Chapter 1662 Soul Singer

After drinking, Lin Cheng was the most annoyed. He fought with the barrage friends for a long time, and the more noisy they became, the more energetic they became.

"Is the base explosion a loss?"

"Did they win if they blow up our base?"

"The system? The system is a hammer! The system judges them to win, so they win?"

"We have overtaken the headcount, the economy is ahead, and the opponent dare not fight with us. Doesn't it mean that we are stronger?"

"The opponent can only rely on stealing, why should they win?"

"Are they happy?"

Lin Cheng's blunt remarks caused the water friends to feel uncomfortable, and both parties refused to accept the other across the Internet.

It's rare to see Lin Cheng like this, and the water friends are crazy about intensity.

Rookie was laughing like crazy beside him.

Mr. Dai regained consciousness after feeling dizzy for a while.

"Lin Cheng, are you arguing with someone? Can you stop arguing?"

Lin Cheng: "No! Let's talk about it after I win the quarrel."


Mr. Dai responded with a muffled voice, collapsed on the chair and did not speak.

"Laugh!Mr. Dai is too soft after drinking alcohol

"Is it true that nothing will happen to him among men like this?" "

"Camel, don't persuade the fight like this, let Rookie and Rascal persuade you"

"It's a good thing Rookie is not drunk, I heard he got drunk and bit people crazy"

"If you put it this way, I want to see the picture of all KT members drinking and drinking crazy"

"E-sports version of Train to Busan, right?" "

Lin Cheng continued to turn his head to line up with the barrage. Mr. Dai couldn't help turning his head when he heard the laughter next to him.

"Jin Guangxi, please advise Lin Cheng, don't let him quarrel with others."

"it is good."

Big Brother made a request, and Rascal readily agreed.

But seeing Lin Cheng blushing and sparring with the barrage, he didn't know what to do.

Now Lin Cheng looks very angry.

Brother is a little bit heartbroken.

Or let others advise?
But turned around and looked.

Cuuz is serious about qualifying, so don't bother.

Beryl was concentrating on Gan Yuanshen, and it was even worse not to disturb him.

After all, Beryl, who plays the original god, knows everything.

Rascal suspects that Zhao Qianxi might not mind ending human civilization with his own hands if the original god is taken off the shelves tomorrow.

And Rookie just came to the base today, and I was also embarrassed to push the task to him.

There's no way, I can only end by myself.

Let me brew it first.

Just as Lin Cheng was interacting passionately with the barrage, suddenly a burst of singing sounded in the voice.

"You asked how deep Wo Ai Ni is, how deep is Wo Ai Ni!"

Lin Cheng was stunned.

Brother actually sang "The Moon Represents My Heart" in Chinese.

He suddenly forgot to line up with the water friend.

"Wo's love is true, and Wo's love is true."

"Yue Nan has a thread that explodes~~~~"

Brother sang very carefully, part of the articulation is still clear, and part of it is outrageously crooked.

Sings well, but not so well.

It belongs to being out of tune, but not out of tune.

Every time Lin Cheng thought he had run away, the next second he came back.

I thought he had got the tune right, but the next second it was outrageous.

This summer with Rascal in GEN · G is in a very good state, it is like a ghost for a while.

The barrage is lively.

"Fuck!elder brother! "

"Do you think brother can't sing? "

"Singing is actually okay, but a little bit not so good, 23333"

"My brother may sing this more clearly than my left hand"

"What Void Locks the Enemy (Funny)"

When brother finished the song, Lin Cheng turned his head and clapped vigorously.

"Good singing! Kim Kwang Hee, you can actually sing Chinese songs."

Rookie also applauded.

Brother was a little shy, "I can sing a little bit, I can't sing very well."

"Not bad! Is this not good enough?"

Lin Cheng patted Rascal on the shoulder encouragingly, "If you practice more, you will be able to catch up with me."

Seeing the barrage saying that Rookie sang well, Lin Cheng became interested.

"Old Song, Douyu's water friends say you sing very well, why don't you perform one."

Rookie didn't refuse either, "Sing what?"

Lin Cheng glanced at the barrage, "Everyone calls you Esports Xiao Yang, so you can sing "Father" to me."

Rookie: "...I know there is a song called "Grandson"."

Lin Cheng: "I want to listen to "Father" more."

Rookie: "I want to sing "Grandson" more today"

The extreme tension between the two made the audience of Douyu go numb from laughter.

Are these two guys drinking or not?
How can you not be confused at this time?

In the end, Rookie sang Jay Chou's "Rainbow" with all his heart.

He sang really well.

At the end of the song, Lin Cheng and his brother were crazily calling, and even Mr. Dai clapped feebly.

"Song Yijin is fine! Your articulation and pronunciation are almost on par with Jay Chou."

Rookie waved his hand embarrassingly, "You're about you come up with a song?"

Lin Cheng smiled a little shyly, "I sing very well."

"It's okay, let's have a song."

"Then... I'll make a fool of myself."

Barrage riots.

"Fuck!Broiler death proposal, dare to let brother Cheng Zi sing? "

"Brother Chengzi, I kneel down for you, don't speak up! "

"If you dare to sing, I will die in your live broadcast room"

"I admit that the words that criticized you just now were a bit fierce"

"Brothers, I will exit the live broadcast room first and come back in 3 minutes"

"Dog's life matters, I'll go first"

Regardless of the dissuasion of the water friends, Lin Cheng began to sing Wang Feng's "In the Spring" affectionately.

Rookie is numb.

He found that Lin Cheng was not being modest, on the contrary, he had no self-knowledge.

Can this be called normal singing?

The water friends who stayed in the live broadcast room were also not very good.

"Ultimate Torment!"What Death Singer (Dizzy)

"Definitely!All emotion, no skill"

"Death Song is full of murder books, how are the brothers in the live broadcast room?" "

"Hearing Brother Cheng sing, I finally know that God is fair"

"How about it?"

After finishing the song, Lin Cheng shamelessly asked the audience for their opinions, "How is Brother Cheng singing?"

Brother and Rookie stopped talking.

Mr. Dai looked confused.

The barrage was all telling him to shut up.

Lin Cheng didn't care either, he was ready to continue singing when he became interested.

It's the one you guys lined up with me just now?
Come to my live broadcast room, don't even think about running away.

This time he sang the girl's song "Maybe", which he learned from Tian Xiaojuan and Zhao Meiyan when he participated in the girl's variety show last time, but Lin Cheng didn't know why this part was cut out when the show finally came out.

This time I can finally show my hand.

"Use everything I have to love unrestrainedly."

"No worries, no reservations."

"The longing day and night, the feelings are hard to express."

Lin Cheng quite liked this song, he sang it very carefully.

However, the response was not good.

Douyu and Youtube live broadcast room are almost all killed.

Rookie and brother sat next to each other with blank faces, their fists were clenched and loosened repeatedly.

After the torture that lasted for more than two minutes, Lin Cheng was still a little bit unsatisfied.

"How is it? How is Brother Cheng singing?"

Teammates don't speak.

Lin Cheng pouted, looked at his computer screen, and found that the color of the LOL client on the task bar below had changed.

Cut in, Tian Xiaojuan sent him a message:
Lin Cheng, shut up!

(End of this chapter)

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