This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1659 Rookie: Faker, come out!

Chapter 1659 Rookie: Faker, come out!
After the short interview, all the contestants returned to the banquet hall.

At this point the dinner party has begun.

In fact, many awards ceremonies will be held after the dinner, but since the year-end awards are broadcast live, it is impossible for the audience to watch the contestants eat for more than an hour, so the organizer deliberately arranged the dinner until the end.

"I'm almost starving to death! Finally I can eat."

Lin Cheng tasted a piece of tenderloin immediately after serving it, and it tasted pretty good.

Rookie, who just returned to the team today, seems to be well integrated with his new teammates and coach. Everyone chatted very harmoniously while eating.


Chi Shengxi pointed to the red rose that was put aside, "You give this back to others."

Zeus was robbed of Gentleman Rose's skin, and he couldn't even eat well at this time, and occasionally looked at Lin Cheng secretly.

How can there be a bully who even snatches other people's costumes?

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "Sure, next time I will buy roses for Sister Sheng Xi."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Forget it! There's no delivery...forget it, you go quickly."


Stuffing another piece of foie gras into his mouth, Lin Cheng picked up the rose and got up and handed it to Zeus.

"Cui Youqi, your rose gentleman skin is back."

Oner joked: "Brother Lin Cheng, where's your trophy for long legs with black silk? Let me see how it's different from the trophy for the bald head."

Lin Cheng didn't really want to say that.

Didn't I just laugh a little louder when you won the bald award?

Still holding grudges, right?
Keria handed over the wine glass, "Brother Lin Cheng, I respect you."

Little Lu Bu also raised his wine glass to Lin Cheng, and finished a sentence in English very elegantly.


Lin Cheng was embarrassed to publicize too much outside that he was a good-for-nothing at the wine table, so he took a sip from the wine glass.

Most of the young players in T1 have good personalities, and Xiao Lu Bu is even more social. On the contrary, Faker seems not so active.

After a few casual words, Lin Cheng was forced to drink some wine after being persuaded to drink, and then Lin Cheng was let go by these young people.

Back to his teammates, Lin Cheng had just eaten a few mouthfuls of vegetables, Brother Hanzi came to him for a drink again.

This face must be given.

After beating Brother Han Zi violently for a year, and not even preparing a decent retirement ceremony for him, Lin Cheng felt a little guilty.

As a result, Brother Hanzi was obviously suffocating, and kept persuading him to drink.

Can't beat you on the field, can't drink you?

Seeing Lin Cheng frowning, Mr. Jin Donghe finally felt elated.

Then he called the two bottom laners of DK over.

In the name of asking Lin Cheng to take care of his younger brothers next year, in fact he will continue to persuade him to drink.

Chi Shengxi couldn't stand it anymore, "Don't try to persuade him to drink anymore, Lin Cheng has a bad drinker."

Brother Hanzi ignored her, "The alcohol content is very low, men can't say no, you women don't care about the wine table..."


Chi Shengxi's eyes became sharp, "Are you good at drinking? What's the point of bullying Lin Cheng, a rookie? Do you want to compare with my sister and me?"

After finishing speaking, she drank the small half glass of champagne in her glass.

"Where am I bullying Lin Cheng..."

Seeing that the situation was not right, Brother Hanzi drank the wine in his hand and immediately ran away with his two younger brothers in desperation.

All the teammates present were taken aback by Chi Shengxi's appearance, and even Mr. Dai seemed to know her again.

"Sister Shengxi is so handsome!"

Lin Cheng secretly gave Sister Sheng Xi a thumbs up.

After the dinner, everyone in KT returned to the bus.

There was a T1 bus parked a few meters away, Keria poked her head out and waved, "Goodbye, Brother Hegui! Goodbye, Brother Lin Cheng! Goodbye, everyone."

Lin Cheng leaned over to the window to say hello.

Then Zeus yelled:

"Brother Lin Cheng, I will definitely be the strongest top laner next year, just wait!"

The crowd cheered.

"Wow~~~ Very ambitious, Cui Youqi, come on."

Lin Cheng got a little drunk after drinking at the dinner party, and immediately held his hands up as a trumpet: "You just dare to shout across the bus, right? Jin Donghe, who spoke so harshly to me last year, has already been beaten and retired. Don't worry about it when you are still young. "

"Hey! Lin Cheng, you bastard, are talking bad about me behind my back @!#@¥@%¥......"

Brother Hanzi swearing at the street came from a distance, and everyone was amused.

Affected by the atmosphere, T1's coach Polt also took the initiative to go to the window.

"Kang Dongxun comes out! Next year's best coaching staff will be our T1 turn!"

Then the manager of T1 also started.

"Shengxi! Next year's best operation award must belong to our T1... ahem!"

The manager of T1 is a young lady, she spoke harsh words in a soft voice, but in the end she was choked.

Little Lu Bu: "Brother Hegui! I am the world's number one AD, I hope you understand this."

Mr. Dai smiled. He is not a person who would speak harshly face to face, so he didn't intend to answer.

And Cuzz is a doormat, Beryl is a dead house, this kind of scene is somewhat hard to let go.

It was Rookie who came out in the first place.

When he was in IG, he was the big brother in the team. Although he joined the team on the first day, Rookie subconsciously took himself into the role.

"Faker, come out!"

Rookie came up and called Faker directly, and everyone fell silent.

Brother Li leaned over to the window.

One is Shi No. [-] Middle School, and the other is a strong competitor of Shi No. [-] Middle School.

Seeing that there will be friction between the two parties.

In the end, before Rookie could say the next harsh words, Lin Cheng suddenly said, "Song Eui Jin has a girlfriend! Lee Sang Hyuk, you don't."

Faker: "..."

Lin Cheng hit the nail on the head, and everyone burst into laughter.

Probably because they were all drunk, everyone was in high spirits, and it took a long time to say goodbye to each other and leave.

After a while of excitement, the car finally quieted down.

Although the alcohol content of champagne is very low, it is easy to drink because of the sparkling wine. Now the team members huddled in their positions listlessly playing with their mobile phones or dozing off, even losing interest in talking.

"Sister Shengxi, I'll take a break."

Lin Cheng was not polite to Chi Shengxi either, he lay down on his side and rested his head on Chi Shengxi's lap after speaking.

Chi Shengxi looked down at him helplessly.

This guy is getting less and less polite to himself.

In the end, Lin Cheng still felt that her coat was uncomfortable on her face, so he pushed the hem of Chi Shengxi's coat aside, and directly leaned his face on her thigh wearing a long skirt.

The satin fabric was very comfortable, Lin Cheng rubbed his cheek subconsciously.

Chi Shengxi pressed his head and whispered in his ear: "Don't move!"


Lin Cheng didn't move, and closed his eyes obediently.

Chi Shengxi ignored him, put on the earphones and turned to look out the window.

The silk and satin fabric of the long skirt didn't have much of a blocking effect on the touch. Lin Cheng's face was pressed against Sister Sheng Xi's lap, and even his nerves seemed to be excited.

Moreover, the side of the long dress is slit to the thigh.

Suddenly, Chi Shengxi took off his earphones.

She tugged at Lin Cheng's ear angrily.

"Ah! Don't lick my sister's legs."

(End of this chapter)

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