Chapter 1663

When the game client received Tian Xiaojuan's message, Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Then, he smiled and waved to the camera.

"Xiaojuan, are you watching my live broadcast on Youtube now? How is my singing?"

Tian Xiaojuan was playing LOL live on Youtube just now. Tens of thousands of people watched Akali Benli use Ashe in the match and was violently killed all the way to 0-16-2.

As a result, just after a losing match, someone in the live broadcast room reported that Lin Cheng was ruining the song she composed by herself next door.

Tian Xiaojuan, who came to the door, sent a message to tell Lin Cheng to shut up within ten seconds after hearing it. Unfortunately, Lin Cheng was too involved in singing, and didn't see the message until the singing was over.

"Wow~~~ This person is really!"

Finding that Lin Cheng was still asking her opinion in front of the camera, Tian Xiaojuan replied:

Last time the show cut your singing part, don't you understand why?

Lin Cheng pouted when he saw the news.

"Unfortunately, it seems that the original singer doesn't approve of my performance, but I will practice more. Please look forward to my next performance."

Many Douyu viewers can't understand Korean, and only then did they know that Lin Cheng's song just caused the creator's dissatisfaction.

"Laugh!You are the first one who caused dissatisfaction with the original singer"

"We Juan is always original, and can also be the plaintiff"

"As we all know, Akali is a member of Real Hurt, no wonder Brother Cheng is so tortured singing this song"

"Juan is always a big copyright owner, can I ask her for compensation for the injury just now?" "

"For this live broadcast, Brother Cheng's salary is not enough to compensate"

Hearing reports from Youtube friends that Tian Xiaojuan was also broadcasting live, Lin Cheng ran to her live broadcast room to take a look.

In the camera, Tian Xiaojuan has long platinum wavy hair and her favorite death makeup.

However, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was full of laughing at Han Bing who was 0-16 just now.

Just as I said last time that I want to play games with her, Lin Cheng simply dragged his teammates to match with Tian Xiaojuan.

Lin Cheng, a passer-by with four professional players, still felt a little guilty, but since they are all acquaintances, it doesn't matter.

Originally, Lin Cheng wanted to pull Kuro, but unfortunately this guy is not online, so there is no way.

"You go on the road, Xiaojuan, I'm playing wild, Lao Song returns to the middle, Kim Hek-kyu is too drunk, and Kim Kwang-hee just happens to be down there to take care of you."

Tian Xiaojuan hesitated, "I can't fight on the road."

Lin Cheng: "It's okay, I've always lived on the top road, and don't worry about the drunk on the bottom road."

Mr. Dai interjected weakly: "Is the drunkard talking about me?"

Lin Cheng: "No, I'm talking about Kim Kwang Hee."

Mr. Dai: "Oh! I'm actually really sober."

Rascal: "..."

Tian Xiaojuan originally wanted to use her abstract Akali to go on the road, but Lin Cheng vetoed it. She took out a big bug that she had never played before.

It's just because Lin Cheng said that this hero is not easy to die under pressure.

Lin Cheng chose the spider as the jungler, and Rookie was the rock sparrow mid laner. This must make the early rhythm up.

"Xiaojuan, be a bit more wretched, and I'll come on the road to help you catch me when I'm level three. Kyle is easy to catch."

"Okay, I will retreat under the tower when there is no blood."

Although Tian Xiaojuan played well, she obeyed the command very well, and found that the angel on the other side wanted to attack him, and the big bug didn't fight close to the opponent, and kept using skills to clear the line.

She even goes for last hits, but that happens to keep Angel from hoarding too many minions.

Lin Cheng's spider hit the road with a three-level gank on time.

"I'm behind! Xiaojuan follow me."

"Don't worry, wait until I faint you before Q."

The angel presses the line too deep, and Lin Cheng is doomed to be unable to run away after he circles around. After the self-explosive spider clears the minions, Lin Cheng E cocoons and hits accurately.

The big bug hit Q and flew.

"Hit him! I'll give you the head, you can eat it!"

Talking in his mouth to make people head, Lin Cheng very shamelessly kept the spider form Q and killed the angel.

"Ah~~~~Your damage is too low, you can't get a head."

Tian Xiaojuan obviously didn't know that Lin Cheng did it on purpose, "You take it, it's useless for me to take the head."

Lin Cheng: "No! You are useful, and I will help you catch Kyle when he comes back."

Tian Xiaojuan: "Why don't you help me out? This kind of help puts me under a lot of pressure, I can't do it."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry about it below, I will definitely give you the head, and I will help the people below after you get a head."

Lin Cheng swayed in a circle, the angel TP had just returned, and the spider launched a gank to the top lane again.

"OK! There's no eye here. I'll go for it. If he has a flash, don't rush to hand in his skills."

"Heads are given to you, and you eat what you eat."

"Tian Xiaojuan, please stop giving me your head."

That being said, Lin Cheng shamelessly killed the angel with his Q.

"Unfortunately, your damage is too low, and I still haven't given you the head."

"It's okay, just take it, I don't want the head."

Until now, Tian Xiaojuan is still kept in the dark.

After killing the angel, Lin Cheng naturally manipulated the spider to clear the army.

"Kyle has no TP. I help you clear the line and he blows up. It's not that I want to dirty your soldiers."

Tian Xiaojuan: "It's okay, you can eat, you didn't kill wild just to help me."

The audience in the live broadcast room was already laughing like crazy.

"LOL!Is this jungler human? "

"Cheng made it clear that he bullied other girls, and the heads and lines are all dirty KKKKK"

"One person simultaneously GANKs both sides, it really belongs to you!" "

"Hasn't Xiaojuan noticed that her last hits are less than Angel's?"She collapsed herself

"Is it the effect of the show?That is, someone you know, if the passer-by has already opened up"

"Too able to fool, if Kuro is present, Xiaojuan will never be fooled"

On the top lane, Lin Cheng ruined the top laners of both sides, and the two drunks on the bottom lane completed the line kills. Lin Cheng's spider swiped a wave of wilds and returned home, and launched a gank against the top lane.

"I'm here on the road, this wave of Kyle will kill casually without dodging."

"I'll give you the head! As long as you get the head, I'll help you out."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Cheng beheaded the angel again.

Tian Xiaojuan was very frustrated, "Ah~~~ I can't get it."

"Your damage is a bit low, ha! It is indeed damage...hahaha!"

Lin Cheng fooled around for a long time, but couldn't hold back his laughter, which was a little crazy.

Tian Xiaojuan finally came to her senses, "Aren't you doing it on purpose? You didn't kill me on purpose, wow~~~ You are good or bad."

"No, if I lied to you, my surname would not be Cheng."

Rookie couldn't hold back any longer, and laughed out loud.

"Who is laughing?"

"It's okay! He couldn't help being happy when he thought of his girlfriend who was far away in China."

While chatting and laughing, Lin Cheng had almost finished eating up the top lane again.

This time he kept three ranged soldiers.

"I won't eat the little soldier, you eat what you eat."

"But you've finished eating!"

"The angel is coming back soon, I will do another wave later."

"Lin Cheng, come from behind, you will be found if you walk here."

"I'm already behind, Xiaojuan, you are ready to move."

At this moment, the barrage filled the screen with question marks.

"Cheng is too messed up, this is a popular idol, so you are not afraid of being criticized for joking like this?" "

"It's okay, he's used to being washed"

"But their live broadcast is really funny, 23333"

In addition to Lin Cheng, Rookie also began to actively roam on the road after the sixth level.

With the mid laner Rock Sparrow, Rookie's support rhythm is full.

But this guy, like Lin Cheng, had to collect tolls on the road.

Rookie was a little more polite than Lin Cheng, "Excuse me, can I eat this wave of soldiers?"

"Okay! You can eat, it doesn't matter if you come up to help me."

Rookie is also welcome.

Thus, the two ultimate collapsed heroes on the road were born.

One is an angel who was killed to level 8 in 4 minutes, and the other is a big bug who was killed for 8 knives in 13 minutes.

The audience understood it.

This guy Lin Cheng has no good intentions in finding Tian Xiaojuan to match up with, it's just for his own peace of mind to suck blood.

A spider that eats all the minions, wild areas, and human heads is indeed terrifying, and Lin Cheng's development leads the audience.

When the spider went to the bottom lane in the first wave, it was already able to set a second person.

He had a great time killing down below, while the big bug played his own game up there, and from time to time his own middle field came up to collect tolls.

After more than ten minutes passed, Lin Cheng suddenly realized that even a layer of feast on Big Chongzi had no effect.

"Xiaojuan, why don't you eat it? What's your big move?"

"I'm not hungry."

Tian Xiaojuan didn't know if it was intentional, and added: "I'll give you all to eat."

Lin Cheng: "..."

You are beginning to understand the effect of the program, right?
(End of this chapter)

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