This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1658 Kuro: I want to blacken

Chapter 1658 Kuro: I want to blacken

The awards ceremony came to an end amidst the joy, and many contestants present had their own achievements.

Setting up all kinds of fancy awards is in the nature of encouragement, and the organizers try their best to let every team get a share of the rain and dew, and even if they force it, they will get an award.

BRO, for example, won the 'Best Peace Award'.

Their entire team is the team with the fewest total kills this year, because most of the games were beaten violently, it is not easy for the organizers to come up with such an award.

Lin Cheng and his old teammates had a great harvest, and the official awards such as the best team were basically won by last year's KT five-member team.

In addition to the best jungler, Peanut also won the "Canyon Hound Award". The host said that it was to praise Peanut's sense of smell like a hound in the wild.

However, what's funny is that when Peanut came to the stage to receive the award, what was shown on the big screen was not his highlight performance in the wild this year, but the classic interview after MSI won the championship.

"I just want these people who laugh at me to see, what's wrong with being a dog?"

The peanut butter in the video was so loud that the scene burst into laughter.

Little Peanut couldn't help laughing wildly, and then said harshly in his acceptance speech: Lin Cheng, you wait, next year I will no longer be your dog, and you will become my prey in turn.

The barrage in the live broadcast room almost faltered.

"Rebellion from a Faithful Dog!" KT2.0 Ueno officially cuts off favor! "

"Wait for Peanut Butter to liquidate Brother Orange next year"

"dream!See me, head of Orange, stabbing a traitor, even a defecting dog will not let it go (angry)》

"Please watch the ethics drama of the big canyon: man and dog"

"The LCK awards are outrageous one after the other, it's against the sky"

"One thing to say, without Peanut, Brother Chengzi will definitely not be so comfortable next year"

"Brother Chengzi: It doesn't matter, I have a new dog, don't you think so?"Grapefruit Thief (Funny)"

"Cuzz: Woof! "

Chaowei also gained a lot this time. In addition to the best mid laner, he also won the best KDA award.

It's a pity that he didn't keep his Douyin position, and the Douyin Best Highlight Award was awarded to P Junior.

This award is not for the player with the best operation, but for the most popular highlight scene voted by Douyin netizens. Junior P won the first prize by relying on the effect of Udyr's parkour around the canyon.

Mr. Dai and the little assistant also gained a lot, but Lin Cheng didn't quite understand that the organizer didn't set up the 'Best Alpaca Award'.

In addition to being the best bottom laner, Mr. Dai also won the best pull award.

It's also a shame that 369 is not in the LCK, otherwise this award may not be for Mr. Dai.

At the end of the award presentation session, all awardees will attend a short interview session. Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai moved to the side hall under the guidance of the staff.

The side hall was arranged like a meeting room, and the contestants sat in the stepped interview area.

"Wow~~~ Today's contestants look so handsome!"

Yoon Soo Bin smiled and said, "I knew that the players were all handsome during the LOL PARK competition, but after careful grooming, they seem to be even more dazzling."

Lee Jung Hyun: "Indeed! I almost thought it was a group of actors gathered here."

After the host finished speaking, what made the audience unstoppable was that no one else said anything, Brother Hanzi was the first to nod.

"I died laughing on a horse!"The Most Unqualified Person Nods"

"Don't be embarrassing, you can be an actor even if you are ugly, is there a problem with Brother Han nodding? "

"Huang Bo silently clicked a like"

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi is so handsome that he can't look straight at him"

"I can't look at Brother Cheng Zi's face anymore, I'm almost out"

"It doesn't matter!I called the hostess in advance"

"Anti-Datian! ! ! "

"Du Ge Dan and Clark are really handsome, they don't pay much attention to the game"

Kuro: "Although they are no longer teammates, Cheng and Peanut sat together subconsciously. Is it because of inner emotional reasons?"

Lin Cheng nodded: "Yes, this is the most trustworthy Nut God."

Hearing this, Little Peanut smiled a little embarrassedly.

Little Peanut originally had delicate facial features, but after putting on makeup, this scene looks a bit like a beautiful boy in a TV series. The barrage of CP fans has already begun.

"The most trustworthy person? Lin Cheng, don't you say this to all your teammates? It seems that you also commented on me last year?"

Kuro's tone was sour.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "KT Kuro is already in the past tense, and I can't remember the past all day long, people have to look forward."

After a pause, he added: "Li Shiheng, we are not in the same circle anymore, how do you want me to trust you? Help me resist the attacks of black fans in the commentary?"


Kuro launched a death stare, "Be careful I will start hacking you in the comment box next year."

Lin Cheng immediately changed his words: "Brother! I was wrong!"

The two hostesses couldn't stop laughing.

"Fuck!So real, 233333》

"These two are too aggressive"

"As expected of Brother Orange! Kuro's Biggest Black Fan Leader"

"Kuro: People take tea cold?Labor and capital are going to be blackened, and I will spray you in the comment section every day from now on"

"Anyway, Kuro was able to interview Brother Orange and Peanut Butter, this scene itself is very beautiful"

Kuro: "Now that Peanut has joined a new team, the team will choose another most reliable teammate in the new season. Lin Cheng, who do you think it will be?"

Lin Cheng: "Of course it was Song Yijin."

Kuro: "Do you not consider Cuzz players? I remember you said that the most important partner of the top laner is the jungler."


Lin Cheng turned his head and looked behind him, confirming that Cuzz did not participate in this interview.

A strange smile appeared on his face.

Although he didn't say anything more, it seemed that everything was said.

it is more than words.

The barrage said that Brother Cuzz, who was peeking at the live broadcast, was ready to order the pain mask himself.

Kuro asked Peanut again: "Peanut player, you are also asked to choose the most reliable player in GEN·G in the new season. Who will you choose?"

Little Peanut thought for a while: "Anyway, it's Zhixun."

"Isn't it Ruler?"

Kuro asked back: "Ruler is the veteran of the GEN·G team. You have suffered together in GEN·G in 19. I thought you would choose him."

The director also started to make trouble, and the camera was shown to Ruler in real time.

Ruler sat in the back row. He didn't wear too much makeup today, and his face was still a little oily with acne. Looking at it from the slightly upward angle of the camera, Chidi's face looked a little gloomy.

Combined with GEN·G's previous bullying rumors, the barrage audience has already started booing.

Although everyone knows that it is impossible to be bullied as a little peanut, but who made him have a baby face?
"Because I relied too much on Jae Hyuk before, I don't want to put pressure on him anymore."

Peanut Butter's explanation was decent, but Lin Cheng suddenly interrupted:

"Since relying on Park Jae-hyuk has already suffered, it is normal to go to GEN·G Han Wanghao to rely on another person this time. I remember that GEN·G was almost brought to the relegation zone by the two of them in 19, right?"

Little Peanut couldn't help it: "Lin Cheng, do you really want to make trouble? Do you think it's easy to build a good relationship with your teammates?"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the gentle and polite little peanut couldn't hold back anymore, all the contestants laughed.

The atmosphere of the interview was very cheerful. Later, Lee Jung Hyun asked all the players on the scene to point out the most anticipated player for next season at the same time.

All the staff pointed at Lin Cheng, and only Lin Cheng pointed at Khan.

Brother Hanzi:······
Killing people, right?
I will retire next year, what do you expect from me?
(End of this chapter)

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