This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1644 Please continue to teach me next year

Chapter 1644 Please continue to teach me next year

12 month 17 day.

Lin Cheng is going to meet his new teammates today, and in the afternoon KT will hold an online meeting live at the base.

It's a pity that Rookie is still in China, and this meeting is destined to lose one member.

At 10:30 in the morning, Lin Cheng arrived at the club.

Before entering the door, he saw a man squatting on a street corner outside the base feeding a cat.

Cotton pajamas, sandals and slippers, this kind of abstract outfit is very common in Korea.

Rascal couldn't stop adding rations to the cats' food bowls, and a smile appeared gentle on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Cheng walked over quietly.

"Kim Kwang Hee, don't excellent top laners like you and me have a lot of love?"

Rascal was taken aback, "Lin Cheng? Are you walking without sound?"

Lin Cheng squatted down, "It's not good for an excellent top laner to be so flustered by ganks. You still need to improve on this point. If I were replaced, I would already be fighting back."

Faced with the teasing, Rascal grinned.


The clingy tabby cat was buried in cooking two meters away. When it found Lin Cheng, it raised its head and let out a cry. It immediately plunged its head into its own rice bowl, and pushed its limbs like a bulldozer against the edge of the rice bowl. come over.

Because of this habit, the bottom of this guy's exclusive rice bowl was almost smoothed out.

The plastic rice bowl rubbed against the ground and made a sound. Rascal was a little surprised when he saw this scene for the first time.

What kind of talent show is this?
Tiger Ban pushed the rice bowl all the way to Lin Cheng's feet, and Lin Cheng stretched out his hand to rub it.

The cat narrowed its eyes comfortably, and didn't care about cooking anymore. It rubbed its head against Lin Cheng's hand vigorously, and kept purring.

"How have you been at the club?"

Rascal carefully reached out and touched Tiger Ban's back, "Everyone is easy to get along with, except for Zhao Qianxi, I used to be teammates with Brother Hegui and Wen Youzan."

Lin Cheng patted him on the shoulder.

"Although good brothers like Ge and Clid will no longer exist, I still hope that you can feel the warmth of home in KT."

Rascal: "..."

Rascal actually knew about this meme circulating in China, and he also refuted the rumor on several live broadcasts that he and Clid did not actually have conflicts. As a result, after becoming teammates, Lin Cheng often posted that classic photo of facing each other in the group.

And Lin Cheng also used the helmet case of Doinb and Xiaotian to warn everyone that the new season must be united.

Brothers are here to survive the robbery, and when we meet each other, we will smile and wipe away our grievances and hatred.

Probably because Lin Cheng criticized too much, the new teammate blocked him for a round before they officially met.

The two squatted on the corner of the street and chatted while feeding the cat.

Although the two were not strangers before, they did not live together as teammates after all, and they chatted face to face about their interests and hobbies, and their relationship deepened quickly.

Ever since Lin Cheng came to KT, he always called Kuro or Deft by their first names.

But now, things have changed.

Because my brother is here.

This guy sometimes called brother in the group, and sometimes called Jin Guangxi directly. The new teammates were a little confused at first, but after getting used to it, they didn't care.

Lin Cheng felt that brother was a very easy person to get along with.

Rascal felt that Lin Cheng was very real.

How can anyone say that they like black silk long legs?

At first, some people may think that Lin Cheng said this for the effect of the show, but later everyone found out that he was serious.

"elder brother."


"Good job, this year we join forces to rule the world."

"But no matter how well I do, I can't kill you."

"You actually want to kill me?"

"A substitute who doesn't want to be a starter is not a good substitute."

"It makes sense, let's get rid of Kim Hyuk Kyu, and I'll go play AD."

After joking and feeding the cat, the two walked into the base together.

Mr. Dai and Cuzz are watching TV in the lobby on the third floor.

Lin Cheng said hello.

Cuzz sat on the sofa with his legs together, his hands on his knees, and even his toes were turned inside out, looking very reserved.

"What's wrong with Wenyou Zan you? Did you know me on the first day? Those who don't know think I'm going to bully you."

Mr. Dai: "Lin Cheng is younger than you, don't be so cautious."

Lin Cheng was unhappy: "Can you not mention your age? Isn't it great to be old?"

Mr. Dai reminded: "Zhixun and Xianghao are gone, no one will call you brother again."

"so what?"

Lin Cheng squinted, "I'll call you brother, do you dare to agree?"

Mr. Dai laughed and ignored him.

To be honest, Mr. Dai really dared not agree to Lin Cheng calling him brother.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Lin Cheng told his brother Mr. Dai to think about whether this little brat is holding back his bad intentions to mess with Boda.

"Hey! How was the last time you did a show with Sakura?"

"How about what?"

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes, "Little Sakura is a goddess of nerds, didn't you learn a dance move from her on the show? Let's dance and see."

Mr. Dai began to play dead.

On the show, Sakura did teach Mr. Dai a dance move, and Mr. Dai said that he would practice more after it went down, and show it when he had the opportunity.

Lin Cheng urged, Rascal and Cuzz also expressed their interest.

"Show us first, when you get POG in the new season, you will be interviewed after the game and then show it to the audience."

Mr. Dai sneered: "Lin Cheng, don't forget who has won the most POGs. Do you think you can escape when we go on stage together?"

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, and found that what he said made sense.

Mr. Dai picked up the remote control, "Would you like to learn the moves from Sakura in advance? I'll play the video for you."

"No, I'm sure I won't get the POG until you dance."

Lin Cheng began to think about how to covertly send away when the victory of the game was confirmed, so that he could win the game and avoid getting the MVP.

"That's right! Where's Zhao Qianxi?"

"In the training room."

"So hard? You all just woke up?"

"He's playing Yuanshin."

"Oh... that makes sense, life is more important than work after all."

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, you guys watch TV, I'll go say hello to him."

Leaving behind three teammates, Lin Cheng went to the training room to have a face-to-face meeting with Brother Yuanshen.

The two of them are fairly familiar with each other. They have met each other in the LCK finals in the past two years, and I don't know how many times they have met offline.

Probably dead houses are similar, Beryl is actually a relatively introverted personality, after Lin Cheng said hello, he didn't continue to bother him to play Yuanshin.

After meeting all four of his teammates, Lin Cheng strolled to the office area of ​​the club.

Chi Shengxi was working hard in the office at this time, when he heard a low-key knock on the door.

If you don't listen carefully, you won't even hear someone knocking on the door.

Looking up, Lin Cheng was poking his head behind the half-open door.

"What's wrong? Like being a thief?"

Seeing Lin Cheng like this, Chi Shengxi couldn't help laughing, and beckoned him to go in.

Lin Cheng looked around and put on a show, "I'm afraid of disturbing Nu's work... aren't you busy now?"

Chi Shengxi thought for a while, "I'm very busy, why don't you go out first?"

Lin Cheng: o(one︿one+)o
Seeing Lin Cheng's little expression, Chi Shengxi couldn't help laughing.

"Just kidding, it's nice to see your sister again next year."

This was the first time the two met after Lin Cheng renewed his contract. Lin Cheng stood beside the desk, stood at attention, and stretched out his hand.

"Sister Shengxi, please continue to teach me next year."

"Why are you so serious?"

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes at him, but stood up anyway.

Lin Cheng looked up and down.

Chi Shengxi is wearing black-framed glasses today, with long hair half up, and a slightly formal black business attire. The hem of the half-length skirt reaches above the knees, and the slender legs under the skirt are wrapped in black opaque stockings.

Girl with black silk glasses!

Needle does not poke.

She held Lin Cheng's hand.

"Hey! My sister will ask you to continue to take care of me next year."

Lin Cheng smiled brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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