the LCK audience is probably the violent beating of Zeus in this spring.

At that time, Zeus had just reached the age when he was able to enter the game under the title of a genius top laner. His amazing performance against the Storm Triple Crown Champion Rich in his first show made Tan Zaza ready to start using Zeus to touch Lin Cheng.

As a result, I didn't expect that Kingen Zeus would be hit hard in the second game. In the first game, Kingen beat Zeus with his dead hand, and then Zeus was knocked off the game in the second game.

Then Zeus met Lin Cheng again, and then went to see the water dispenser completely.

Kingen and Lin Cheng, the two villains, were also verbally and verbally reprimanded.

The hope for the future of top laners in Korea!That's how you ruined it.

However, judging from the fact that T1's executives sold Canna within the contract period and will correct Zeus's operation next year, Zeus's mentality should not have collapsed, and he will make a comeback next year.

Also, T1 refused to sell Clozer to KT and instead sent him to LSB.

Clozer is paired with Croco, who performed well last season. This pair of midfielders has been expected by many sandbox fans.

At the same time, Lin Cheng's old friend Dove copied a wave of Xiaohu's operation and announced that he would become the top order.

Then next year, Lin Cheng will have a deadly attack on the sandbox.

Not only DRX and LSB, but also Nongshim and KDF in the second half of the team have certain competitiveness.

In general, there are only two teams in the LCK this year.

One is BRO, and the other positions remain the same. After abandoning the top laner Hoya, they introduced Morgan and Jianhuang, a pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes. It is hard to say whether they plan to open a cafeteria next year.

The other one is Hanwha.

That's right!It's him again.

During this transfer period, Hanwha originally wanted to introduce Lin Cheng as the core to build a galaxy battleship, but failed again in pursuit of Lin Cheng at a sky-high price.

Looking back, the outstanding players in the market have been picked out, and Hanwha still can't spend it with a large budget.

have to!Continue to play badly for another year.

Next year I will pursue the world's number one top laner!

I have plenty of money!

Sooner or later he will change his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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