This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1661 Lin Cheng: Old Song, you come to be my dog

Chapter 1661 Lin Cheng: Old Song, you come to be my dog

After successfully showing his face in the video call between Rookie and Xiao Yu and ambushing the couple, Lin Cheng returned to his place and turned on the computer.

He opened Douyu and Youtube Live at the same time.

At this time, there were not many people on the broadcast, and he could still interact with every barrage.

Probably due to drinking a little wine, Lin Cheng is a little arrogant when he speaks.

"Hello Brother Orange!We miss you! "

Lin Cheng: "Hello everyone, I miss you all too, okay!"

"Brother Cheng, why is your face a little red?Are you mad? "

Lin Cheng: "You just got mad when you were riding a horse. I drank a little wine at the dinner just now, but I wasn't drunk, I just felt a little bit."

"Christmas is coming soon, can Brother Chengzi give me a kowtow? "

Lin Cheng: "Go away!"

"I'm going to have hemorrhoid surgery tomorrow, can Brother Cheng give me a blessing? "

Lin Cheng: "Then I wish you a long life, be strong! You may not die from hemorrhoid surgery."

"I wandered in by accident, my little brother is so pretty, is your surname Jiao?" "

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds: "My surname is not Jiao, but my surname is Cheng."

"Brother Cheng!I am not fertile, but my girlfriend said she is pregnant, I think she is trying to use this excuse to trick me into proposing to her, what do you think? "

Lin Cheng: "You better believe that she is lying to you."

"Brother Cheng Cheng, what should Kun Kun do if he likes me?"I've been worrying about this lately"

With the crazy influx of water friends from both sides, there are more and more bullet screens in the Douyu live broadcast room. Compared with the normal greetings of Youtebu water friends, it is a clear stream.

Lin Cheng switched between the two live broadcast platforms. Generally, when he saw a Chinese barrage, he would answer in Chinese;

He can even follow the abstraction of fans.

It is possible to communicate with fans without barriers in terms of language and connotation, which is one of the important reasons why Lin Cheng's live broadcast is so popular.

"Miss Operations? It's the one who received the award on stage today. You should have seen it by watching the live broadcast of the awards, right?"

"Why haven't I done it yet? Are you speaking human words?"

Lin Cheng reprimanded him, but actually sneered inwardly.


I have shut my mouth!

Just now I licked the beautiful legs of the operating lady.

Do you think my name as an old color critic is just a display?

"Brother Cheng, Mr. Dai's life is in danger, go and save him"

Seeing such a barrage suddenly, Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Dangerous to life?

Speaking of which, it seems that Lin Cheng didn't see Lao Dai after entering the training room.

After taking off the earphones, Lin Cheng stood up and ran to Mr. Dai's place, only to find that this guy was dozing off while sitting on the floor with a chair, and his live broadcast was still on.

The live broadcast room was full of question marks, all asking where the anchor had gone.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand to test his breath first.

Very good, still angry!

It really wasn't sudden death.

"Kim Hyuk Kyu! Wake up."

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and pushed Mr. Dai's shoulder vigorously.

Mr. Dai opened his eyes in a daze, "What?"

"Why did you fall asleep with the live broadcast on? Go back to your room and go to sleep."

"I dont want to sleep."

Mr. Dai opened his eyes and said nonsense, struggling to reach out to Lin Cheng, "Help me up, I can still broadcast."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Being pulled up from the ground by Lin Cheng, Mr. Dai held Lin Cheng's arm and did not let go.

"Lin Cheng, do you want to play a game together?"

Lin Cheng looked disgusted, "Speak normally."

When Mr. Dai was drunk, his speech was weak, and his behavior was just like acting like a baby.

If it's a girl who can still be said to be a soft and cute little tits, a boy is too against the sky.

The Nitian Shuiyou in the live broadcast room had already started, and Lin Cheng didn't have the face to watch the barrage.

"I want to play masturbation, masturbation, you play with me."

Lin Cheng couldn't take it anymore, "All right, all right, let go first, everyone will play games with you."

Although Mr. Dai was not drunk, but Lin Cheng felt sick to the point of being bored.

"Hey! Are you all free? How about playing matching together?"

Lin Cheng suggested, and the teammates who were free responded one after another.

Except for Cuzz, whose ranking has been opened, and Beryl wants to play Yuanshin, the other four have started the matching mode.

It is rare to see a professional player playing matchmaking and opening black, and the audience in the live broadcast room is very excited.

Entering the room, the only passerby player who was matched fainted.

KT Cheng.

Lin Cheng's ID is too special, and there is no symbol in the middle, so it is undoubtedly the deity.

Likewise, Deft's Hanbok ID is no secret.

It was confirmed that four KT players teamed up to play matchmaking, and the only passer-by player was already licking like crazy.

TiKing: So this game is guaranteed, right?

TiKing: What do you want me to play? Can Yuumi assist?

TiKing: I was planning to practice heroes, maybe I have something to eat, don’t hold it against me

KT Cheng: Yes!Kill casually!

This is the confidence of the strongest top laner in the world right now.

"Brother! You go up, this will hit me."

Lin Cheng changed the subject, "Old Song, are you a jungler? Be a dog to me."

Rookie: "..."

The barrage exploded.

"It's really you!Lin Xiaocheng

"I have a hunch that Lin Cheng will often say the same in future official competitions"

"Brother Chengzi: This is my C, Lao Song comes up to be my dog"

"There is a picture (funny)"

"One thing to say, the broiler style of play really helps teammates a lot"

"The only mid laner who eats soil and milks is having trouble with you"

Lin Cheng chose the Juggernaut mid laner to prepare for abuse, and Rookie Morgana played wild. In theory, as long as he is fat enough, Lin Cheng can use a black shield to go in and kill randomly.

Entering the game, the voices of the four of them were singing and dancing.

Lin Cheng also explained the details of the game to the water friends during the live broadcast.

"The hero Juggernaut is very simple, as long as the opponent doesn't have much hard control, it can actually be played in high-end rounds."

"This hero is easy to score, because there is no operation, the only thing you need is to find the right time to cut in. Use Q to hide the key control and take two sword masters to take off easily. The advantage of a sword master who can play is the same as that of a mad dog."

Of course, it is still difficult for the online Juggernaut to face cards, and Lin Cheng can only develop wretchedly.

"Lin Cheng, I'm here, do you have a chance to fight?"

"Okay! You give yourself a shield, I Q avoid his yellow card, hit whatever you want!"

Rookie was ready to bring the rhythm in 3 minutes, and Rookie's Morganaka's vision flashed Q and made a precise hit.

Lin Cheng's Juggernaut followed up and pressed the position, and his Q skill avoided the yellow card pursuit.

It seemed that everything was fine, but just as Lin Cheng was chasing after the defense tower and was about to take the head of the remaining blood card, the opponent's jungler Kayn happened to arrive on the scene.

This wave of two brothers chased too hard, one died and the other was sent away, and Kayn took a double kill.

"Oh! This wave is coming."

"It doesn't matter! We are better than the opponent, so fight casually."

Facts have proved that Lin Cheng was optimistic too early.

In 6 minutes, the score was 0-7.

That's right!

These four professional players Kaihei are being beaten violently.

Juggernaut's early online is really useless, and Morgana is a role that is difficult to create opportunities. The two have not formed an effective linkage.

Mr. Dai on the next road was obviously drunk and was killed twice by the line.

Brother Shanglu wasn't drunk, but he couldn't stand Kayn's first wave, so he took the advantage of two heads and went up to fuck him with Qinggangying.

The only passerby turned out to be the one with the most normal record.

TiKing: Brother!Don't play me, you guys are not pretending, are you?

KT Cheng: Don't panic, you can't lose!
Seeing Lin Cheng's stubborn mouth, the live broadcast room was filled with joy.

"Is this the number one top order in the world?Death by Laughing

"KT Galaxy Battleship is here?Four people cheated and were beaten by passers-by KKKKKK"

"Don't panic, I can't lose, 233333"

There is a big disadvantage in front, but the hero Juggernaut can take off by picking up two heads. Although Mr. Dai is so drunk, his brother and Rookie continue to create harvest opportunities for Lin Cheng.

Soon, the opposite side realized that the situation was not right.

Juggernaut can always find an opportunity to enter the field after a fight and use Q to hide the key control, and the opponent's back row is cut every time.

Opponents began to adjust their strategies.

The four brothers of KT have a black match, and most of the opponents are also multi-player, so communication is not bad.

The female tank no longer takes the initiative to start a group, and protects the policewoman from behind.

And Morgana and Yuumi, the pair of Nosuke, didn't have the ability to start a group, and it was impossible for the Juggernaut to rush up to start a group with a cat, so the situation was a bit tense for a while.

The Juggernaut is good at dealing with the endgame. The opponent dares to start a team first and hand over the skills to the Juggernaut to kill casually, but Lin Cheng's Juggernaut dare not enter the field when the opponent puts on a defensive posture and leaves multiple key controls.

The frontal situation froze, and the opponent's Qinggang shadow and cards began to sideline.

Lin Cheng didn't bring TP in this one, and because of the change of TP, he chose to ignite it, so he was very passive in guarding the sideline.

Barrage water friends have been rioting with Lin Cheng's mentality.

"Be quiet, what do you mean we were beaten violently?"

"What can we do with the double TP belt line on the opposite side?"

The randomly selected lineup plus the disadvantage of TP, coupled with the fact that everyone is in a bad state of drinking and occasionally someone rushes up to fight three, the four professional players have been dragged along by the nose in the situation on the court.

In the end, when Lin Cheng and his teammates were desperate to win the Dragon Soul, the other two TPs stole the house.

Rookie tasted the taste of failure when he became Lin Cheng's dog for the first time.

Although everyone played casually, and there was an AD who led the cat to play drunkenly all the time, he still lost after all.

Only Lin Cheng was still stubborn in the live broadcast room.

"Damaged? Why can't four professional players lose? How do you know that the opponent is not five professional players?"

"They have been afraid to fight us head-on, isn't it because they are afraid of us?"

"Is the base explosion a loss?"

Mr. Dai lay dizzy on the table, and Lin Cheng quarreled with the barrage.

Rookie and Rascal were already laughing like crazy.

This guy must be drunk too, right?
 Four more! ! !
  Don’t break your promise, today’s update has a total of 9000 words

(End of this chapter)

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