This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1657 A Relaxing Awards Ceremony

Chapter 1657 A Relaxing Awards Ceremony

With all the audience watching, Lin Cheng reluctantly stood up and took the stage.

Although he likes black silk and long legs, it is still a bit of a psychological obstacle to accept this kind of sky-defying award.

Innisfree did not send a representative to the scene, probably because she was afraid of being slapped on the scene by Lin Cheng. This award was presented by Li Zhenxian himself.

When Li Zhenxian presented the award to Lin Cheng, he was biting his lips and holding back his laughter. Compared with Lin Cheng's unlovable expression, the audience watching the live broadcast was already laughing like crazy.

"It's too bad!Is this award anyone can come up with? "

"LCK is starting to be abstract, right? "

"Now LPL can't compete in strength, and can't fight in the whole job"

"I don't know why, but it feels reasonable for Cheng to win this award"

"Innis Wind Yin doesn't want to renew her contract with Brother Cheng Zi next year?" "

"One thing to say, Brother Cheng's face P is quite seductive on the black silk knife girl, I want to see his women's clothing"

"The host is really good-looking, this makeup is the same as the one from Two-dimensional"

Although it is a job-related award, there are trophies and bonuses. The bonus of 500 million won is the same as the league's FMVP bonus.

After receiving the trophy, Lin Cheng calmed down and moved to the microphone.

"Hi everyone, I'm KT top laner Cheng."

"To be honest, I don't know what this award is. It may be because I played a very good performance with Aerelia."

Halfway through the talk, Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing himself. That awkward yet handsome smile made the barrage audience speak more and more against the heavens.

The screen is full of fencing invitations.

"Well~~~ I will work harder next year, I just hope that my new champion skin will come out next year, and the sponsors won't add the whole 'Best White Silk Long Legs' award, thank you!"

"Did you hear that?Meet him next year"

"This kid is too honest!If you don’t mention it, others may not think of it, KKKK》

"Is it possible that he did it on purpose? "

"I announce that Brother Cheng pre-orders next year's Best Long Legs in Black Silk and Best Long Legs in White Silk"

"Brother Cheng Zi worked so hard, why didn't the two hostesses reward him by wearing black and white stockings?" (anger)"

"That's because Miss Zhixian didn't seem to come, otherwise Miss Zhixian would definitely reward Brother Cheng (funny)"

Li Zhenxian said: "Just now player Evert has received the best assist award. As an old teammate, do you have anything to say?"

Lin Cheng: "I suggest you give him another best truck award."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage exploded.

"Laugh!As expected of you! "

"I think it's doable!Evert's live broadcast of leaks opened the first year of the T1 truck, which is a big event》

"Brother Chengzi, I advise you to take care of yourself, the location of the dinner party is not a secret, be careful to GANK offline"

"Brother Chengzi will go out later, and the stall will come directly to the truck"

With Lin Cheng's heaven-defying award in front of him, the special awards behind are not so special.

In addition to the 'Best Black Silk Long Legs Award', Lin Cheng also won the Logitech Single Kill King Award and the Canyon Charm Award from the watch brand Regal.

After the special awards have been awarded, the next step is the topic.

"The best lineup for 2021 will be announced soon. I want to tell you about the selection rules for this year's lineup..."

"It is worth noting that because some players have changed their positions this year, the selection of each position of the lineup is not based on the list submitted by the team. In fact, everyone in the positions that have played can win awards..."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng sighed with some regret.

Chi Shengxi asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? Why are you sighing when you're fine?"

Lin Cheng: "I lost a chance to compete for the best mid laner."

Chi Shengxi: "..."

According to the rules introduced by Yin Xiubin, only players who decide to change positions before the game can participate in the relevant award competition. Although Lin Cheng has changed positions with Chaowei this year and played in the middle lane, he changed to the middle lane temporarily in the game and cannot participate in the middle lane. Competition for awards.

Lin Cheng was thinking, if he was named the best mid laner and top laner at the same time, everyone would look very excited.

There is no chance this year, but next year we can make an impact.

Now that KT has a substitute on the road, and his teammates have a headache, isn't it normal to change positions and play a few games?
Be a little greedy, it is definitely very effective for the program to be occupied by Brother Cheng for all five positions in the best team next year.

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng became amused.

Chi Shengxi reached out and poked his arm.

"Be serious, there is a camera, don't be an idiot."


Seeing Lin Cheng deflated, his teammates started laughing again.

Lin Cheng squinted at the past, "My dear teammates, you will all be sick next year, right? I can't wait."

Everyone: "???"

What do you mean, curse us in advance, right?
Soon, the best lineup will be announced.

There is no suspense, KT2.0 has a bumper harvest.

Except for Lin Cheng who was selected as the best top laner, the other four old teammates were awarded the best in each position.

After all, KT has been invincible for a whole year this year, and all five players have performed well. Players from other teams may have performed more brilliantly for a certain period of time, but KT's five players form the best lineup for the whole year.

In addition, Lin Cheng also won the award for the best player of the year.

This is the most valuable award, which means that Lin Cheng is the best performer among all LCK players this year.

Lin Cheng's acceptance speech was very profound.

"Thank you to my teammates who struggled with me last year, Peanut, Chovy, and Effort. Although we will not be in the same team next year, I still want to bless you...
After a pause, Lin Cheng changed the topic, "But you just wait for me, and next year I will kill a KT traitor!"

The barrage joked one after another: Master Lin is going online!

Next are the awards for the coaching staff and management,

The best coaching team is undoubtedly KT, and Kang Dongxun's speech on stage also made the audience nervous.

"I know some people say that KT's coach bench is fine with leashing dogs, but I just want to tell you that leashing dogs is really not okay... at least dogs don't serve tea to my players."

"It's too bad!He started blacking himself"

"At least he's self-aware (funny)"

"Everyone is joking, Coach Harai is actually doing a good job in all aspects"

"Coach Hirai is actually quite cute, KKKK"

Next, the best operation award was still won by KT.

In fact, Chi Shengxi knew about this award in advance, otherwise she would not have put on a special dress to receive the award.

Chi Shengxi took off his outer coat and handed it to Lin Cheng, and got up to accept the award on stage.

Her long hair is coiled up, her eyebrows are exquisite, and she is wearing a black dress and long skirt that shows off her figure, elegant and dignified.

Compared with Lin Cheng and Kang Dongxun's vigorous speeches, Chi Shengxi's quiet and restrained speech made the barrage explode in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck!This young lady is so beautiful!Is the head of operations of KT? "

"In 3 minutes, I want to know her social account!" ! ! "

"Crooked Sun!I finally saw the real face of Miss Operations, she is so pretty? "

"I knew she was a big beauty when I saw the profile before, sure enough! "

"so pretty?Why doesn't brother Cheng, an old pervert, take action? "

"Brother Orange has disgraced our old pervert alliance!I unilaterally announce his expulsion from the position of leader"

"Compared to the speeches of Cheng and Hirai, this young lady is really elegant and fresh"

"So there are still normal people in KT? (funny)"

When Chi Shengxi finished receiving the award and left the stage, Lin Cheng whistled on purpose.

"Yo ho! Who is this beauty? Can I make a friend?"

Chi Shengxi reached out to take the coat from him and put it on, joking casually, "Is this how you make friends? Sincerity?"

When Lin Cheng heard this, he immediately got up and ran to the next table, and approached Zeus.

"Cui Youqi, can you lend me your rose?"

This guy rushed over suddenly, and the Zeus man was still dumbfounded, and said subconsciously:

Lin Cheng reached out and quickly snatched the red rose from Zeus' suit pocket, and ran back excitedly.

"Nu Na! For you."

Chi Shengxi: "..."

Zeus: "???"

My rose gentleman!

The players of T1 and KT at the adjacent table laughed out loud.

The atmosphere is very cheerful.

The live broadcast shot just passed by at this time, and saw that the members of the two brothers of the news agency were all laughing. At this moment, it was rare for Iron Blood and KT fans not to continue arguing.

They are noisy, at least the players are very loving.

(End of this chapter)

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